Parallel Memory

Chapter 315: Power Of Ace Academy Participants [2]

"Wh-What happened here?"

One of Landon's subordinates shouted. He was sent there to check the status of what happened to the battle between Ace Academy and other school participants that Landon sent. However, he didn't expect that more than a hundred students that they sent were all defeated by Ace Academy participants.

Most of them had lost consciousness, while others were barely hanging on. They were no longer in any position to continue this competition.

He immediately used telepathy to send a message to Landon. It was because of this skill that he was assigned to this mission. As long as the person was within 5 km of his radius, he could send a message to him.

In the depths of Demonwood Forest.

Landon and his fellow participants were slowly moving into the forest. Landon was waiting for a message from his subordinate.

By getting information about Ace Academy, he would need to adjust his strategy. If Ace Academy were defeated, then he would need no further plans and they can depend on their strength to win. However, he knew that this would not be so easy to achieve.

His best bet was that most of the participants from Ace Academy would be injured in the battle, especially Hiro Ernest who was their main target. The worst-case scenario he thought was Hiro being unscathed with some casualties from the Ace Academy side.


Landon stopped. He knew that his subordinate was sending messages. So, he focused on listening to the message that was being transmitted. Others also stopped when Landon stopped. They knew that information about Ace Academy was being transmitted to Landon.

However, Landon's next reaction surprised all the participants present there.

"What! How can that be possible?"

Landon shouted in surprise. His voice could not be heard by his subordinates and he could only listen to the message. However, he yelled uncontrollably when he received those unbelievable messages.

He just received the report that the allies that they sent were all defeated while Ace Academy participants had yet to suffer a single casualty.

Landon knew very well that Hiro was powerful but he didn't expect that the other participants from Ace Academy would be powerful as well. He expected that even if they were no match for Hiro, they could at least take care of the other participants from Ace Academy and decrease their power.

However, Landon didn't expect that the hundred or so participants that he convinced to attack Ace Academy would be easily defeated without doing any damage to the Ace Academy side.

"Landon, what happened?"

"What is the status of Ace Academy? Did they all get defeated?"

The surrounding students asked Landon curiously. They have no idea what Landon heard for him to react so strongly. They knew that Landon was always calm and would rarely show such a reaction.

Landon looked at the surrounding students who were waiting for his answer. He didn't know how to reveal the information as it was too shocking. However, he knew that it was better to just say the truth as it would be known by them later anyway.

"The allies that were sent to fight Ace Academy participants had all been annihilated!"

Landon said. He didn't mix any other words or make it sound less severe. He said the same word that he heard from telepathy.


"How can that be? They had more than a hundred people."

They could not believe what they heard from Landon. Most of them had expected that half of their allies might be defeated during the fight with Ace Academy.

With hundreds of participants attacking, they didn't believe that Hiro would be able to defeat every one of them. They expected that at most, half of their allies might get defeated by Ace Academy.

"What about Ace Academy?"

Someone asked anxiously. If their allies had fought until the end, they held the expectation that the casualties from Ace Academy would also be severe. They hoped that at least half of Ace Academy would be severely injured by their allies.

Landon shook his head.

"No one from Ace Academy has been defeated!"

No sound was made after Landon answered that. The information that Landon revealed was truly daunting. A hundred participants attacked but they could not even make one of the Ace Academy participants stay with them.

They knew that the allies that were sent to attack Ace Academy were weaker than them. But they also knew that it would be impossible for them to fight with those allies and defeat every one of them without suffering any casualties.

It was just the start of the Tournament of Academies, and they had already suffered such a big setback. They could not help but feel hopeless about their plan to dethrone Ace Academy.


Suddenly, Landon started laughing. People around were dumbfounded by him and stared at him.

( What's wrong with you? Did you turn stupid because of the news? )

Many thought that Landon had lost his mind after his plan failed so miserably. However, they also didn't dare say that to him.

"Didn't we already know that Ace Academy would be a difficult opponent? What is the use of being scared now? I already have made a contingency plan in case of such a situation."

Landon said while exuding overwhelming confidence. He didn't seem one bit bothered by the Ace Academy victory. Rather, from the words and aura he was exuding, it seemed like Landon was playing Ace Academy right in his hands.

"That's right! Landon is hailed as the smartest person. He must have already thought of such a scenario. We just need to follow his plan and victory will be ours."

"You're right! Those students were weak. We are different. We will definitely crush Ace Academy."

"Yeah! Let's do it!"

They regained their confidence. They believed Landon would have plans to deal with Ace Academy.

On the other hand, Landon was extremely nervous at that point. While he may have said that he already anticipated such an outcome, in reality, he never thought that Ace Academy would come out unharmed from that battle.

He had planned to combine his current forces with the participants that would survive the fight with Ace Academy and fight with Hiro and make sure he is eliminated in this round. However, that plan was no longer available as all the participants that he sent could not continue the fight anymore.

However, he didn't panic and soon calmed down. Even if there were changes to his plans, he knew that he would just need to adapt to the changes and make plans accordingly.

His choice of sending those participants to fight Ace Academy was also not a wrong move. Now, he gained a new understanding of Ace Academy's strengths and knew that he could not take other participants from Ace Academy lightly.

Landon Wright was brewing a new plan in which he would slowly bring down the power of Ace Academy one by one. He had already thought of a hundred new plans to deal with Ace Academy.

However, he wanted to make sure that his plan would not fail. He wanted to come up with the best plan to defeat Hiro and Ace Academy.

He didn't believe that he could not defeat Ace Academy.

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