Power and Wealth

Chapter 1417: Dong Xuebing’s determination

Chapter 1417: Dong Xuebing’s determination


County Investment Promotion Bureau.

Second floor, Director's office.

Dong Xuebing didn't look too good. He was genuinely frustrated by the investment promotion performance in their county. He could see that it wasn't because the staff at the Investment Promotion Bureau lacked capability. It was simply that the conditions in their county were unfavorable. Otherwise, with Zheng Dayou achieving such modest results every year, how could he continue sitting steadily in the position of Bureau Director without being held accountable? Obviously, in the eyes of the county, Zheng Dayou wasn't deemed highly responsible. They might even consider attracting investments in the millions as a commendable achievement. Dong Xuebing casually took a pack of Zhonghua cigarettes from his pocket, flicked one out, and lit it up. Although Zheng Dayou politely offered him a lighter, Dong Xuebing declined, waving his hand and lighting it himself. Zheng Dayou, being considerably older, treated him with a lot of courtesy, and Dong Xuebing had a good impression of him, naturally showing respect.

"Old Zheng, do you smoke?"

"I do, but not much."

"Well, have one."

"I'll smoke my own cigarettes."

"Come on. Take mine."

"Okay, I'll take one of your good cigarettes."

Dong Xuebing handed him one, and Zheng Dayou accepted it with both hands, sniffed it first, and then leisurely took a puff. Dong Xuebing looked at the cigarette box on his desk. Baodou is a domestic brand that costs about two or three RMB. He sighed in his heart. It wasn't that he looked down on Zheng Dayou, but he felt helpless about the economic situation in their county. In the investment promotion department where Dong Xuebing worked, even the staff who didn't smoke casually pulled out cigarettes worth at least a few dozen RMB. Such departments needed to maintain face. Investors had to believe they were trustworthy and had strength before considering investing. If even the Director smoked cigarettes worth two or three RMB, with no independent office space, and only four people in total, who would be willing to invest? People would probably just take a look and leave. Dong Xuebing knew that this was just a superficial analysis. Establishing a good facade for the Investment Promotion Bureau would require financial support, which their county couldn't afford. It was an impossible task. No matter how much Dong Xuebing talked about it, it wouldn't change the fact that it wasn't his money alone but the money of the entire county.

The situation must be turned around.

This cannot continue.

Dong Xuebing didn't complain for long before he began to think of solutions. He knew that complaining was useless. The county's economic situation was there, and no complaining would change that. Crying and complaining about hardship wouldn't solve the problem; they had to rely on themselves. Dong Xuebing had already laid down the law with Jiang Fangfang before. Although Sister Jiang didn't agree, Dong Xuebing had already spoken. He must help Sister Jiang secure the funds for the road construction. Moreover, the time for Huilan to give birth was not far off. Dong Xuebing had to achieve some outstanding results to have a chance to be promoted ahead of schedule and reunite with his wife in a short time. So, to others, it might not seem like Dong Xuebing, who was in charge of investment promotion, was under much pressure. Because everyone knew that their county's investment promotion was not doing well, which was considered normal. But only Dong Xuebing himself felt immense pressure.

"Old Zheng."

"Mayor Dong, what do you want to say?"

"Get everyone together; I have a few words to say."

If it were another department, gathering everyone would involve some hustle and bustle, contacting people from different units, and making phone calls. But not for their Investment Promotion Bureau; a shout was all it took.

Just four people.

Every detail was visible.

One minute later, in the office area outside.

Cheng Yujie, Chen Yunsong, and Gong Na were all standing there.

Dong Xuebing looked at them, composed himself, and spoke strongly, "I've just discussed the situation with Director Zheng. I don't know what you all are thinking, but after hearing about the investment results of our Investment Promotion Bureau, I feel very uncomfortable and annoyed. An average annual investment attraction of five million is something no one would believe. I know our county's situation, but always finding objective reasons is never meaningful. To achieve results, we have to rely on ourselves. Everyone should know that the counties under Mei He City are also among the top impoverished areas, but it's hard to find a county worse than ours in terms of investment promotion results. Some Counties even have good results. I heard about one county where the annual investment reaches three to four hundred million. I want to ask, why can they succeed while we cannot? Speaking about objective factors is useless. I refuse to believe that we are worse than others. If they can do it, so can we."

Zheng Dayou immediately led the applause.

Chen Yunsong and Gong Na also clapped but with less vigor.

Dong Xuebing looked at them and said, "From the applause, I can tell there is not much confidence. I know you want to say something, but let me say this before you do. There will be an investment promotion conference in the city on Saturday, lasting at least a week. The city should attract many powerful investors. This is an opportunity for us. I've been busy with other matters, but starting today, I will focus all my attention and energy on our Investment Promotion Bureau for the next month. From tomorrow onwards, my office will be here. Zheng, you don't need much preparation. There's an empty desk here; I'll work with everyone here."

Zheng Dayou was taken aback.

The other staff didn't react either, unexpectedly looking at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing said, "I will apply for some funds. It won't be much, but it will be enough. I'll consider the remaining details and specific execution plan when I return today. Tomorrow, I will give everyone a schedule. If you have any suggestions, as long as they help us attract investors, think about them when you return. You can bring it up tomorrow. The future work will be a lot, and it will be busy. Let me give you a heads-up. I hope your spirits and enthusiasm will be different when I see everyone tomorrow."

Gong Na cutely raised her hand.

Dong Xuebing nodded at her, "You have something to say."

Gong Na bravely said, "If the target is the city's investment promotion conference, our manpower may not be enough."

Zheng Dayou hesitated, "Mayor Dong, besides funding, can we ask the county for a few more people? There are only four of us running around; it's really"

"Four people? You're not just four people," Dong Xuebing walked slowly, tapping one of the empty desks, "This is my seat now. From today, we are five people. If we don't have enough receptionists, I'll handle it. Any problems?"

The group exchanged surprised glances, realizing that Mayor Dong was serious.

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