Quest Maker of Soul Land

Chapter 111: Grandson Shakes the Continent

Chapter 111: Grandson Shakes the Continent

Shout-out to Peter Onwuasoanya for support~

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Patre /Fanharem


Ja Sun's eyes were forced shut not only by the light that constantly eroded away at the cover of his feathers but also because of the searing heat that followed. There were too many feathers and the decision to bring out Ground Devil's nightmare proved useful. He realized that Ground Devil was truly a part of the Hint of Evil because of the similar fear of the man in scarlet. And this also brought him enough time to create more feathers and another set of wings that covered him like a giant blanket.

But he was instantly smashed into the wall and thrown back. The impact of the explosion was resisted by innumerable feathers that vanished like snow melting in front of the sun, quite literally this time, which then impacted against his wings and forcefully destroyed his spirit skill, making Ja Sun's blood and energy go out of his control for a moment yet the worst came at the last.

His skin instantly burned all over. White-hot!

Aside from his Vajra Gauntlets and the blood-bound ring gifted by Qian Daoliu, nothing on Ja Sun's body survived. Good thing that most of his wealth was stored inside the ring itself.

But this wasn't the end of it.

His pierced left shoulder that led to a dangling arm instantly shredded, the joint, that is, and Ja Sun's left arm flew from his body. In this instant, the left Vajra Gauntlet instantly vanished from the arm and Ja Sun felt it stream through his torn shoulder itself.

There wasn't even any pain!

The tear was instantly burnt charred just like the rest of his body as he flew back similar to his torn left arm.

But even if he couldn't open his eyes due to his eyelids seemingly melding with the skin of his eyebags, he could still 'see.'

These were the new realms of pain that Ja Sun endured. Every second of it brought great joy and anguish to him. Joy because he found another sensation. Anguish because as he would naturally grow stronger, such new experiences would grow more sparse. His skin blackened like coal and even his lips burnt out quite a bit. The only reason he could still stand was that the wounds of his feet closed up and he could still share his sense with his clone high in the air.

Without stopping, taking cover of the hollow gold light, Ja Sun picked his arm and shot behind Ground Devil that rushed out gleefully. He could survive this explosion and even if Ground Devil may have accounted for such an outcome, he would have never imagined that a being worse than a corpse silently followed him under the disguise of emptiness and held an arm in his right fist that was still covered in cracked but still sturdy golden gauntlet.

Many things occurred in Ja Sun's mind this instant.

His life was worth it because he could endure it. If he can endure his arm being torn off and his eyelids melted shut and his body entirely burnt with his coal-like scrotum and dangling brother simply juggling and causing more pain, then what couldn't he endure? This was the true description of pain worse than death. He had endured death. And now this?

What's next?

But more than that...

'Why the hell aren't you moving?!'

Ja Sun almost cursed out loud. If Bibi Dong had the strength of mobilizing her martial soul then surely, she could have found the strength to move and evade. But surely, the pressure Ground Devil was releasing to keep Bibi Dong in a pressurized state must not have been comfortable.

At this point, Ja Sun also realized that if he was in his real world, then if somebody said to him: You must understand other's pain then he could slap the speaker. He had earned the right to do so.

But like a devil propped up by an Angel, Ja Sun followed with Silver Light Wings, and seeing that Bibi Dong wasn't budging, he began to calculate if it was worth saving Bibi Dong.

But what came as a shock that made him smile so wide that his torn lips revealed his dried gums and ghostly teeth was the fact that despite his most natural thoughts, his body had already activated his first spirit skill before focusing the effects on his four wings and he shot forward.

He pushed Bibi Dong away but not intending to sacrifice another arm of his, Ja Sun threw his other arm that smacked Bibi Dong out of the way. Injuring her but also replacing her position as she flew sideways due to the strength behind the throw and...

'I'll miss you, my left arm,' Ja Sun sighed internally as Ground Devil absolutely shredded that small sweetheart that once belonged to Ja Sun.

"Hmm? Fucker!" Ground Devil roared in fury and then grew dazed in shock.

"Ka-ul!" Bibi Dong screamed, absolutely horrified by the sight of Ja Sun as anger and rancor so great that even the devil would shake filled her eyes and she screeched. Her screech was bestial, like a true monster but at this point, Ground Devil's expression grew dazed before purple filled his body.

