Protagonist?Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 355: 355:Familiar Figures

Chapter 355: 355:Familiar Figures

A fretted ray of clouds emerged from the soil, dyed in blackish smoke, it covered the visions making everything dim for a moment.

Screeching agonizing bestial shrieks were still echoing in everyone's ears. But in the next moment, they saw wave of slime emitting sticky legs and walking ahead like a wave of tsunamis.

The slimy masses took an arachnoid spider shape with their blackish legs elongating ahead like spider legs which enabled them to walk quicker compared to crawling and dragging onto the ground.

Seeing this, an order seemed to have passed, and a change in formation took place on the walls.

Then the soldiers enriched the walls with their sleek metallic snout guns and pointed it ahead. They positioned themselves strategically, each soldier aiming their scopes, eyes locked on the approaching wave of skitter beasts and slimy monsters.

"Hold your positions and prepare to fire, "A man barked, his voice cutting through the chaotic sounds of battle. His orders echoed down the line as soldiers adjusted their sights, fingers poised on triggers.

With precision honed from years of training, the soldiers synchronized their movements. A tense silence fell, broken only by the low hum of energy building within the long snout guns. Then, in unison, they fired.

A devastating cascade of laser beams erupted from the snouts, tearing through the advancing horde with searing accuracy. The air crackled with the sound of superheated flesh and agonized shrieks as the beams incinerated the creatures in their path. Skitter beasts, once ferocious and relentless, were reduced to smoking husks, their twisted forms melting into the ground.

The soldiers maintained their disciplined fire, sweeping the area with lethal precision. The battlefield became a scene of chaos and destruction, illuminated by the blinding flashes of energy and the acrid smell of scorched earth.

Amidst the destruction, a chorus of screeching pain echoed through the air, a haunting testament to the effectiveness of their defense. Commander Garris watched grimly, his jaw clenched in determination as he surveyed the aftermath of their onslaught.

"Keep firing!" he commanded, his voice urgent but resolute. The soldiers obeyed without hesitation, their movements swift and practiced.

Sounds like the bursting of thunder booms kept on erupting one after another.

The sky was covered by a dazzling brilliance of beams falling down on the enemy's beast. The walls had many layers on which the soldiers were stationed rather than being a single platform high above. At present, Leon stood at the highest vanity point and noticed significant things.

The beams pierced through the beasts but they caused no explosion or any heavy damage to the ground like that of missiles but everything in the path of the beam was vaporized.

Just as he was wondering, he heard a loud bang.


His eyes widened, darting straight at the source of sound and he saw the muzzle of the rifle snapping out with a blast.

"What the?"

"That's what the cons of using the long-ranged laser rifles are. The heat generated is quite immense for any metal to handle. For those that can handle it, it's quite precious to use that for mass manufacturing of laser guns. "Elena answered came from the side who observed the flow of the battlefield.

"You know everything here."

"Of course, after all, I am a weapon dealer."

Leon snapped his head towards Elena.

She wore a leathery dress, but her upper portion was a bit exposed. Being taller, Leon's eyes fell on her white jade-like skin and swan neck.

His eyes became dazed and infatuated for some reason, making him mutter his inner thoughts softlyn/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

"What a beautiful neck...A real piece of art..."

"I wish, I could twist that delicate neck and rip it apa..."

"What did you say?"

Leon snapped out of his thoughts and saw Elena giving him weird looks.

"Uhhh!Nothing...I am saying, it's boring to just stand like that. I want to go on the battle.." Before he could even finish his sentence.


As the soldiers maintained their focused onslaught against the advancing horde, a sudden tremor rocked Sector 11.

The ground beneath their feet quaked violently, catching everyone off guard. Rocks and debris tumbled from the walls, and soldiers struggled to maintain their footing as the earth buckled beneath them.

"Fuck it!"

"Damn! Why does this always happen at the wrong time?"

The soldiers shouted over in agony yet their voices barely audible amidst the chaos.

The once orderly lines of defense disintegrated into a scramble for stability as soldiers stumbled and fell amidst the shifting ground.

Elena tumbled and staggered around, she extended her paws and grasped Leon's arm tightly as they struggled to remain upright.

Leon's brows crunched as he felt suffocated and had weird senses of restlessness for some reason. Her touch made him feel disgusted and nauseous.

Soon, a five-figure flashed in wearing black robes and covered with a mask. They seemed to be protectors of Elena.

Each of them was a Martial King.

"Stay close!" she yelled, her voice urgent as she scanned the crumbling battlements.

The earthquake intensified, sending shockwaves through the battlefield. Sections of the walls collapsed with deafening crashes, creating new obstacles amidst the ongoing firefight. Smoke and dust billowed into the air, further obscuring visibility.

Amidst the turmoil, cries of alarm and pain mixed with the relentless screeches of the approaching beasts. Soldiers attempted to regroup amidst the chaos, some taking cover behind fallen rubble while others desperately tried to stabilize their weapons.

His thoughts raced, trying to assess the situation amidst the cacophony of destruction and battle. Beside him, Elena remained also calculated as she scanned their surroundings.

"It seems need to find higher ground or go back!" Elena shouted above the tumult, her voice carrying a note of urgency. Leon nodded in agreement, his mind racing with the need to adapt to this unexpected turn of events.

The earthquake continued to rumble, shaking the very foundation of their defenses. With each passing moment, the situation grew more precarious as the battlefield transformed into a chaotic landscape of survival.

It lasted for a few moments but that was enough to give the enemies an edge where humans maintained the lines to collapse.

Many of the sticky beasts climbed up with elastic legs and was about to jump on the soldier when it's both struck and shot back.

From up above, Leon's eyes widened seeing a familiar figure.

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