Power and Wealth

Chapter 1405: Under the quilt

Chapter 1405: Under the quilt

Jiangs Mother's Home Download.

It was already 10 pm. in the evening.

Raindrops were still pattering, accompanied by occasional thunder.

"Then, I'll start."

"How should you start?"

"Just rub a few acupoints on the side."

"Can it help disperse the blood stasis?"

"It should be quick. Why don't you lie down? It's cold sitting."

"Well, how should I lie down without facing you?"

"Your injury is in the front waist, um, it's better to lie down facing me. You might need to lift your clothes a bit."

Dong Xuebing propped himself up with his hands on the living room floor, watching as Jiang Fangfang stretched her legs and crawled into the quilt. He also lay down, casually lifting the blanket, covering only their lower bodies. At this moment, facing him, Sister Jiang slowly pulled up the red autumn outfit, revealing the half of the bruise on her front waist. Then, she pinched her fingers and pulled down the autumn pants, exposing all the bruises in front of Dong Xuebing. Jiang Fangfang was quite well-endowed, but where she needed to be thin was also thin. Dong Xuebing clearly saw her sharp hip bones, with a very bony appeal. The surrounding white and plump flesh was also quite sexy. Because the autumn pants had elastic bands, the autumn clothes and pants would spring back if released. Therefore, Jiang Fangfang's hands stayed there, waiting for Dong Xuebing's traditional Chinese medicine massage. Of course, if the pants were pulled below the hip bones, the hip bones would catch them, and the elastic band wouldn't pull them back. But in that case, it would be too much, exposing too much, revealing the curve of the thighs connected to the abdomen. Sister Jiang had no intention of letting herself be exposed.

However, this posture was undoubtedly a bit ambiguous.

If someone unaware saw it, they might think County Mayor Jiang was flirtatiously posing.

Dong Xuebing's Adam's apple moved reflexively, clearing his throat. He didn't dare to show any abnormal expression on his face. With a reach, he touched the bruised front waist in front of him.

So soft.

Warm and cozy, it felt very comfortable to touch.

Jiang Fangfang tightened her waist and gently trembled.

Dong Xuebing quickly let go and asked, "Does it hurt a lot?"

"A little." Jiang Fangfang's expression didn't change, but it was clear that she was really in pain.

"Then I'll go lighter. Bear with it a bit." Dong Xuebing touched her again, this time even more gently, and then began massaging her injury.



Five times

Jiang Fangfang still maintained her indifferent expression

Generally, women have a low tolerance for pain, especially for external injuries. It's normal to cry out when it hurts, but Jiang Fangfang maintained her calm expression even though Dong Xuebing could tell she was enduring much pain.

"Are you cold?"

"It's fine."

"Why don't you cover yourself with the blanket?"

"If I cover myself, how can you massage me?"

"No problem. It doesn't matter through the clothes."

"Alright, it's getting a bit cold."

Jiang Fangfang let go of the blanket and pulled it up.

Dong Xuebing also helped on the side, pulling up the quilt on her side to cover her chest. The two shared one blanket, and as Sister Jiang covered herself, Dong Xuebing's body was naturally covered by the blanket, too.

"Is this posture okay?"

"Yes, just stay still. It'll be better soon."

Jiang Fangfang nodded, watching in front without moving.

Although he couldn't see himself, Dong Xuebing saw that her gaze was roughly in his direction. Feeling a bit embarrassed to make eye contact, he lowered his head and looked at the curve of Sister Jiang's body imprinted on the blanket. Dong Xuebing also lay down, feeling the way under the quilt and reaching over, finding Jiang Fangfang's waist. Following the curve, he touched her front waist again after a few strokes, and Dong Xuebing silently uttered the word "REVERSE."

One second

REVERSE canceled.

He could feel Sister Jiangs waist twist slightly.

When Dong Xuebing continued to randomly press acupoints, Jiang Fangfang spoke, "Hmm, it seems like it doesn't hurt anymore."

"As long as it works."

"You're quick with this."

"Well, your injury wasn't severe."

"The bruise has dispersed."

"We still need to wait a bit. If you're sleepy, you can go ahead and sleep."

If they lifted the clothes and checked, the bruise would be gone. But to make it more believable, Dong Xuebing had to act, pretending to have the skillful hands of a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been appropriate if Jiang Fangfang had gotten up to inspect the wound. Dong Xuebing had lost interest in being in the limelight after all that had happened, and it was better to keep a low profile.

One minute

Two minutes

Jiang Fangfang slowly closed her eyes, seeming ready to sleep.

Suddenly, the phone rangring, ring, ring.

Other than the gentle rain, the room was quiet. The sudden ring startled Dong Xuebing. His hand trembled, and his palm unexpectedly slipped onto Sister Jiang's soft buttocks.


His hand sank into the flesh.

Dong Xuebing quickly withdrew his hand, saying, "Sorry, sorry."

"It seems like it's your phone." Jiang Fangfang did not react.

