Pet Beasts of the World: Hundred-Fold Multiplier System

Chapter 93 - Breaking the Clear Shadow Shark

Chapter 93: Breaking the Clear Shadow Shark

The clear shadow shark’s attack speed was originally like a cannonball. After it was halved, it could be seen with the naked eye. The shark attacked Xiao Bing repeatedly, but every time it dodged. The shark became very angry, then it noticed that its speed was decreasing.

So, it silently prepared its “acceleration” skill.

The acceleration of the clear shadow shark could increase its speed by two times in the water. Compared to the creatures on the ground, the resistance of the water was exceptionally high.

However, this was enough. As Xiao Bing was concentrating on dodging, it had never thought that the shark would have suddenly accelerated. It dodged the frontal attack but was immediately stabbed on the back by the shark’s mouth!

“Xiao Bing!”

After Xiao Bing was stabbed by the shark’s sharp mouth, it was fortunate that it had the flexibility to stretch and retract freely. Otherwise, it would have died here after the bite just now.

It swam away quickly, thinking that the deceleration skill had lost its effect. So it began to stare at the shark again, trying to start using deceleration.

However, with one using deceleration and the other acceleration, there was almost no impact at all. Xiao Bing was hit by the shark again. This time, it lost its balance and started to spin up and down in the water.

“Xiao Bing, quickly use mimicry!”

Just as the shark was about to bite Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing seemed to have disappeared into a fish tank.

“Eh?” Shuiwen was a little surprised when he saw this. Generally speaking, mimicry was a skill that could only be used when one was close to an aquatic plant or a rock in the water. This seahorse had actually become one with the water and could not be seen with the naked eye.

However, he closed his eyes and revealed a smile. “Unfortunately, sharks do not rely on their vision to catch their prey. The blood on the seahorse’s body just now will be its fatal weakness.”

Shuiwen looked at Fang Yuan and thought to himself, “This young man is at young age. He used an extremely ordinary, or even a weak pet beast to reach the finals. Given time, he will definitely become a powerful trainer.” It was their duty to give the certification to a powerful trainer., and they did not care whether the other party was righteous or evil.

The young man in front of them somehow had a sense of righteousness.

He did not know how the previous young man who had received the certification was doing now. At that time, he could feel a rebellious aura from his body. He hoped that he would not do anything silly.

As expected, the shark saw green and red liquid at the bottom of the water. Although it could hide its body, it could not hide its blood.

Its passive skill, bleeding, would worsen the wound of any creature it hurt in the water.

It rushed to the spot with its saliva. If nothing went wrong, the seahorse would soon be its meal!

Accelerating, the shark’s mouth bit in the air.

But it really only bit the air.

“Xiao Bing, use your strongest killing move. I don’t know what your strongest move is, but if you can’t defeat it with this move, you might lose. Uncle’s dream will not come true,” Fang Yuan had told Xiao Bing just now to squeeze out blood to attract the shark’s attack and took the opportunity to hide behind the shark.

Taking advantage of the short gap between the shark’s full attack, Xiao Bing used freeze to capture the shark. It took less than a second.

With a determined look, it curled his body into a ball and rushed toward the shark!

The shark also turned around its head at this time. It broke free from the freeze and was ready to open its bloody mouth to welcome the attack of the seahorse.

Xiao Bing, who had gone all out, had now shrunk into a ball of the size of a ping-pong ball and crashed into the shark’s eyes.

Although its body was not hard, after it had shrunk into a ball, its density was already comparable to steel.

The shark slowly fell to the ground in a daze. Then, it flipped its belly and floated on the surface of the water.

Shuiwen had an incredulous expression on his face. Then, he announced, “Fang Yuan has obtained the final victory!”

Xiao Bing’s body had been dyed red and green by the blood. It could not hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

Fang Yuan quickly rushed to the venue but he did not know how to swim. He did not know how to carry the seahorse out of the venue.

At this time, a crab dressed in a nurse’s uniform swaggered into the fish tank. Then, it took out a huge syringe and injected some kind of liquid into Xiao Bing’s body which then twitched twice. Using his ability, Shuiwen turned the seahorse into a ray of light and sent it to Fang Yuan.

“Clap, clap, clap.” Thunderous applause sounded at the competition venue. This was undoubtedly an extremely exciting competition for them.

Shuwen walked towards Fang Yuan and handed him a blue certificate. Obviously, this was Fang Yuan’s goal for this trip.

“Congratulations, what an amazing match. You showed me the possibility of winning without using strength.” Shuiwen handed the certificate to Fang Yuan and clapped.

The time on the map was close to zero. It seemed that the sports meet had been timed well.

While Shuiwen waved goodbye with his pet, Fang Yuan returned to the Obelisk of the water arcane realm. The blue light had faded, and Fang Yuan no longer could visit this arcane realm for the time being.


The next day, Fang Yuan took Xiao Bing to the Heart of the Sea pet shop, wanting to tell the uncle the good news.

However, the pet shop had posted a transfer sign.

When the manager of the milk tea shop saw Fang Yuan lingering at the door of the Heart of the Sea, she walked over and handed Fang Yuan a letter.

It turned out that after the uncle lost to the hooligans yesterday, he felt that he was not strong enough. As he did not get into the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, he began to give up on himself. It was Fang Yuan’s battle yesterday that had encouraged him, so he put on his backpack, and started his journey as a trainer again.

“This is going to be troublesome.” Fang Yuan looked at Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing’s originally expressionless face seemed to be filled with regret.

“Isn’t this Xiao Bing?” The owner of the milk tea shop recognized Xiao Bing at a glance. It seemed that he was very familiar with Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing turned her face to the side, indicating that she did not want to talk to her.

“Hahaha, Xiao Bing and her brothers and sisters were left at the entrance of Johnny’s shop. It seems that because her father is very weak, all the babies that she gave birth to have been thrown away. Johnny valued them very much. He raised them up and then found new owners for them. Only this Xiao Bing seems to have a bad temper, so he did not manage to find anyone who was willing to adopt her,” the owner of the milk tea shop said with a smile. Then she took out a milkshake and placed it in front of Xiao Bing.

Like a puppy, Xiao Bing starting licking the milkshake.

Fang Yuan was dumbfounded.

So that was her hidden liking.

But uncle was really a good person.

It also happened that pets were abandoned from time to time. For humans, as long as they didn’t form a soul imprint, there wouldn’t be any negative effects.

However, for pets, without their masters, it was difficult for them to survive in this world.

“Alright, I have to go back to work. I’m also very happy to see that Xiao Bing has found an important companion. I believe Johnny must have valued this then only entrusted it to you.”

Xiao Bing finished the milkshake and licked her lips.

Fang Yuan patted Xiao Bing’s head and smiled.

“You’ll see Uncle again. You have to be strong enough then.”

Although it turned its head away and pretended to be proud, Fang Yuan heard a “Thank you” in his heart.

Such a proud pet beast probably really did not know that telepathy would betray her.

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