Quest Maker of Soul Land

Chapter 156: The Freebie-Yin

Chapter 156: The Freebie-Yin

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Ah Yin remained in a single position for five days. Her sustenance itself happened to be the energy she would absorb from the Blue Silver Variants around her and she cultivated. It was a shocking speed really as she reached Rank 67. The closer she got to reaching rank 70, the greater her excitement grew.

But five days of sitting still also made her ravenous for food with taste and stretching her limbs. These days, even Ja Sun was quite busy.

To others, Ground Devil's corpse would lose value after two particular items are removed.

The 100000-year-old Duskgold Beartaken Torso Spirit Bone.

The 39000-year-old Right Leg Bone.

Ja Sun didn't know the specifics of this spirit bone but he was sure that its skill was... exploding things. This was also the skill that finally tore his left arm when he fought against Ground Devil.

However, Ja Sun had found even more use for it. Ground Devil's entire body was a treasure. Inside his tent, Ja Sun stored the latest rewards of his mission: a chunk of ore, and then looked at a large spool of dull golden thread. Ja Sun simply didn't turn Ground Devil into the fabric. He used the fur and mixed it with his reserve of plated ores and turned it into a very dense but light fabric. The War God's Cauldron continuously revealed the prodigy of the War God who walked these lands.

Next Ja Sun looked at the dark grey hide, again, processed. But not with any ore. Ja Sun simply poured spirit energy worth eleven times his own reserve using the Sigh of Immortal and refined this hide completely.

Finally, the cold blood of ground devil acted as a medium for Ja Sun to crush and mix its bone with internal organs. Ja Sun then proceeded to used it to refine many alloys he had acquired over this period. The Blood acted as the greatest agent to increase the quality of the remaining raw materials he had kept in stock. But Ja Sun didn't use it easily.

His only motive was to finally use up Ground Devil's remaining benefit. He silently stored the items and then looked at the other item he had created on the very first day when Ah Yin began cultivating.

In his hand was a black compact pistol. Ja Sun, due to the nature of his missions in past life, had a great knowledge of guns. Not just pistols, too. But these were ordinary weapons. Against normal men, or even Spirit Masters, Grandmasters, and Elders this would work well. And there is a good chance that if caught off-guard and with a good aim, even a Spirit King might end up losing his life with a clear sniper shot. But Ja Sun loved it here for a reason. The battles were more in control. A bullet shot cannot be taken back but a fist jabbed can be stopped midway and retracted.

Crushing the gun using his physical strength itself, Ja Sun decided to simply try and create a weapon more suited to this world. After all, he knew about guns, but it would take a long time to research a spirit essence gun that uses spirit energy for various

Ja Sun's eyes snapped open.

'Energy guns...' He looked thoughtful. The more Ja Sun thought of it, the more he wanted it. A gun that doesn't need constant rounds of reloading but only the user's spirit energy to shape bullets that are superior to ordinary handguns.

"But... the demands of ammunition is what makes the weapons industry so successful in the first place," Ja Sun frowned. Creative energy guns meant removing ammunition out of the equation. Still, this was just a budding thought quite easily broken as Ah Yin stumbled in with a satisfied smile.

"Ready to leave?" Ja Sun inquired. Their objective was accomplished. Ah Yin coveted this land greatly. Maybe even greater than Ja Sun did because of how beneficial it was for her but she nodded reluctantly.

"Maybe we can leave Spirit Hall? I just love it here," Ah Yin was in a good mood. So good that she purred and lied down on Ja Sun's lap instead. Stroking her head with apparent ease, Ja Sun snickered, "Sure. Why don't we just not return?"

"You would do that?" Ah Yin inquired curiously.

"I don't mind," Ja Sun shrugged, "I can send a clone there. It'll be me only."

"And what about me?" Ah Yin frowned.

"Fake death?" Ja Sun questioned in return as she shook her head, "Something more innovative."

"You were forcefully turned into a beast's palate and then its excretion?" Ja Sun inquired again.

