Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 207: Freak Show (3)

Chapter 207: Freak Show (3)

Chapter 207: Freak Show (3)

The stage set in the tent was massive and the moment the announcement was made, three Sky Bisons rushed in from the giant entrance cut out of the tarp of the colorful tent as the entirety of the tent boiled with excitement because the next second, the three Sky Bison took flight and moved around the tent in a circle and allowed everyone to notice their clothing as their saddles extended down to a long metal bar strapped down to the sides of the saddles itself.

And the next second, a smaller, probably an adolescent Sky Bison jumped onto the stage with a 'youth' having his head and face covered by Appa's fur riding it alongside a widely beaming woman who wore a headgear reminiscent of a sun's depiction with her braided brown hair tied into a bun while she wore a golden-edged white crop top with golden colors and slick, form-fitting white leggings with a golden waistband and ends around her ankles.

Maybe already informed by those before the duo, the Great Pippinpaddleopsicopolis zeroed in on a familiar figure. He did look different, the great sage realized. He had bulked up considerably in these past few weeks. His skin was now in a shade of a healthy tan, his violet eyes vibrant, and his spirituality... connected. Pippinpaddle didn't know how he knew that the figure had more spirituality but he did! Yet, the sage couldn't help himself from grinning and the other party was the same. Both of their grins widened until they strained their cheeks before they began to laugh loudly.

The spectators were certainly weirded out and the girl behind the Great Pippinpaddleopsicopolis looked a bit dazed as she met her gaze with two pairs of pupils with varying golden shades.

'Is that... Azula?!!' The girl smiled widely even if the fair-skinned and more curvaceous one crossed her arm and snorted while the indifferent one shrugged as Ty Lee was certainly happy that Pippinpaddle stopped in front of the seat she was the most interested in.


"The Great Pippinpaddleopsicopolis needs a volunteer. Who here has the courage to take to the sky?!" The boy purposely deepened his voice, his onyx eyes locking with Nik's violet orbs as he questioned, "Do you have what it takes, young one, to be free?"

Nik almost chuckled. Aang was a special individual because he was bonded with the primordial spirit of order— Raava, and he just challenged the he who houses freedom— Mokshi.

Before others could volunteer, Nik stood from his seat with a smirk.

"Pippinpaddle, this isn't in our performance!" Ty Lee hurriedly spoke in a hushed tone as the youth assured her without tilting his head, "Don't worry, he always makes things more fun with me... I hope we aren't attacked by any spirits tho..."

"Say what?" Ty Lee blinked.

"How about I show if I have what it takes now or not," Nik smiled. Although Aang's glowing eyes mode was absolutely a beast but... Nik could match the young Avatar if not surpass him in other elements but the air.

Saying this, Nik unceremoniously jumped out before raising a chunk of earth to step on it and flip over the flying duo floating around the height of the stand. The next second, he was behind Ty Lee, a sight that made Azula the most annoyed and it showed on her expression.

"Is that the..." Iroh questioned softly and Michi nodded, "Yeah, he is."

"What are you talking about?" Ursa questioned, "Anyway... to think Ty Lee now looks so grown up. I wonder what her siblings are upto."

While everyone had their own thoughts, many only came here for a good show and that included those around Nik.

"Hey, Pippinpaddle, having fun in the circus?" As Aang took to the ceiling of the tent where the other three sky bison including Appa flew in circles, Nik questioned with a grin.

"Yeah!" Aang chimed, "And I just had the great idea of including you, too!"

"You... really are Nik the Plunderer, right?!" Ty Lee finally looked back, her brown eyes wide in curiosity as she even leaned back to observe him better but...

"Ah!" Ty Lee exclaimed as Nik suddenly fell off the adolescent Sky Bison but before Ty Lee could extend her hand towards the youth, he spiraled mid-air under the surprised gasps of many spectators and then landed on Appa's saddle before waving his hand at the group.

"See?" Pippinpaddle grinned while Ty Lee pouted and muttered, "He didn't have to run away like that..."

"I don't think he did—" but before the great sage could assure the slightly bummed out contortionist/acrobat, the girl slipped off the sky bison, too, and instantly latched onto the second larger bison who tilted its body to let Ty Lee grab onto the metal bar strapped underneath.

'Huh... so it's like that,' Nik finally realized why there were bars under the Sky Bison and chimed, "Appa, let me grab onto the metal bar, too."

With that, Appa growled softly and tilted his body as Nik ran up and then swiftly jumped down the diagonally flying Appa, easily grabbing onto the metal bar, too.

The master of the circus... however, was stunned by this. He, like many other members of the circus, knew who was sitting in the front seats. Nik and others were famous alongside the Avatar but after traveling with the young one said to bring balance to the world, others in the circus knew what and why Nik the Plunderer... plundered, even if it happened to be someone else's loved ones.

'I can either stop the performance now to not let anyone get hurt or...'

The leader coughed and announced loudly, "Look at that grace! Look at that form! Let me welcome our guest. He is the disciple of the Great Pippinpaddleopsicopolis! Give a huge round of applause for Kin!"

The girls in the front row deadpanned and almost groaned simultaneously.

"You heard the man, Appa, Jinni, roll-roll-wave!"

Aang's expression grew bright as Appa and the Sky Bison onto which Ty Lee held on curled around when Aang added with a masterful application of airbending, "Nik, jump the moment Appa turns around and throws you up."

