Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 192: Camp of Lust (2)

Chapter 192: Camp of Lust (2)

Chapter 192: Camp of Lust (2)

"Is this really customary?" Yue inquired with a suspicious expression, "You do know that us Northerners and Southerners are just accustomed to sunlight reflecting from the ice around us. That's why we have skin darker than others, right?" She practically answered her own question but still looked at Nik with a ghost of a smirk. Her long white hair was tied up into a bun similar to Poppy and Toph, leaving not a single lock of her hair out. For a second, Nik's gaze fell on her nubile neck as she wore a light blue bikini top with similar underwear to match her blue eyes.

Sensing his gaze, Yue traced her neck while continuing to lay on the lounge chair with her smile growing, "Hmm? Missing something here?" She hinted with a slightly coy tone and they both understood what she meant... and oh, Nik did want to cover her neck with a choker made by his own hand. Sitting down and leaning over her, his hand gently caressed the nape of her neck and smiled, "Of course, it's missing something here. But you knew that the moment you grew frisky with your warrior in front of Hahn, right?"

"I did~!" She chortled, "And I never missed being the princess ever since."

"I'm glad," Nik sighed with a relieved expression. He truly was. But... "To answer your question, it is customary for the warrior to make sure that his princess' skin is not the least bit affected by the sun. So turn over, remove that annoying top and let me lather you with this amazing concoction that you guys use to keep your skin as smooth and perfect as is."

His hand stroked her soft and delicate thighs which were beginning to develop some muscles and getting thicker somewhat. Yue giggled at this, their actions getting into note by others but they didn't pay too much attention. One thing they knew about Nik by now is that he would definitely spend time with everyone whenever possible and seemed to have an infinitely deep repository of flirting and keeping things interesting most of the time.

At his words, Yue did glance toward Iroh's and Zuko's direction who were on the other side of the clearing and looked a little hesitant.

"Don't worry, Iroh is probably counting his blessings as is and Zuko, for all his bravado, can't even look straight and is exercising his movements by keeping his eyes closed." He reassured her with a smile but he couldn't help but think inwardly that her greater problem should be the women around her who would definitely not be shy to give her a playful touch when things eventually do get naughty.

"Fine... but nothing extreme, alright?" Yue conceded with an exasperated sigh but the speed of her body turning around said otherwise as she already knew that she'd get quite the experience under Nik's shamelessness and felt that she had to set at least some condition. Of course, her warrior could do what his heart pleases when they were alone, something she'd shown through actions... and positions already.

"Of course," Nik chortled gleefully as he hooked his finger against the knot of her bikini top and made a quick work of it. His actions attracted quite a bit of attention but he didn't mind. After a bit of fun, Katara wanted to train in a more relaxed manner as seen by her standing close to the edge of the lake and making the waves rise and fall. Not intending to disturb her during her more important moments when she got in the zone during her practice, something that Nik expected in return, too, he turned to Yue. One way or another, he will have one dusky-skinned beauty all creamed up and glossy by his hands!

Already feeling erect, Nik sat over the base of Yue's thighs as she let out a soft, relieved sigh from the pressure on the back of her thighs. Even if she felt the thick shaft trying to hotdog her clothed cheeks, she didn't pay any attention to it and instead enjoyed the touch of his hands as he squirted a thick stream of the sunblock concoction similar to the lotions related to naturally removing their body hair and even reaching a high rate of success in pregnancy control. This was quite an ironic achievement for a society considered barbaric by others.

Applying the potion to her body, Nik pressed his thumbs on her back simultaneously as she crossed her hands under her chin and exhaled against her arms. The sense of his large, calloused hands that didn't stop training ever made Yue feel content. It is a pleasure to be taken care of. To have their hard work and love reciprocated and Nik never shied away from such tasks. The happier people are around him, the happier he will eventually be. That's all.

