Power and Wealth

Chapter 1420: Sister Chang Seeking Shelter.

Chapter 1420: Sister Chang Seeking Shelter.


County Investment Promotion Bureau.

Just after 11 pm.

Staff Member Gong Na quickly took over the front desk after finishing her work, and

Dong Xuebing also left the receptionist's position and returned to his desk.

Checking information.

Reviewing investment projects.

Creating project promotional materials.

Dong Xuebing was busy with various tasks.

Ring, ring, ring, his phone suddenly rang. He checked the number. It was a call from Yao Cui.

"Hello, Mayor Dong."

"Xiao Yao, what's up?"

"There's someone looking for you at the entrance of the main compound."

"They can call me if they are looking for me."

"I'm not sure. The person is downstairs and is not from our office, and the security guard didn't let her in."

"Is it a man or a woman? If it's not urgent, tell her to come another day. I'm busy with much work at the Investment Promotion Bureau today."

"It's a woman, and I don't know her name. She seems to have said she's your sister."

"I don't have a sister. If the security reported it that way, let her come to the Investment Promotion Bureau to find me."

"Okay, I'll inform security to give her the address. By the way, she seems to have luggage. Maybe she's not familiar with this area. Should I arrange for a car to pick her up?"

"Does the office have a car?"

"There's one. I'll contact the driver."

"Alright, please do that, Xiao Yao."

"By the way, I heard you're a receptionist at the Investment Promotion Bureau."

"We're short-staffed. I'll handle it for now."

"Maybe I should come over this afternoon to help."

"No need. There's a lot of work in the County, and I rely on you to oversee things at the County government. The Family Quarters project command center and other departments need coordination. I don't trust anyone else. Just stay there. If there's anything, notify me immediately."

"Okay, I understand."

"That's it. Don't come over. Let the driver take her."

Dong Xuebing had no real sisters, but he had too many "big sisters." He was unsure who was looking for him and why she brought luggage. He decided not to dwell on it. After all, it was almost lunchtime, and he would see the person soon. He'd focus on work for now.

Dong Xuebing continued to type rapidly on the keyboard. He selected a few existing images and used Photoshop to enhance the appearance of the project promotion materials. Subordinates usually did this design work, but due to the manpower shortage, Dong Xuebing had to do it himself. Fortunately, with his official background and a computer science degree, it wasn't too challenging.

Ten minutes later.

The County Party Committee compound was very close, and Dong Xuebing heard the sound of a car entering the area. Moments later, the sound of the car leaving echoed in the distance.

The person had probably arrived.

Dong Xuebing looked towards the entrance.

The sound of dragging luggage gradually approached like gurgling water in the corridor.

In the next moment, a fairly attractive woman appeared at the Investment Promotion Bureau office entrance, pulling a suitcase, looking dusty and tired.

At a glance, the woman saw Dong Xuebing. "Xuebing."

Dong Xuebing was stunned and quickly stepped forward. "Sister Chang, why are you here?"

To his surprise, the person was his former colleague Chang Juan, who had called him yesterday. Dong Xuebing hadn't expected it to be her. The two hadn't seen each other for about two years. Seeing her again now, Dong Xuebing felt a bit emotional. He looked Chang Juan up and down, and she hadn't changed muchher face and overall appearance remained the same. She seemed more beautiful, with mature charm exuding her face and body. She looked quite lovely, dressed in a blouse and a rose-patterned long skirt. However, Chang Juan's face showed a bit of fatigue and distress, indicating that she had been troubled at work in the past few days.

Looking at Dong Xuebing, Chang Juan burst into tears, "Xuebing."

Dong Xuebing exclaimed, "What are you doing? Please don't cry." He feared this situation and turned to Zheng Dayou, saying, "Old Zheng, is the office door locked?"

Zheng Dayou immediately replied, "It's not locked."

"Good, I'll use it then," Dong Xuebing said.

Chen Yunsong, who had returned early to arrange a car, walked up and helped Chang Juan with her luggage. "Big sister, let me take it to the office for you."

Gong Na, seeing this, also stood up to pour hot water.

As friends of Mayor Dong, they naturally wanted to take care of her.

After a while.

In the Bureau Chief's office.

Everyone else had left, leaving only Dong Xuebing and Chang Juan.

Chang Juan held the warm water Gong Na had poured for her and drank it in big gulps. She took out a tissue, wiped the corners of her mouth, and then lifted the tissue, wiping away her tears again.

"Chang Jie, don't cry. If there's something, tell me."

"Xuebing, I came here this time to seek refuge with you. You can't ignore me."