The scene was stunning and even Bibi Dong came to a stop.

Blood leaked from Ground Devil's eyes and he crumbled slowly with purple blood filling the vessels of his eyes.

"Huff, finally..." Ja Sun's clone appeared from behind Ground Devil.

That's all it took.

A moment of carelessness developed from exhaustion and accumulating injuries.

Ground Devil's greatest weakness was now his shredded sea of consciousness and Ja Sun had covered the weakness of having highly potent spirit abilities but not enough spirit energy to reveal their true abilities. This time, after absorbing the entirety of his spirit energy inside the Sigh of Immortal, Ja Sun's clone struck harder than an average Titled Douluo. After all, he had completed both the conditions: Spirit Energy and the Quality of Spirit Ring.

Ground Devil couldn't stop his feeble sea of consciousness from finally being destroyed completely. Not so suddenly.

"Ka-ul, hey, Ka-ul! Please, speak something!" Bibi Dong rushed with strength unknown even to her, hugging Ja Sun's charred body as the clone flinched. His arm was destroyed, nothing he could do about it. Not even have a funeral for it. Sighing softly, Ja Sun controlled the clone with ever so energetic Death Astral Combatant and shocked Bibi Dong's head with Gentle Tactics, making her fall unconscious.

"I don't even have skin to experience the hug... much less a functional tongue to speak. I hope Ah Yin can cure this one," the clone, as in Ja Sun, mumbled. Taking out the Sigh of Immortal, Ja Sun silently stored it inside the storage ring then he dragged Ground Devil's gigantic body before storing him, too. Ja Sun knew from his own rewards that once a 100000-year-old spirit beast dies, they will let out a forcefield untouchable by anyone else other than the killer itself. But Ground Devil didn't have any of it.

But Ja Sun truly hoped he had a spirit bone, or few of them. After all, he also took his spirit ring.

Given that his clone had the special Death Astral Combatant which was a part of Ja Sun himself, he could use the storage ring from the clone itself. Once done, Ja Sun carefully picked his own body. He was still breathing but given his condition, not for long. Meanwhile, he pulled up Bibi Dong like a sac. He couldn't take care of her too delicately with such a medical emergency, after all.

And so, Ja Sun's clone began walking while shouting loudly. Calling for his teammates. He didn't have enough spirit energy to even activate his second spirit skill.


"A beartaken with the origins close to one of the most fierce beast to exist: Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear. To think you would let such a valuable member die. Speaking of members, just how much influence Xunji has on other sects based on Hint of Evil?"

An extremely cold and overbearing voice fell on the man Ground Devil remarked as Redstar. Both the figures, one scarlet and one grey, stood on the walls of the Dragon Rising City yet they witnessed the breathtaking battle.

"Angel Douluo. Even the worse of Slaughter City cannot compare to your disciple. And you have two of them. You really have gotten quite lucky," Redstar smiled and endured the pressure directed at him. The two of them seemed completely invisible to the world around them.

"A disciple you went on great lengths to silence. Why?" Qian Daoliu inquired. The calm on his face never left. Instead pride flickered in his eyes. Strangely, pride even more than when his son entered the stage of Titled Douluo.

This battle may have a lasting effect on Ja Sun but Qian Daoliu was proud nonetheless.

To Qian Daoliu's question, Redstar shook his head and sighed. "Angel Douluo... if you can't realize it then I'm afraid I cannot give out answers. I'm physically unable to."

Qian Daoliu glanced at Redstar before nodding, "Fair enough. That brand is not of this world. Most probably a remnant divine artifact's strength. Can you speak of your restrictions?"


"Then, can you tell me the reason why my son would go to such great lengths to kill my disciple? I specifically made clear that they won't interfere with Bibi Dong's succession. And... why on earth would he have not killed this 'new' Ground Devil for his spirit bone? To speak of the obvious, the real Ground Devil is dead, yes?"

Redstar looked thoughtful. The fact that Qian Daoliu realized the true cause of this catastrophe was of no surprise to Redstar. After all, Ground Devil gave the greatest hint. There was someone else after Ja Sun's life. And by knowing the right things and the right people, Qian Daoliu came to this conclusion only after realizing that Qian Xunji was the true mastermind behind this new organization of Evil Cultivators.