"Yeah, yeah." Dong Xuebing hurriedly reached for the phone on the coffee table. After lying down, he checked the number. It was a staff member under him, and it was probably an urgent matter. Dong Xuebing answered, "Hello, Old Sun, what's happening? You are not sleeping? Just tell me, if it's nothing, just handle it yourself. You go talk to the person in charge, follow the plan, and make sure not to deviate too much if there are any fluctuations."

Jiang Fangfang raised a finger to her lips, signaling for him to lower his voice.

Dong Xuebing paused, realizing he had spoken too loudly. He glanced towards the bedroom, afraid of waking up the elderly lady. Also, he didn't want Jiang's mother to overhear anything. Dong Xuebing quickly lowered his voice, "How's the progress on your end? What? I can't hear what you're saying about the progress." The other party might be outside, and with the rain, it was a bit noisy. Dong Xuebing spoke softly, and the other person couldn't hear him well.


Dong Xuebing could only grab the blanket and move his body down a bit. He directly lowered his head into the warm quilt, saying, "Hey, can you hear me now? What progress has been made? Okay, thank you for your hard work. Just handle it that way, and we'll discuss the rest on Monday."

The inside of the quilt was pitch black.

Only through the gap in the blanket could some light be seen, vaguely revealing Jiang Fangfang's chin.

As Dong Xuebing spoke, he suddenly realized the current situation. Waves of mature feminine fragrance surrounded him, reaching his face, nose, and ears. There was no perfume, just a faint and refreshing scent. The entire quilt was filled with the aroma of Jiang Fangfang, which might not have been noticeable outside in the spacious living room, but now that Dong Xuebing had covered himself completely with the quilt, he couldn't escape from Sister Jiang's scent, surrounding him from all sides.

A warm and pleasant fragrance wafted over.

Dong Xuebing felt a bit dazed, "Oh, right."

He became absent-minded while on the phone and didn't know what he was saying. In the past, Dong Xuebing was primarily sensitive to visual stimuli, like most people. However, the scent emanating from Jiang Fangfang was just too intoxicating. The fragrant warmth enveloped Dong Xuebing's body, and he couldn't resist it.

Is Sister Jiang using perfume?

Why is her body fragrance so soft and subtle?

Wow, this is too pleasant.

Dong Xuebing became addicted, and his breathing quickened a bit. Not for any other reason, just to take in a few more breaths. However, his nose also momentarily went sour, a side effect of inhaling too quickly. Dong Xuebing quickly stabilized his breathing rhythm and waited for his nose to recover before taking a few more deep breaths.

His face was under the quilt.

His voice was under the quilt.

Dong Xuebing wasn't afraid that Sister Jiang would notice anything.

"Yeah, let's discuss it on Monday. Mayor Jiang will be at work on Monday. You can report directly to Mayor Jiang at that time."

The oxygen inside the quilt was decreasing.

The temperature was also rising.

However, Dong Xuebing was still unwilling to come out and continued talking on the phone inside. Suddenly, he felt something touching his hair. At this moment, Jiang Fangfang also moved her body slightly, and the opening of the quilt widened instantly. Moonlight instantly poured in, allowing Dong Xuebing to see what his hair had touched. Sister Jiangs left chest was wrapped in autumn clothes. Many hairs were stuck in her chest, and Dong Xuebing then remembered that he had retreated two lengths into the quilt, and Sister Jiang was waiting for a traditional Chinese medicine massage facing him. This position happened to be Mayor Jiang's chest. No wonder it smelled so good; it was so close. Although his face didn't touch it, his hair did. This feeling was equally stimulating for Dong Xuebing. He didn't know if it had poked Sister Jiang, but Dong Xuebing had short hair, so it was stiff.

Sister Jiang's body moved again.

Dong Xuebing estimated that he had indeed poked her. The autumn clothes were thin, and the hair must have penetrated them. The sharp sensation would be very apparent even if it didn't penetrate. Dong Xuebing's hair broke through the two barriers and touched her flesh, causing Sister Jiang to move her body.

Is it painful?

Or is it itchy?

Dong Xuebing didn't know, but he quickly pulled his head back.

At this moment, the cadre on the other end of the phone had finished reporting the matters he needed to report. Perhaps seeing that Mayor Dong was a bit absent-minded while sleeping, he didn't disturb him any longer.

"Alright, that's it. Let's hang up."

Dong Xuebing put down his phone. Reluctantly, he crawled out of the fragrant quilt, placed his phone on the coffee table, and retracted his arms. At the same time, Jiang Fangfang opened her eyes and changed her posture.

The two immediately bumped into each other's faces. Although their faces didn't touch, Dong Xuebing's legs, bent during the turn, tangled with Sister Jiang's very fleshy, beautiful legs.

Jiang Fangfang slowly straightened her legs.

Dong Xuebing, feeling embarrassed, quickly retracted his legs and moved away.

Dong Xuebing couldn't bear it anymore, feeling an increasing urge to put his hands inside her clothes.

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