"Funny," Ah Yin remarked with a dull tone as Ja Sun continued calmly, "Anyway, who will stop you? If you want to live here then do it. You can't foresee everything in the first place."

"I can," Ah Yin smiled as she sat up. Her hands cradled Ja Sun's cheeks before she leaned forward to softly peck his lips.

"I can see that in the near future, you will activate your spirit transformation," She whispered.

"Why?" Ja Sun inquired as he closed his eyes, fully intending to enjoy the sensation of Ah Yin's touch and warm breath across his ear.

"Because these past few days you have been caring, and did not disturb me one bit, allowing me to quickly breakthrough... and because I will ask you to activate your spirit transformation."

Ja Sun suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Ah Yin.


"And I can foresee that you will enjoy the next few minutes."

"Oh, I can tell the future, too," Ja Sun flashed a smile and corrected Ah Yin, "And I think it's the next few... hours."


{A/N: I have written a few explicit scenes for this fanfic, and usually, my policy is to always write a complete 'lemon' scene whenever it takes place and not simply summarise it saying: and then they did it. But only by writing a few lemons scenes in this particular novel I've realized that constantly pumping lemons that do not drive the story or the relationships in the novel does not hold any meaning. I didn't set the fanfic in this manner and it would be counterproductive to change it.

So, those who did feel awkward for the scenes, sorry, but I will partially write them when it is required. Like the first time or something more important.

For those who wanted expansion dlc on lemons, sorry, too. You guys already know about Paradise of Infinity and even if it lacks sexual content, it is set in that particular matter so there are going to be a lot of expanded content. A lot.}


"Am I supposed to stay like this?" Ja Sun inquired. Ah Yin seemed much more comfortable when getting spooned by him in a more 'fuzzy' form as she chuckled, "It doesn't cost you more spirit energy, right? Just stay like this. Your fur is so smooth and your ears, too."

Ja Sun's bestial ears twitched. This was a really sensitive spot for him in this form and he scowled, "We never talk about it."

Turning around, Ah Yin gazed at Ja Sun. The size of their bodies was too different and it had been a particularly 'adventurous' moment for the couple. "And to think the Spirit Hall has dubbed you as 'Evil Grandson.'"

"That's right. Lock up your grandmothers," Ja Sun smiled, pecking Ah Yin's lips.

"Anyway, do you think I will get another spirit bone by turning you in?" Ah Yin mused and Ja Sun shrugged, "I know one thing that no bone would be as enjoyable as mine."

Ah Yin simply smiled. At times, she liked Ja Sun's deliberate play on words. In fact, this is when Ah Yin found Ja Sun 'cute.' In bed, that is. Relatively, she meant. Or else, he is either losing parts of his body, insulting royalties, or inciting heists and planning traps for god knows how many spirit masters.

But as she saw Ja Sun smiling happily, Ah Yin recalled her other teammates, too. It was a moment of impulse but she spoke up still, "Hey, I want to share a few of the Immortal Herbs with the remaining few in our team. Especially Brother Oscar and Sister Yuehua."

Ja Sun's smile receded instantly and he looked at her strangely. Frowning.

"Well... it's a shared property so as long as you"

"No," Ah Yin smiled, stroking Ja Sun's cheek, "I want to start making decisions with you... and just want the same respect in return. It's a shared wealth, the Immortal Herbs. And openly sharing them with others would cause a few troubles, I understand."

"Then, why?" Ja Sun inquired. He could understand what Ah Yin was expecting. She wanted them to be more intimate. Sex was all dandy and cool. But intimacy also meant deciding things together... something Ja Sun admitted being a little bad at. A person like him would have his master assassinate his previous team as his dying wish. Clearly, he wasn't truly a team player if he didn't want to be one.

"Back then I would have asked others why should I help them and what I would get in return. But that was because I lacked wealth. Then I gained it. But... I never got a chance to know people that way. For instance, I shunned Jun'er out with that very question many times What would I get in return?

I guess... I want to make up for it."

"Though you don't owe them anything," Ja Sun lied on his back, looking at the ceiling of Blue Silver Variants. He often wondered that now Ah Yin was technically their goddess, did he get any hate from the plants for tarnishing their deity?