"I am unable to discuss any matter pertaining to Qian Xunji. Though, I will say that he is a sick bastard, the depths of which even you continuously underestimate and fail to comprehend. Yes, I killed the real Ground Devil when he became a Titled Douluo ten years ago. And as for your son knowing of that bear's true identity, that's impossible. For matters regarding the Hint of Evil, I'm the true leader. Qian Xunji happens to be my 'owner.' That's all."

Redstar replied with a calm expression.

"Aren't you going to help them?" Redstar looked at Qian Daoliu as he sighed.

"My healing capabilities... fail short to the other one," Qian Daoliu smiled gently and leaned against the wall.

"May I ask something personal?" Redstar inquired.

"Go on."

"What did you eat before impregnating your wife with Qian Xunji?"

"A plate of roasted ginger centipedes," Qian Daoliu mumbled and Redstar gave the man a sidelong glance. Right now, both the experts removed their facades and looked like ordinary men.

"Are you curious? How I could find a Beartaken with a Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear's bloodline?"

"Most likely you killed a Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear and fed it to him," Qian Daoliu scratched his cheek.

"Astute," Redstar nodded.

"Not really," Qian Daoliu shrugged.

"What are those techniques of your disciple? Those pupils, specifically."

"Who cares?" Qian Daoliu replied with an idle expression as he saw the clone dissipating after handing Ja Sun's and Bibi Dong's bodies to the group before they began to quickly set up a temporary spot to take care of them.

"Your disciple also lost his arm. It would affect his vitality and therefore his ascension to the ranks of Titled Douluo," Redstar smiled.

"My disciple lost his arm and gained a 100000-year-old unique Beartaken's life. I'd say this price is a bargain," Qian Daoliu chuckled.

"That pendant of yours," Qian Daoliu opened up, "Is it personal?"

"This?" Redstar opened the pendant, revealing the image of an infant and he sighed softly, "Someone I gaze at from the shadows, if you must know, then I vowed to collect her remains should she meet her end before me. As a promise to her father."

Suddenly, Redstar chuckled, "I could just send my men to your disciples and have them destroyed."

"Why do that? I thought we were enjoying each other's company," Qian Daoliu chuckled and Redstar sighed, "You had to eat centipedes, didn't you?"

"Don't be a bitch about it," Qian Daoliu snorted.

"I just realized, the news of a Spirit King successfully assassinating a Titled Douluo would truly shake the entire continent."

Qian Daoliu glanced at Redstar before crossing his arms, "Who do you think taught him?"

While saying this, Qian Daoliu swore to shower Ja Sun with techniques upon techniques and even more inheritance items. Not because of his achievement but because the next time Ja Sun does something so shocking, Qian Daoliu wanted at least one portion of his teaching to be used. But thinking about it carefully, Qian Daoliu realized that he had guided Ja Sun in achieving his realm of self which is a passive gain.

'Even Ah Yin... and Bibi Dong and others, too."

"I'm going to take my leave now," Redstar spoke up.

"What are you going to tell Xunji?"

"The truth, as always," Redstar whispered before dispersing in red smoke.

Once Redstar left, anger finally flashed in Qian Daoliu's eyes. No act of Xunji inflicted Qian Daoliu's 'honor' but at this moment, Qian Daoliu felt the most insulted and frustrated individual.

Still, he, too, seemed to have disappeared. He headed straight to Spirit Hall. This event would serve to cause a crack in the otherwise cordial relationship of the father-son duo but if Qian Xunji can plot using politics then so can Qian Daoliu wield his authority to suppress Qian Xunji as highly as possible to let Ja Sun and Ah Yin grow naturally until they no longer need to fear such threats.

He didn't have any intention to help Ja Sun, true. But now that he realized the source of targeting, it became personal for Qian Daoliu, too.


A/N: And that's a wrap. The second volume: Grandson Shakes the Continent has come to this end I was hoping. It was bloody just the way Ja Sun enjoys it.

Now, everyone hoping for some romance and (and possibly harem?). I'm not too good with this stuff but I had a blast planning Ground Devil's end. It truly made Ja Sun utilize everything he had. Even the dragon beard needles of his Vajra Gauntlets!

Anyway, I hope I can think of something just as dangerous as Ground Devil for the next volume but considering how it will be the cometition arc now (boring?) I may be able to spice it with some face slaps! Haven't had those in a while.


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