Praise the Orc

Chapter 56: To the North (1)

Chapter 56: To the North (1)

Anya, one of the legendary orc warriors who had attended Lenox’s funeral, made news all over the continent for having decapitated an earl’s head. The mad slaughterer Anya and her crew of brutal warriors had infiltrated the castle while the earl had been asleep. They decapitated everyone in the castle and ripped the earl to shreds. Then Anya hung the earl’s head on top of the castle wall and used his blood to leave a message. It contained just one word—‘Revenge.’

With this incident, the human kingdom, which was composed of a loose alliance of cities, was on high alert. Rumors also circulated that the Haedong Balhae clan had disbanded due to the orcs’ vengeance. It wasn’t well known that the Haedong Balhae clan had been involved in the incident in Arnin, but there were testimonies that an orc called ‘Crockta’ had played a decisive role at Chesswood and that Crockta was executing the concrete method on the remaining members of the Haedong Balhae clan. As the Haedong Balhae clan had dissolved without a word, the specifics remained a mystery.

All of this left an impression on players that Elder Lord was an extremely advanced virtual reality game, as an NPC could destroy clans created by players. Some players complained to the Elder Saga Corporation with protests against the use of the concrete method, but they were silenced by the developers who said it was just a part of the game.

After the orcs’ reputation shook the continent, the remaining members of the Haedong Balhae clan dispersed to unknown locations.

“I didn’t know orcs were so persistent.”


“Let’s lay low for a while,” said a man.

They were sitting at a table.

“Can’t believe this happened all because we captured one NPC...”

The man was the Haedong Balhae clan’s master—the man who had collaborated with the earl NPC to raid Lenox and the orcs. The ones sitting next to him were the surviving executives of the Haedong Balhae clan. Most of them had already been captured by Crockta and quit the game or started all over again.

“I’m sorry, Hyun-Chul.”

“N-No, hyung[1].”

“We couldn’t even help you level up much.”

Hyun-Chul, the player who had earned the trust of orcs as Grom and contributed to the success of the raid, was also present. He and the clan master were acquaintances in real life, so the clan master accidentally called him by his real name sometimes.

“Ah, sorry, your name is Luin here.”


Hyun-Chul had changed his name when he reset his character, so he was now Luin.

“I’m preparing something big, so wait a bit. You know that I take care of everyone, right?”


“Yes, hyung.”

“We all know.”

Everyone replied, giving their unwavering support to their clan master.

“Do you know the Heaven and Earth clan?”

“By Heaven and Earth mean...?”

“Isn’t that where Rommell, Choi Han-Sung, is?”

If one had to pick the most famous player in Elder Lord, he always came up—‘Rommell’ Choi Han-Sung, who was a member of the Heaven and Earth clan.

Rommell had a rare job referred to as a hidden class. He had managed to advance to War Maestro class and displayed extraordinary skills in large-scale battles with his tactical command skills. He had been recognized by NPCs for his abilities as a commander, and he worked with royal NPCs to sweep in mountains of gold and accumulate achievement points like crazy.

“Who came up with the strategy to use NPCs? It was all me, Kaynes,” said the clan master.

“Yes, Kaynes hyung.”

“I was the one who introduced Choi Han-Sung to royals.”


“I have a good relationship with him. We will start something big soon, and Choi Han-Sung will be joining us.”

Everyone nodded.

The Heaven and Earth clan was a huge clan worthy of its name. Rommell accepted numerous players into his clan to showcase his abilities as a commander. Because of this, he instigated many wars and competitions among clans.

Even NPC royals sought Rommell’s help when they clashed with other royals. The Heaven and Earth clan was now Elder Lord’s leading mercenary group.

“We will take care of that orc asshole soon...” muttered Kaynes.

Grom, now Luin, thought of the orc as he listened to Clan Master Kaynes’ explanation. He hadn’t been able to see the orc properly on the battlefield, but he managed to see what the orc looked like from the video Laney had uploaded. The orc was covered in tattoos and had a frightening appearance. He seemed familiar.

Luin shook his head. The orc was wearing a worn-out black bandana and carrying a greatsword, but he didn’t have any other similarities to the other orc that Luin was reminded of.

This orc was bigger and had tattoos on his face and body, and his name was Crockta. Above all, he was too powerful. Luin couldn’t imagine that level of strength belonging to a player who had started the game at the same time as him.

It couldn’t be him. Luin couldn’t forget the way Yi-An had looked at him.

‘It’s just a game anyway,’ thought Luin with a smirk.

Yi-An had probably reset by now and was developing a new character. He felt sorry toward Yi-An, but this was the way of the world.

“Hyun-Chul, let’s go hunting. I will support you,” said Kaynes.

“Yes, hyung!” replied Luin.

Kaynes continued, “Everyone else, continue leveling up. We will gather again soon.”

The executives lowered their heads and replied with a hearty ‘Yes,’ their voices ringing throughout the room. Kaynes gestured at Luin to get up and then wrapped his arm around Luin’s shoulder.

“Just trust me,” said Kaynes.