"Well, isn't there still a chance for things to turn around? Have they fired you?"

"Not yet, but it's not far off. When they do, I'll have no way out."

"Oh, it's not that serious. Why did you come with your luggage? You didn't even call ahead."

"I thought about it yesterday. You're the only one who can help me. I was afraid you'd refuse if I called, so I took a flight early in the morning to come directly."

"So, what do you mean?"

"I'm not leaving. Help me find a place and I can't stay in that place any longer. I can't wait for them to fire me from my civil service position."

"I'll find a place for you."

"You won't abandon me, will you?"

"How could I? But does your husband know about this?"

"He knows. I told him last night."

"But if you come here, what about your child?"

"My husband takes care of the child. He may be unable to make money, but he can care for the family and the child."

"But you and your husband and child live in different places. This isn't a long-term solution."

"I don't care. Anyway, I must keep my civil service job. If I lose my job, who will support my family? I can't rely on my husband. Xuebing, I know you have a lot of connections. We've been colleagues for so many years. You can't ignore your sister if I'm in trouble."

Chang Juan threw away the damp tissue, replaced it with a new one to wipe away her tears, and said, "I mean, stay with you for a while to avoid the trouble. After this period, you can transfer me back to Beijing. Anyway, I'll follow you during this time. If you don't care for me, I'll sleep on the street. I can't go back anymore."

Dong Xuebing smiled bitterly, "It's not that simple, Chang Jie. Your personnel file is still in Beijing. How can I transfer you here?"

Chang Juan said, "You must have a way."

Dong Xuebing replied, "It's too big of a leap. Here"

Upon hearing this, Chang Juan cried even louder, "Then I'll leave. I won't disturb you."

"Don't go," Dong Xuebing quickly grabbed her arm and made her sit back down. "Let me think about it. Will that work, Chang Jie?"


"Well, if you don't kick him, it'll be easier."

"That old bastard. I will beat him every time I see him. Kicking him was light. It's obvious he harassed me, and he even made me pay for all my belongings, medical expenses, and mental damages. Next time I see that bastard, I'll kill him."

Dong Xuebing sweated, "Calm down. Come on, Chang Jie, have some more water."

After this round of scolding, Chang Juan forgot about crying for a while and complained for a long time.

People in Beijing have a distinctive way of scolding, colloquially known as "Beijing scolding." Listening to it, Dong Xuebing couldn't help but find it amusing. Suddenly, he felt quite familiar. Sister Chang, he remembered, also had this kind of personality. She was lazy, couldn't do any serious work, loved to dress up, and was vain. But if you provoked her, she could be quite fierce, as evidenced by this incident. Chang Jie's ruthlessness far surpassed Dong Xuebing's.

Finally, Chang Juan also grew tired of scolding. She took a few deep breaths, and her expression softened when she looked at Dong Xuebing beside her. "Xuebing, have I caused you trouble?"

"Not at all."

"I didn't mean to bother you. If it's too troublesome, I'll go back."

"Look at what you're saying. We've been friends for so many years. How can I not take care of something if you have something?"

"You're really good. Much better than the man in our family."

Dong Xuebing coughed, feeling a bit cornered by the conversation. He was a person who cared about his face a lot, but in his heart, he did want to help Chang Juan. In the unit where Dong Xuebing used to work, he was known for being protective of his friends. "Let me inquire first. Which department would you like to go to?"

When Chang Juan heard this, she immediately said, "Any department is fine. Sister will listen to you."

Dong Xuebing said, "The departments I'm in charge of are just a few. Currently, our Investment Promotion Bureau is severely short-staffed. However, adding people requires approval from the county, and there will probably be discussions in the afternoon's Party Committee meeting. I can't guarantee you anything, but I'll let you know. Just so you know, our Zhen Shui County is a national-level impoverished county with very poor conditions. You must have seen it on your way here. It's not comparable to Beijing."

Chang Juan said, "I am not afraid."

"You have to be prepared."

"Don't worry, sister is mentally prepared."

"Okay, I'll try to help you if you say so. Whether it works or not, I can't be certain. But I'll do my best. It's almost lunchtime now. Let me take you to eat something. You've been on the road long and must be tired. After lunch, I'll call our leaders and see if they can release you." Dong Xuebing didn't dare to promise too much, but he must have some confidence since he had already said half of it. Even though his relationship with Zhen An Guo wasn't very good, Dong Xuebing couldn't interfere too much in their bureau's affairs. However, requesting personnel transfer was normal, and it wouldn't be considered overstepping.

Chang Juan looked moved and gazed at him deeply. "Xuebing, you're good to sister."

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