"I owe myself that much," Ah Yin returned with a heartfelt smile, "I want others to keep up. A few of them have used their Immortal Herbs and their talents are now permanently increased. The gap will only widen. Don't get me wrong. I'm not patronizing them but I could benefit if others aside from you and Brother Xie, too, catch up."

"Man, you're not good with wealth and treasures at all," Ja Sun grumbled, "Squandering things just because you feel like it..."

"Is that a yes?" Ah Yin nuzzled against Ja Sun while his silver left arm coiled around her.

"Well... give me some time to prepare a farewell, at least. A few words about their time with me. A minute or two for silence for them. Maybe alcohol to cover up for the void they will leave me with," Ja Sun sighed deeply, leaving Ah Yin's speechless for his love of treasure and wealth even remotely useful to him. This simply allowed her to realize just how tough it would have been for Ja Sun to part with the Blue Silver Emperor's Core.


Their return was a shocking one. The news of Qian Daoliu's other disciple reaching the ranks of a Spirit Emperor was notified to every Titled Douluo by their subordinates. There was a stern warning passed down by Qian Daoliu to not include Ja Sun and Ah Yin in their intricate political matters so the duo enjoyed a sense of freedom unknown even to Bibi Dong.

"Where's Erlong? And Xie Xan, too?" Ja Sun inquired as he returned to the office.

"Well," Bibi Dong smiled, "Erlong is going through some issues. It seems like Yu Xiaogang pushed her buttons greatly. Meanwhile, when Xie Xan found out that you overtook him again, he left his post for a while to cultivate until the day of competition, so, you better work for his portion, too."

Bibi Dong was ruthless when it came to corporate matters.

Taking a seat, Ja Sun and Ah Yin huffed, cracking down on their loads of paperwork.

Bibi Dong reviewed everything and passed it on to her 'subordinates.' Xie Xan handled the purchases of the Spirit Hall. Well, their team was given the task to evaluate the resources utilized and gain through the competition one of the most recent ventures, according to Bibi Dong. Clearly, she was experienced in this form of work.

Hu Lana and Jun'er both handled netting the resources gained. Oscar was in charge of reviewing the expected count involved as the number of spectators.

Liu Erlong... was somewhat like an intern. She changed positioned and served various purposes that included organizing the archives. Yuehua had the least amount of responsibility because of her meditation routine.

Finally, Ja Sun and Ah Yin were truly Bibi Dong's left and right hands. Ja Sun was asked to handle the task of providing the documents led by other factions within the Spirit Hall by other Elders which allowed him to speculate Qian Xunji's relationship with the Hint of Evil in the first place.

Meanwhile, Ah Yin took care of all the intake of files from various subordinate factions spread across the continent and other elders ordered by Qian Xunji to report their numbers to Bibi Dong. This was Ah Yin remained out of the scope of politics of the ambitious members of the Spirit City while Ja Sun was allowed to explore his own fortunes by dabbling in political endeavors worth his time.

This finally allowed him one last task before the beginning of the competition.

"I want to supervise the final round of purchase for materials in Gengxin City and also review the craftsman the Hall is employing for the final stage of the competition. Oh, I also want to give the final arena a look."

Bibi Dong looked at Ja Sun, frowning.

"I can understand others but the last part... I don't think even I can authorize it. I have yet to know the location of the final arena myself."

Ja Sun nodded thoughtfully, "Fine, it's not a problem. What about other stuff? Am I allowed to handle it? I have a few personal purchases to make within Gengxin City so this will be a good chance for me."

Bibi Dong nodded, agreeing quite easily. Her budding faction was stuck behind the desk. It was clearly not well for her to not being able to take the initiative in contributing to this venture taken by her master and her teammates had been busy with their cultivation, too. Ja Sun had chosen to not answer any questions regarding his breakthrough aside from the ability of his sixth spirit ring only informed to Bibi Dong so that she can make informed decisions but Ah Yin had hinted that she would soon reveal a few things.