But Nik also didn't intend to let things get out of hand so while his erection strained against the fabric of his shorts rather boldly, trying to claim the dusky booty in front of him, Nik reigned himself in and playfully slapped Yue's royal cheeks softly, eliciting a soft but playful giggle as he pressed his hands and let his fingers brush through the fabric of her panties and dig into her ass. His thumbs traced her slightly parted inner thighs and then pressed against her damp little quim. Promptly massaging the region, Nik left Yue painfully breathless as he moved to her legs and finished things off with a slow and tender massage around her ankles and toes.

"Alright, time to turn around~" Nik remarked in a cheery tone as already flushed deeply, Yue looked back with her ocean blue eyes hazy yet looking conflicted but Nik didn't keep her hanging for long. Looking, around, he found almost everyone except June, Katara, Zuko, and Toph looking in their direction.

Chuckling playfully, Nik raised a wall of ground, eliciting throaty and exasperated groans from many and leaving one peculiar queen quite embarrassed and honestly, with lurid thoughts only.

They didn't know what happened next aside from a few, completely muffled mewls to tell the tale and once Nik lowered the wall, he was standing beside a completely satisfied Yue who smiled as such. She lay on her back, her brown skin practically glistening with her knees slightly trembling. Yet, what attracted everyone's attention was the strained meat pressed along Nik's left thigh.

'Couldn't he have worn something... wider... wide...' Ursa let out a soft huff and averted her gaze but her friends, who claimed to have opened a flower shop didn't look away from the most satisfying trunk in their life.

Meanwhile, Nik looked for his next targ— ehm, loved one to be satisfied.

Katara gave a smile and shook her head as if knowing what he wanted to ask by looking in his direction. Nik shrugged and nodded in reply. It wasn't that bad. He just had to wait until she was done with her training.

And June was out of the question. She was already tired this morning due to her hangover and now she slept with a content expression while basking in the sunlight... without needing sunblock... like others. Still, he had something planned for June tonight.

Something special.

Before he could look anywhere else, however, the portion of ground under his foot shifted the slightest bit, making him face Toph who was making structures out of the mud as his smile grew a bit. This was one of the best ways to hint at someone...

With a lamb delivering herself to his den out of her own volition, Nik didn't wait for a second longer. To others Toph maybe dangerous than most beasts but a lamb she still remained for him. A very needy, soft, hugable, and obedient but cussing lamb.

While Poppy had her large and creamy melons almost spilling out, she wouldn't let her daughter dress the same way... but Nik had nothing to say about this hypocrisy. He would eventually fuck it out of her. So, there she sat by the edge of the lake, wearing an earthen yellow top that covered her breasts and abdomen somewhat alongside dark brown breeches.

Toph's smile turned wider ever so slightly as she felt Nik's steps and form getting closer. Unlike Yue who sunbathed on the other side of the group, Toph was closer to many and as such, quite a bit of attention was given to his shaft but Nik wasn't about to ruin his fun by letting Zuko fume over it and thus, he quickly sat beside Toph.

They had yet to eat their lunch with the act delayed due to Iroh's request. He personally wanted to cook something for everyone after he trained Zuko so others either rested quietly, or like Yue and Toph, waited for their turn.

One particular gaze almost seared his back as Nik tried to ignore Ursa... he may have invited her but he couldn't possibly greet her with a boner, right? Or could he? Maybe that would make for an interesting conversation but it was better not to do that in public.

"Hmm, the earth practically sent me in your direction, funny, right?" Nik smiled, crossing his legs slightly rigidly as Toph snorted a chuckle, "Earth had good eyes then."

"It does, have you seen them?" Nik chuckled, too, his words making Toph bark in laughter. For better or worse, she liked blind jokes. Of course, he wanted to try and help her heal them. Fortunately, there is something that could heal her and he never had to ask Dhi about that.

Seeing her already lifted spirits growing to further heights, Nik chuckled and hung her arm around her neck. "So? You've been out facing the sun for a long time. Hungry? Maybe thirsty?" Nik questioned as his words tugged a grin from Toph, making her chime, "Both!"

Leaning against her, Nik kissed her ear and whispered, "Hmm... I think I packed some emergency rations somewhere near here." While holding her free hand and bringing it on his strained crotch that pulsated in need, making Toph's smile turn wider. She just glowed up whenever Nik treated her like 'not a' child.