“Yes, hyung,” replied Luin.

“Let’s go!”

“Yes, bul—” Luin paused. He had almost yelled the battle cry of the orcs. Smiling bitterly, he shouted instead, “Yes, hyung. Let’s go!”

The remaining members of the Haedong Balhae clan plotted to return to their former glory while hiding in the shadows.


Crockta glanced over at the sign of the pub. Then he looked at the piece of paper he was holding in his hand.

[If you see an inverted triangle drawn on a pub’s sign, that’s where the Information Guild is.]

He assumed a big city like Maillard would have an Information Guild, but he couldn’t find an inverted triangle on a sign anywhere. Crockta furrowed his eyebrows. He wondered whether he should go to another city.

Crockta continued walking while in deep thought and ended up arriving at a Maillard branch of the Blacksmith Company. He then remembered that he had to repay Stella for yesterday.

“Are you alive?” greeted Crockta as he went inside the store. “Hmmm?”

A male customer was leaning aggressively toward her and complaining about something at the counter. “Hey! I asked for a special scar healing potion, but what’s this?!”

He was pointing at his face. Crockta couldn’t see the man’s face from where he was though.

Stella placed her hands on her chest as if to display her sincerity and said, “Sir.”

“What?! Do you have something to say?!” yelled the man.

Crockta closely observed her response.

“I understand why you are upset. You trusted our company and purchased the scar healing potion, but the product didn’t meet your expectations.”

“So, you understand!”

“I’d also be very angry if I were in your position. You spent a lot of money because you trusted the Blacksmith Company, but its effects were minimal... You must feel disappointed and like you have been scammed. If I were you, I would destroy this place.”


“I’m very sorry,” said Stella as she bowed her head. “To tell you the truth, the special scar healing potion doesn’t have the power to completely erase old scars. That’s the realm of a god. I am being completely transparent with you.”

“Then, what are you going to do? Give me a refund!”

“I understand... your disappointment... but I cannot refund you for a potion you have already used. It’s the company policy... I apologize deeply on behalf of the company. If you give us another chance, we can give you a fifty percent discount on scar-healing services from a clinic that partners with the temple.”

“Cl-Clinic...? What?”

“Unlike the potion, the priests will check on your scar regularly and take great care of it. We can’t guarantee that it will be completely healed, but we can assure you that it will gradually improve. What do you think?”

“How much is it?”

“The price is...”

Crockta nodded his head with approval. There were standard procedures in the world. They had been established as the standard because their predecessors had proved them to be most effective throughout the ages, solidified through practice and theory.

Stella’s response was an exemplary execution of merchant standards. Instead of being swayed by Crockta’s aberrant merchant tactic, she had discovered her own path by following established merchant procedures.

“Amazing,” muttered Crockta to himself.

He nodded in approval again when he saw the customer pay for the temple clinic services. After making the payment, the customer and Crockta ran into each other at the entrance.

“...!” The customer was about to move away after seeing the orc’s menacing face.

However, that was when Crockta spoke. “Hey.”


“Are you really planning to get rid of that scar?” asked Crockta.

A thin horizontal scar ran from the man’s cheek to his sideburn.

The man stared at Crockta. “What do you mean?”

“Based on the calluses on your fingers, you are a swordsman, right?”


“A scar on the back is a swordsman’s disgrace! But a scar on the face is a swordsman’s honor!” Crockta quoted a line from a classic manga that had been popular in the past.


“Moreover, your scar is right below the eye! Even as the opponent’s blade grazed you near your eyes, you kept your eyes wide open and pierced the opponent’s throat! Your scar proves that.”

The man stared blankly at the orc.

The orc grinned and added, “You look even cooler because of that scar.”

“...!” The man wore an expression of enlightenment on his face as he caressed his scar.

Every time he saw the scarred skin, he remembered the battle that had been a close call. It had been a dangerous moment that put his life in jeopardy. As someone who had always defeated his enemies without injuries, he had seen the scar as a shameful reminder of that critical time.

However, that wasn’t the case. A scar wasn’t a warrior’s defect. The man nodded in understanding.

Then he went inside and quietly requested a refund for the temple scar-healing clinic pass.

Stella glared intensely at Crockta, who averted his gaze.

The man returned to Crockta and said, “Thank you. I learned a big lesson thanks to you.”

“There’s a saying about universal brotherhood. Aren’t we brothers since we both walk on the path of the blade?”

“Is that so, brother?”

Crockta and the man firmly shook hands.

“My name is Pallawan. What about you?”


“I’ve heard of it before. They say you are a true warrior,” said Pallawan as he nodded in agreement with the claim. Then he grinned widely. “Even if we meet as enemies on the battlefield one day... I will let you live just once.”


It was a statement full of honor and pride!

Crockta also smiled like a warrior and replied, “Haha, sounds good. I will let you live—twice.”

“Then, three.”




The two grinned and let go of each other’s hands.

“I hope we never have to face each other as enemies.”

“Same here.”

“It was nice meeting you, Crockta. We will see each other again one day.”