Ja Sun opting to leave now suddenly made Bibi Dong believe that the two matters are related.

And they indeed were. While it was true that Ja Sun was itching to spend gold to purchase some great treasures waiting to be found in the Gengxin City, he simply couldn't bear to look at the sight of many immortal herbs being handed out. It was better to do that when he wasn't present so that when he returns, he can only feel happy for the team's progress... and only the slightest bit sad for the loss of share of Ah Yin's portion of Immortal Herbs.

Then again, Ah Yin had stated the truth. He now proclaimed a joint account with Ah Yin in a way and without her, Ja Sun might have missed out on the blessed land completely. Well, it was a bit of a stretch but there was indeed a chance of Ja Sun moving past that spot due to all the poison.

But there were things he still kept no matter what.

For instance, Ja Sun had already begun absorbing the Death Spider Emperor's mandible's poison when it was something Bibi Dong would have literally killed to get her hands at.

Once Ja sun left for Gengxin City, Ah Yin finally collected the teammates in her own room. That was one location that others wouldn't dare easily spy on due to Qian Daoliu's reputation.

"Ah... so that's why Ka-ul left," Xie Xan understood in an instant and enlightenment flickered on Oscar's expression, too.

Ah Yin nodded with a slightly wry expression.

"It was really hard for me to pursue him," Ah Yin explained as Hu Lana chirped in.

"Hard? I bet," She snickered as everyone's expression turned bleak aside from Jun'er who added, "Maybe it was a slippery slope."

"Oh!" Hu Lana grinned as the two women high-fived each other.

"Anyway, my point is that nobody can know about this. Sister Dong..." Ah Yin looked at her as Bibi Dong shrugged.

"I haven't told anyone I'm with Ka-ul on this one. You should not have called us all together. Instead, the best way was to distribute things individually if you had such a plan... Ka-ul didn't assist you in deciding things?"

"No... he was too depressed," Ah Yin mumbled. Even she wasn't good at just giving freebies. It was the first for her, too. She lacked experience.

"Anyway," Bibi Dong cleared her throat, "Aside from Yuehua who doesn't need to depend on any of these Immortal Herbs at the moment, whatever the remainder of you receive will be kept under wraps.

Hu Lana, I suggest that you wait, too. Nobody knows how this may affect your pregnancy and although seven and a half months is a long period, you will eventually catch up."

Hu Lana nodded. The best she could do in this period was cultivate normally and reach rank 60 before waiting till the 'event.'

"And you all should be prepared. I suggest that you all use these Immortal Herbs the way Ka-ul and Ah Yin detail. They helped me absorb mine, too. There will be a lot of questions. But the fortunate thing is that this is the time of competition itself. If anybody asks about your growth, use my name.

Nobody is allowed to bring in the Supreme Pontiff or the Grand Priest. And if a few people are relentless, beat them. If you cannot hurt them into quietening them then tell me."

Bibi Dong left others thinking on the matter.

"Is violence really the correct approach?" Yuehua inquired and Bibi Dong grinned.

"I've been missing for almost four years in the Spirit Hall. First I had my personal training and then I had to train the rest of you. It has been made clear to me that a personal reputation is needed aside from being the Supreme Pontiff's disciple so the more brutal and tyrannical, the better. It washes out the cowards and leaves the real players in front of you."

She then looked at Ah Yin.

"I don't suppose Ka-ul would also tell where he... and you found such a large quantity of treasures?" Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes and Ah Yin replied calmly.

"We struck the motherlode this time."

Even Ah Yin wouldn't want anyone else to find out about the location of her Blue Silver Palace and all the group knew was that they were headed towards the Star Dou Great Forest this time.

Such a fickle deception wouldn't work on Bibi Dong, of course, but she felt gratified by Ah Yin's action of providing for the team. It is a hard task, even Bibi Dong understood, giving treasures up. And this in itself made her stop from digging in too deep. There was no point in ruining their relationship because of curiosity as infringing on another's benefit for no matter how innocent of a reason often ends in unresolved misunderstanding and distrust.

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