And this was certainly some big boy request right here!

"Poppy..." Ursa, not far away, looked at Poppy who seemed oblivious to what was happening in front of her eyes as if Toph wasn't the blind one but her mother was.

"Hmm, ah, they're just playing," Poppy smirked with a knowing wink as Michi also followed along with a chuckle, "That's what good friends are for~!"

Ursa resisted the urge to roll her eyes but when she turned to look at Azula and see what she was doing, much to her surprise, Azula wasn't there.

"Did you guys see Azula?" Ursa looked at the two and Michi replied with a hum, "I saw Azula and Mai talking... well, arguing about something a few minutes ago when Nik raised that wall and they then left towards the forest."

Ursa frowned and if she has the slightest intent to follow her daughter so that she could stop any conflict that may... nay, WOULD arise, she was held down by Michi who cooed, "Come now, Ursa. Stay and relax. Even Iroh and Zuko seem so relaxed here and I don't think the two of our daughters will get too extreme with one another. In fact, I always wanted to hear the story before you became the queen. Is it true that you came from a legendary line?"

Even Poppy's interest was roused as Ursa revealed reluctantly, "I wouldn't call it legendary or anything but... my grandfather was the previous Avatar. Avatar Roku," she states in a hushed whisper to not let her words trail off, "Iroh knows this but my children don't. I mean... it isn't an achievement to have an Avatar as a grandfather given that I can't even bend an element..."

"Did you ever try it?" Poppy and Michi were able to quickly cope with the shock. But before Ursa could answer, she found Toph's top bent over Nik's crotch as if she was resting her head on his lap but... the slight movements of her torso seem to suggest otherwise. Her golden eyes widened in shock but Poppy and Michi were more interested in this story.

"Hey, come on, Ursa. Please don't leave us hanging. If you want to watch, I can show you something even better later," Poppy reassured with a sincere smile but this was the last thing Ursa wanted to hear as she scoffed and muttered, "Of course, I tried to bend fire... but I couldn't. So I stopped and lived my life until I was scouted by Fire Lord Azulon who asked my hand for his youngest son. Even my father and mother couldn't bend fire but Fire Lord Azulon still considered me a prime 'rear' to be bred with the royal lineage."

But more than knowledgeable about bad conditions at home, Michi and Poppy just accepted the callous tone with which Ursa hissed in venom and Michi finally mused, "No... aren't you an Avatar's descendent? Um... did you try other forms of bending?"

"Huh?" Ursa looked at Michi with a surprised expression only to stun Michi as she inquired further, "You didn't?"

"Should I have?" Ursa inquired with equal confusion.

"I mean... Nik and Aang always... ehm, Nik always says that bending is part physical and part spiritual. You've got the body," Michi smiled and leaned back slightly to fully stare at Ursa until she scoffed with a smile, not the least bit embarrassed by Michi at least, as she continued, "Maybe you're just spiritually attuned with another form of bending. I mean, your grandfather was one, and even if your grandmother wasn't... your parents could possibly have the potential. After all, both Zuko and Azula are firebenders... better than most at that.

Even if your former husband had a part in this, I have to believe that your contributions wouldn't be any less."

Ursa grew a little numb and tried to understand what Michi was trying to say.

Can she bend?

As Michi said, she may already have the body for it... should she try it?

Once again she looked at the 'Avatar' who rested his body on his hands placed slightly back as he suspiciously leaned his head back. Ursa couldn't see what Toph and Nik were doing but with how Suki and Jin were trying to lean forward and sneak a glance while Katara, too, couldn't stop looking in that direction now, Ursa had to imagine that it wasn't anything pretty... but it still must be... attractive enough to prompt such reaction.

If she wasn't sure before then she is now.

This was absolutely a harem and that, too, a rather cooperative one and now, her daughter seemed to be attracted to the notion, too.

Of course, the mother was unaware just how deep her daughter... had already been taken.

Balls Deep, to be precise.


Shoutout to Lucas Fasquelle, Curiouskenny, Danner Yach, and Deividas Seputis!!

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