The next second, Appa and Jinni spun their body and tossed Nik and Ty Lee toward the ceiling of the tent.

As they flew in the air, quite close in fact, Ty Lee looked at Nik while they started to plummet, "Hi, I'm Ty Lee!"

"Nik," Kin smiled as his gaze momentarily drifted over her entirety but the two were already close to their respective sky bison who had committed another role, and a wave of their tail. Before they did land, Ty Lee hurriedly remarked, "Jump towards Jinni, alright?"

And as they grabbed their bars, Nik and Ty Lee used their momentum to jump past each other as they crossed a great distance in midair and now latched onto Jinni and Appa respectively.

"Hey, not bad!" Ty Lee grinned as Nik chuckled, "Thanks. I've gotten trained by many."

But this was only the beginning. Nik was quick on uptake. He was already interested in a few stunts when Katara had Yue initiated into the dancing dragon stunt so this was wholly exhilarating, making the wait to meet Aang again all the more worth it.

Sure... doing stunts with Ty Lee was fun but Nik didn't know her.

Aang, on the other hand, was a friend that could elicit laughter from him just at each other's sight!


"Kin, huh, I guess we forgot to tag you along with other circus acts," Rena smirked and hugged Nik as he was easily allowed on backstage once he was named Kin. Pulling back from Rena, Nik grinned and bear-hugged Sokka, both of them making the other one elicit an 'oomph' as they tried to hug the hardest. Nik, of course, won now.

However, there were many individuals present from the previous fire-breather to jugglers and so, after shaking Sun's hand and ruffling the head of his son-in-law... Nik was introduced to the many by a very excitable Pippin— ah, the betrayal, it was Aang all along!

"See? I told you Nik isn't some robber! Did you see his performance? Anyway, did you know we have bounties on our heads?" Aang looked towards Nik, chattering, "And we have cool monikers! Oh, I have to tell you about this forest spirit that caught Sun and Sokka!"

"Aang, don't you know it's rude to pester someone like that," the silently observing Ty Lee huffed and pulled the Avatar back, "Sorry about Aang, he has much to learn about manners."

She leaned forward with practically glowing eyes, "Can you really make things disappear? What did you do with the women you took? Is Mai really your girlfriend? You must excite her quite a bit! Ah, and was that Azula next to Mai? Do you know her? And what about that pretty princess Yue? And Katara, Suki?! What about the Blind Bandit? Did you hide her?"

Nik looked at Ty Lee blankly who wanted all her curiosity satiated at once as she continued to stare into his eyes inquisitively.

"Huh... Mai and Azula were right about you. You're really a sweet girl." Nik smiled and left Ty Lee stunned. Well, the duo said nothing but compliments don't hurt anyone, right?

"They... talk about me..." Ty Lee mumbled before her smile grew wide and she pounced on Nik, wrapping her legs around his torso and his arms around his neck while he stood ramrod...

Real straight.

Others' gazes drifted down for a good reason as Ty Lee, oblivious to everything, gushed, "That's so great! I really am glad that they didn't forget about me!"

"Yeah," Nik's voice was muffled, his face most definitely purposely pressed into a bosom as soft and warm as Poppy and Jin, "I don't think anyone would forget you so easily..."

Tom-Tom looked rightly heartbroken while Aang, noticing this, patted his other friend's shoulder and smiled, "I told you so."


"Ty Lee... let the young man breathe. He is being suffocated from both the ends," the circus leader groaned, a little unnerved by Nik's honest reaction, too, while a few male members of the circus were already deadpanning.

"Both ends?" Still skillfully stuck on Nik, Ty Lee pulled back and looked around. Rena, Sokka, and Sun didn't have any major reactions. It would be weird if Nik didn't have some eager reactions given his tendency and as if realizing something, Ty Lee flipped back while jumping and stood in front of Nik... her eyes widening somewhat before she gave a reaction that stunned others, too.

"Ah," with a foxy smile, she chimed, "So you do excite Mai, hmm?"

"No... don't speak anymore..." Tom-Tom groaned at the unholy words and clutched his head.

Nik... suddenly chuckled and put his hands into his pants.

"What the fuck?!" Sokka blurted. Having an erection was fine. Many men of his village once they returned sported an erection all time long with their wives but... to pull it out in public was beyond courageous! It was foolish!

Before others could misunderstand, Nik took out a tiny metallic cylinder as Nik pressed it and it shrunk back through metalbending, and when he widened the distance between his palms, the cylinder thinned and elongated.

"I can keep Mai's interest with a few tricks," Nik chuckled, making many roll their eyes as they began to wonder about his credibility in being the dangerous plunderer.

Noticing a brief flicker of disappointment in Ty Lee's eyes and being the kind scum he was that couldn't leave others dissatisfied, Nik added, "Of course, Mai has long stopped seeking this shaft and turned to a bigger one."

Tom-Tom closed his eyes with a heavy dose of emotional damage. His eyes were opened in the southern water tribe and now... he couldn't see or hear the world the same way ever again.


A/N: I couldn't, in good faith, make Ty Lee's introduction any less chaotic. She deserved a proper erectio— ehm, upstanding introduction given that she's been laying her charms ever since she was a teen. Now the main question... well, suggestion... should I go for Ty Lee's sisters? Again, I will make my own decision but the input of readers is always, always loved!


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