Power and Wealth

Chapter 1562: I am his wife

Chapter 1562: I am his wife

In the side hall, in a small resting area, Xu Xianglin and Deputy Chief Zhou were chatting with Zheng Fei. Xu Xianglin took the opportunity to introduce his son, Xu Dong, to Zheng Fei and asked him to call Zheng Fei "Uncle Zheng." Xu Xianglin and Zheng Fei knew each other to some extent and had interacted a few times, but they weren't particularly close. This was a good chance for Xu Dong to get acquainted with leaders at this level, which would benefit his future development. Xu Xianglin's intention in openly disgusting Dong Xuebing this time was not only because of past grievances but also because he wanted to strengthen his relationship with Zheng Fei. He saw it as killing two birds with one stone, so he didn't ignore this side of things and engaged in conversation with Zheng Fei and the others.

As they got into the conversation, they were interrupted by a breathless staff member who rushed in, making a fuss about Secretary Xie's arrival.

"What's going on?" Xu Xianglin asked displeasedly.

The person was panting heavily. "Secretary Xie's car is outside."

Xu Xianglin looked at him. "Secretary Xie?"

The person gasped, "Yes, the new Secretary Xie. The secretary of the City party committee."


The City Party Committee Secretary?

The top leader in Xiaxing City?

Xu Xianglin finally understood, and his expression changed abruptly.

Zheng Fei and Deputy Chief Zhou also understood and took a sharp breath.

Xu Xianglin immediately said, "Why wasn't I informed if Secretary Xie is going on a trip?" They were at a small airport. Xu Xianglin couldn't be unaware if the Secretary of the City Party Committee booked a flight. Moreover, Secretary Xie has just taken office, so there must be much work to do. How could she be on a trip? Even if she were, she wouldn't take a plane. She'd go to the neighboring province by car. Why would he come to the airport?

The staff member said, "It doesn't seem like a trip. Secretary Xie came alone, without luggage. Her car is parked outside, not even in the parking lot."

Xu Xianglin's heart sank. "Did Secretary Xie ask you to notify me?"

"No," the staff member said. "I recognized her but I don't know what's going on. So, I hurried to report to you. What should we do?"

Deputy Director Zhou asked, puzzled, "Is it an inspection?"

Xu Xianglin asked suspiciously, "But why didn't she bring other leaders?"

"Are you sure it was just Secretary Xie?" Deputy Director Zhou asked.

The staff member affirmed, "I saw it. It was just Secretary Xie. She drove here herself."

Xu Xianglin pondered, "Could it be a surprise inspection?" Unable to figure it out, he stopped thinking about it. "Where is she now?"

"She's almost in the main hall," the person pointed to a distance. "Over there. Shouldn't we go and greet her?"

Xu Xianglin shook his head. "We shouldn't make it too grand. If it's a surprise inspection, Secretary Xie won't like it. But if we don't receive her" Since they already knew and so many people had heard it, pretending not to know was impossible. So Xu Xianglin made a quick decision. "You immediately inform the airport leadership and other departments. Let everyone be prepared and take care of their tasks properly. Don't make any mistakes. Show a spirited appearance. If Secretary Xie finds any problems in anyone's department, I'll hold them accountable."

"I understand, Director Xu."

"Hurry, or it will be too late," Xu Xianglin ordered.

The person quickly made a call and walked away, suddenly noticing an empty can on the ground. He quickly picked it up, threw it into the trash can, and shouted to the airport cleaning staff. Everyone present felt as if they were facing a significant enemy.

"Quick, quick!"

"There's something dirty over there on the ground."

"Who's responsible for cleaning this glass?"

Other airport staff present immediately started directing as well.

Although the airport was not poorly managed, it was still a tiny airport in Xiaxing City. Local authorities had significant influence. Ultimately, the local government established this small airport through connections and funding. With administrative authority, not to mention Xu Xianglin, even the highest-ranking airport official would have to consider Secretary Xie's opinions. Deputy Chief Zhou was also somewhat nervous because security at the airport fell under his jurisdiction. He would be responsible if anything went wrong during Secretary Xie's inspection. Zheng Fei was surprised for a moment but didn't say much. He was from the Agricultural Bureau, and airport affairs had nothing to do with him. No matter how much inspection there was, it didn't concern him. So, he looked pretty relaxed.

"Old Zhou," Xu Xianglin looked at him, "let's go out and greet her."

"Okay." Deputy Director Zhou nodded. No matter what, they had to receive her.

