Chapter 625 - 625 Chapter 625 Bai Sairong.

625 Chapter 625 Bai Sairong.

Desmond once mentioned participating in an auction in the Martial Sovereign World. It was there that Claire and Sasha heard about how intense such events could be. However, neither Claire nor Sasha expected the atmosphere to go wild to the extent it did after the main item was auctioned.

From the description given by Qiqi, the armor was called Eternal War. One could get an idea just from the name of what the blacksmith who forged it had in mind. With defensive capabilities that would put the hardness of diamonds to shame and unparalleled flexibility, the armor was a masterpiece based only on its most basic features.

Despite this, the armor was more than just a very efficient way of preserving one’s life. All the armor had carved inscriptions and Aura circuits that gave the armor additional abilities, the automatic activation of anti-missile Aura shields, for example. In addition to that and other auxiliary means of defense, the armor had two special skills that gave it the final touch that pushed it to the category of the divine.

Both abilities had been rather lazily named Combustion and Incineration. The first of these abilities, Combustion, was a way to burn the armor’s internal Aura reserves to boost the user’s battle power, something of a berserk mode, though that disabled all other abilities on the armor. Incinerate was a short-range hyper-focused Aura cannon that depleted all of the armor’s Aura reserves and part of the user’s reserves.

Of the two core abilities of the armor, it could be seen that this one was designed as a battle suit, not a defensive measure. However, it was not short of options to function as the latter.

To tell the truth, the armor was a rather absurd piece of equipment to some extent. After all, that thing could kill ascended rank experts with relative ease. That is, assuming the user had the skill to target the ability, incinerate, at an ascended rank fighter.

Whatever the case, the armor spoke for itself and the skill of its creator. At that particular moment, when Qiqi finished describing the armor’s features, things got out of hand.

It was as they said out there: everything happened very quickly. At least, it seemed that way from the point of view of Claire, Sasha, Revna, and Cecilia.

The moment before, they were amazed by the power of that armor that almost looked like a super futuristic battle suit since it even had automatic defense systems. The next moment, followed by a powerful explosion, a bloodstain appeared on the stage next to the armor.


Due to the huge power gap, Claire, Revna, and Cecilia; saw absolutely nothing. Only Sasha, already standing firmly in the two-star class, managed to perceive some of what had happened, although even she only saw some blurry spots moving around.

On the other hand, Xiauyue and Fei Long saw much more clearly what happened despite being caught off guard. Seeing the utter confusion on the girls’ faces, Xiauyue and Fei Long decided to explain the matter since leaving them wondering didn’t seem right. Also, the auction had halted briefly while the blood was cleaned from the stage.

From Xiauyue and Fei Long’s explanation, as well as the speech given by Qiqi a minute later, Claire and the rest understood the gist of the matter. Apparently, a mid-stage expert of the ascended rank, the equivalent of a mid-level three-star-class Aura user, had attempted to rush onto the auction scene to steal the armor.

Predictably enough, the thief was completely pulverized in one hit, leaving behind a huge bloodstain on the stage. At least that’s how Fei Long and Xiauyue described it, but Claire and the rest didn’t see how predictable the whole thing was.

Claire could barely contain the urge to yell at the top of her lungs, “What’s so predictable about this shit? That’s a three-star expert, for god’s sake. Besides you two, none of us could fight a monster like that, and you tell me it’s perfectly normal for it to turn into a human jam.”

Although Claire could restrain her urge to be as foul-mouthed as her beloved Desmond, Fei Long seemed able to read what was on her mind. “It may seem like we exaggerate, but that is not the case. Do you know why? Because the person who killed him was the woman with the hammer from earlier. That old lady is an old monster that, even in my prime, I wouldn’t want to fight. Heck, even if you give me that armor, I still wouldn’t want to fight her.”

Remembering the rather plain-looking woman who looked like a calm young grandmother, Claire also recalled the pressure the woman emitted from her presence and had to agree with Fei Long. Some of Claire even wondered who would be stronger between that old woman and Kryzsha, but she quickly abandoned those thoughts.

Although Fei Long had described the old lady as an old monster, Claire simply couldn’t imagine anything that could fight against that dragoness who called herself the goddess of the mountain. That was especially the case when remembering how Kryzsha had ripped the fabric of space with a casual swipe of her claws, which was as absurd as it sounded.

Luckily, Claire didn’t have any more time to dwell on those thoughts as the auction resumed as soon as the human remains were cleaned from the stage. And so, as the girls discreetly comforted the distraught Cecilia, the bidding for the armor began.

Just as a point of reference, the daily operations, maintenance, and salaries that took place in a medium sect for a month cost twenty million spiritual coins. Considering that the population of a medium sect consisted of about five million inhabitants, of which only 1% were disciples, the cost seemed very high.

Compared to how expensive it was to maintain a sect, the armor, eternal war, was worth an entire sect with infrastructure, population, and upkeep for a year included. Even being able to dissociate themselves from the value of money in another world, Claire’s, Sasha’s, Revna’s, and Cecilia’s eyes were already rolling when the bids passed five hundred million.

To make matters more absurd, in addition to bidding astronomical amounts of wealth, many powerhouses began flaunting their strength and track records as soon as the price approached a sum they couldn’t afford.

Unfortunately for those shallow-pocketed powerhouses, no one gave a shit about his veiled threats. Everyone there, including Xiauyue and Fei Long, were tyrannical monsters that feared almost no one in the world. No one feared a handful of threats that couldn’t be sustained. That was the confidence that came with power, and Fei Long had a lot of power running through her proud veins.

Little by little, the auction became more heated, and the figures reached sums that were already beginning to sound ridiculous, but no one seemed to want to stop. Contrary to what many had expected, the Eternal War Maiden Sect had not brought out a treasure seen once every one or ten years but once every thousand years, and the charm was simply irresistible.

With the same confident and domineering attitude as always, Fei Long raised her bid without a care in the world, or at least until an arrogant and lustful voice reverberated throughout the auction house.

“I, Bai Sairong, the Immortal Golden Tiger of the Immortal Tiger Sect, offer a billion spiritual stones for that pitiful armor. Although it is not the best treasure I have seen in my long and luxurious life, it will make a nice wedding present for my future concubine, don’t you think so, Mei Fei Long?”

Time has always been something relative and difficult to measure according to one’s perception. Just a second ago, Claire could tell that Fei Long was the same as always, energetic and enthusiastic, a little domineering perhaps; however, a second later, she became an apocalyptic force on the brink of explosion.

Claire and the rest had already seen Fei Long’s bloodline ability a couple of times that she called Dragon Strength, where silver scales made of Aura covered some portions of her body, strengthening Fei Long. What they saw at that very moment was something completely different… different, advanced, and more complete.

Not only did the scales look much more realistic, defined, and compact, but there were also other draconic features that Fei Long had never displayed before. A pair of silver dragon horns made of Aura manifested on Fei Long’s forehead simultaneously as a long reptilian tail descended from her tailbone. Fei Long’s canine teeth turned into fangs, and one could even see the faint shadow of a pair of bat wings on her back that couldn’t fully materialize.

But it wasn’t Fei Long’s transformation that terrified Claire and the rest. It was the immense rage she exuded and pressure that didn’t lose one bit compared to the old woman Fei Long called an old monster.

From the lips of the almost crazed Fei Long finally came an answer to the question that had been asked by the man who called himself Bai Sairong. “I don’t remember ever accepting a marriage proposal from a shitty pig like you, Bai Sairong. But don’t worry, when I rip your head off and use it as a pot for the flowers in my garden, you can stop worrying about your memory problems.”

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