“Bul’tar. I hope you stay alive so we can see each other again.”

Pallawan left.

Stella had come to the entrance to glare at Crockta, and she snapped at him as soon as Pallawan exited the store.

“You ruined the sale!”

“...Hmm. I’m sorry.”

“Is this how you pay back others? Hmph.”

“Can I buy a potion to make up for it?”

“Whatever,” replied Stella as she crossed her arms petulantly. “Why are you here?”

“I came to help at the store to thank you for yesterday.”

“Come to think of it, were the ahjussis rehabilitated properly?”

“Not sure. I just did what I could,” said Crockta with a grin.

Seeing his frightening smile, Stella didn’t want to ask further questions. The men could be stuck at a sewer somewhere in Maillard for all she knew.

“Is there anything I can help you with?” asked Crockta.

“Then...” Stella said, rolling her eyes in contemplation, “Open a bank account with us so I can raise my performance.”


“The Blacksmith Company has ventured into finance. It’s a deposit and withdrawal system that utilizes the company’s branches everywhere. It also sponsors correspondence among its users.”

Stella had claimed that it was to raise her performance, but it was her way of maintaining a relationship with this NPC in Elder Lord, where one didn’t know when they would be able to meet someone again. She would manage his money through his Blacksmith Company bank account and be able to contact him through the personal correspondence service.

The beginner orc Yi-An who had been on her friends list had become a distant memory. This orc warrior would be her new friend.

“Hmm. Understood. I didn’t know such a thing existed.”

“It’s a newly introduced service. Here, fill out this document,” urged Stella.

Crockta filled out the document she handed him and then deposited some of the money he had on hand. It was twenty gold coins—quite a large sum of money. This was a side profit he had gained from punishing the Haedong Balhae clan.

“This is your correspondence box number. You can exchange correspondence through magic crystal balls, so if someone leaves a message in your correspondence box, you can see it from any branch. Make sure to check it occasionally.”

“Understood. This is cool.”

“It’s the power of magic,” said Stella as she quickly grabbed Crockta’s document. “You know you still owe me, right?” asked Stella.

“I thought I just had to create a bank account?”

“That’s for helping you yesterday. I will charge you for chasing away my customer next time.”

“Haha, understood,” Crockta agreed to it with a nod. Then he said, “I have something to ask you.”


“Is there a sign with an inverted triangle symbol at one of the pubs?”

“An inverted triangle? I’m not sure.”

Right on time, an employee appeared to relieve Stella from her shift. The employee flinched when he first saw Crockta but relaxed after learning that Crockta was Stella’s friend. This employee was polite toward Stella. It was clear she had advanced a lot within the company; the intern had succeeded!

Stella whispered to Crockta, “He’s an intern.”


This was the immutable law of pain—when one was freed from pain, another appeared to shoulder the pain. Life was a cruel zero-sum game.

“Fine. I will be kind and help you look for the sign. What is it for?” asked Stella.

Crockta and Stella embarked on a search for the pub in question, but no matter where they looked, they couldn’t find a pub with an inverted triangle on its sign. Crockta read over the piece of paper he had received from Derek again.

[If you see an inverted triangle drawn on a pub’s sign, it’s where the Information Guild is.

Enter the pub and order cream spaghetti. Then, request chopsticks instead of a fork and slurp the spaghetti noodles with the chopsticks.


“An inverted triangle...” muttered Stella. She suddenly pointed at a pub on the corner of the street. “Is it that one?”

Crockta couldn’t see an inverted triangle there. It was a pub with a tacky name—‘Oppa, Where Are You Going?’ A worn piece of fabric hung from the sign and quivered in the wind. This pub was a typical adult entertainment establishment, a place of darkness! It didn’t suit an honorable orc like Crockta.

“Where is the inverted triangle...?” asked Crockta.

“There,” pointed Stella.


Upon closer inspection, the piece of fabric wasn’t just any fabric. It was a pair of red panties!


The pair of sheer lacy red panties had the shape of an inverted triangle. If that was the guild’s sign, then he no longer had any confidence in them.

“No way could that be...” muttered Crockta in disbelief. Regardless, he would find out the truth once he ordered cream spaghetti. “Thank you. I was able to find it thanks to you.”

Stella suddenly became guarded against Crockta. “Did you request my help... to come to a place like this?”

The pub looked exactly like a brothel, especially because of the name and the panties hanging from the sign.

Stella began backing away. “Uh, anyways, I will be on my way since you no longer need my help.”

“Ah, no! I think there is a misunderstanding...”

“Have a great time!”


Stella retreated until she was a distance away and then turned around and ran.


Crockta felt ashamed, as Stella now thought of him as that kind of man. He consoled his injured heart and turned toward the pub.

Anyway, everything was fine since he had found the Information Guild. As long as he was able to get the information he needed, it was all good. Would they have information on the remaining members of the Haedong Balhae clan?

Crockta opened the door of ‘Oppa, Where Are You Going?’

1. Hyung is used by males to refer to older males ?

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