Secretary Xie, a woman in her early thirties, was appointed to her position, initially making many people feel dissatisfied, especially those seasoned leaders. Even many cadres below first underestimated her due to her stunning appearance and young age. However, two days later, a senior cadre who had confronted Secretary Xie was reassigned. If it were an ordinary cadre, it would be one thing, but this was a veteran of Xiaxing City who had achieved a lot and had a wealth of experience. Secretary Xie didn't hesitate to deal with him firmly, and the mayor could only turn a blind eye. Everyone then withdrew their contempt for the new Party Secretarya woman who could act decisively and ruthlessly like this was not to be trifled with. However, after all these actions, Secretary Xie still wore a smiling expression from beginning to end after the Standing Committee, which made many people feel a bit creepy.

Xu Xianglin and Deputy Director Zhou prepared to go out with their people.

But before they could move, there was a crisp sound of high heels coming from the opposite side, and then a gorgeous young woman appeared in everyone's sight. There were dozens of people there. All around were passengers getting off the plane or preparing for security checks. But no matter how many people blocked the view, the crowd couldn't drown out this person. It was as if a strand of her hair floating in the air could grab everyone's attention. Her face, figure, aura, and temperament were all extremely eye-catching. It was hard not to notice her.

Secretary Xie had arrived.

The airport staff all tensed up.

Everyone had seen her on TV and recognized her.

Xu Xianglin's heart tightened, but he quickly calmed down. Although Secretary Xie's sudden visit to the airport without prior notice was a bit unexpected, he felt their work here was up to standard and wasn't afraid of being inspected. Moreover, judging from the fact that Secretary Xie came alone, maybe she was here for business.


"Secretary Xie."

Xu Xianglin and Deputy Director Zhou hurried forward to greet her.

The people behind them followed suit, looking respectful.

The newly appointed female secretary of the City party committee glanced at them and then scanned the lobby.

"Hello, Secretary Xie. I'm from the airport," Xu Xianglin quickly said, "If you're on a business trip, I'll arrange a plane ticket for you right away."

The woman waved her hand. "Who called me?"

Xu Xianglin was stunned. Who would dare to call her? They were just a small airport, and nobody would have the courage to contact the City party secretary directly. Besides, they didn't even have her phone number. Although Xu Xianglin felt the voice sounded somewhat familiar, he didn't think much of it.

"Call?" Xu Xianglin said, "There was no call."

It couldn't have been the other airport leaders calling either. No one mentioned that Secretary Xie would be coming today.

Deputy Chief Zhou thought, could it be someone who made an anonymous call to report something that prompted the City party secretary to rush over? But that didn't make sense. There was nothing major happening here. Why would the secretary be bothered to come all the way? She was a top official and wouldn't be so idle. Could something major have been reported that forced the City party secretary to put down her work and come over?

What's going on?

Who called Secretary Xie?

Some of the airport staff around also looked puzzled.

Xu Xianglin's thoughts were similar to Deputy Chief Zhou's. He also thought it might be someone reporting something, and judging from Secretary Xie's narrowed eyes, it was probably not something minor. "Secretary Xie, everything here is normal. I have no idea about any phone calls. Um, well, how about some colleagues from the airport and I accompany you for inspection?"

The woman looked at him. "Everything is normal?"

Xu Xianglin blinked and said, "Yes."

The woman looked at the people in the resting area and the police officers. "What's going on?"

At this point, Zheng Fei hurriedly stepped forward politely and greeted, "Secretary Xie."

The woman recognized him and nodded. "Hmm."

Xu Xianglin immediately explained to Secretary Xie, pointing at Dong Xuebing. Such incidents occurred almost daily at the airportfriction, conflicts, even physical altercations, and verbal abuse were common occurrences, especially given the complex composition of airport staff. Xu Xianglin didn't consider it a big deal, but since Secretary Xie asked, he had to clarify. "It's a dispute. This person disrupted the order at the airport, verbally abused, and physically attacked others. He nearly injured Director Zheng. He refused to admit to starting the altercation or apologize. The situation was awful and had a very negative impact. So, we restrained him. We just called his wife and are waiting for his family to come pick him up. But they haven't arrived even after half a day."

Dong Xuebing smiled, stood up suddenly, and waved to someone nearby.

The woman glanced at him and then said to Xu Xianglin, Zheng Fei, Deputy Director Zhou, and others, "You don't need to wait."

"Um," Xu Xianglin said inexplicably, "Don't need to wait?"

The airport staff also didn't understand what Secretary Xie meant.

Then the woman pointed at Dong Xuebing and said slowly, astonishing everyone, "I am his wife. If you have anything to say, tell me."

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