Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 30: Cang Qing’s Abode

Chapter 30: Cang Qing’s Abode

Su Corporation was one of Thunderstruck Enterprises sponsors. Su Haoyang thought his presence was enough to garner obedience, yet his fame didnt seem to reach this far, with this person giving him the cold shoulder.

Su Haonans face hardened, picked up the phone and dialed, but the ringing never stopped.

Tell Director Lei for me that if your company doesnt fall in line, the Su Corporation will withdraw its endorsements! Su Haonan stomped away.

All sponsors think too little of Thunderstruck, that it would keel over without their money. What a joke.

The leader of the checkpoint, Lei Fei, watched the Hummer kick up a dusty trail as it revved down the road. His men joined in the laughter. 

Lei Fei raised his hand, feeling about, Was that wind just now?

The sky was clear for miles, with not even a breeze.

A faint wind just blew, but for a brief moment.

I felt it too.

Hmm, odd.

Lei Fei slightly frowned.

At this time, Li Mo already passed the checkpoint, rushing up the mountain, to the springs location.

Near the spring, he could see a black tear in space. This was what the Thunderstruck Enterprise called an instance when its real name was time-space rupture.

Only people who had a spiritual root could sense its existence, while normal people could not.

And there was no guard watching it.

Good, it saves me the trouble.

Li Mo flashed a hundred meters forward and he already passed through the time-space rupture.

There were such tears all over the globe, connecting different worlds. But these tears had one thing in common, once they collapsed, they were gone for good, while also kicking out anyone who ventured inside.

Only allowed on

After three seconds of watching the space twisting around him, he appeared in another place.

Before him was a mountain, covered in a lush forest and murmurs of creeks. It was a peaceful place.

Li Mo advanced with great care. What was a time-space rupture? They were ancient events of the past, of people or items. Just that the items belonged to outstanding people that they were able to survive in a time-space rupture. In this place, danger lurked everywhere. 

This wasnt a complete world he was in, but a part of one. Take this tall mountain for example. You couldnt see the top for the clouds, but it wasnt because there was no path to climb above, the clouds were the worlds limit. If one tried to force their way out through the space wall of this world, the subject would be kicked out of the world in that second.  

This world was only this mountain.

Luckily, this world isnt big.

Li Mos face muscles relaxed. Every time-space ruptures world had a common rule. The larger the world, the more dangerous it was.


A cave not far ahead was spotted with his Celestial Eye. It had a rainbow mist wafting about it.

The cave had treasures, evident through the rainbow mist said treasure released.

Li Mo was confused, If the world is so small and barely dangerous, why did chubby get wounded to that state?

The past Du Fei was heavily wounded and only regained consciousness after a month. Li Mo asked him what happened but Du Fei ws tight lipped on this.

How did he get hurt? Why such a heavy wound? Li Mo didnt know the answer even now.

Li Mo presumed it was because of a highly dangerous time-space rupture, but seeing it with his own eyes today, thas wasnt it. 

This world wasnt dangerous at all, which made no sense of his wounds.

Deep in the cave, Du Feis team of testers were using tools to clear out the collapsed tunnel.

This last batch of in-house testers came from all around the globe, professional gamers. In all they were a dozen, plus their leader. The plump Du Feis only eye-catching quality was his size, with nothing else extra to garner the others attention.

Its open! The tunnel is cleared!

After days of constant work, the tunnel was cleared, revealing an open path. 

They all proceed deeper, towards the mist emitting treasure!

Light! A rainbow light!

Theres treasure!

There has to be!

My god, I never imagined such a magical place existed in the world. 

Everyone, lets go and dont talk. Remember to listen to my instructions at all times.

Lei Yan raised his hand for silence.

He was the son of Thunderstruck Enterprise Chinese branchs CEO, Lei Tian. Although just shy over 25, he not once missed joining the in-house testing teams since team 0. He was the most experienced man among the group.

Of course, that went for his strength as well.

Under Lei Yans leadership, they pressed on.

A dozen minutes or so later, they reached an abode.

The inscription before it wrote, Cang Qings Abode.

There was no living being inside, just a stone bed, a stone table, a stone chair, sword and a Daoist robe. While on the bed laid dozens of glittering gems.

The rainbow light came from them.

Lets not get excited everyone. Remember, always listen to my commands. Now it is time to listen me and stand still.

All stood stock still at Lei Yans shout.

Lei Yan ordered, Ariel, scout the place.

Ariel was a professional gamer from a small country in Africa and also a black man. He was always rejected by his teammates.

Ariel walked to the table, lifted the sword, then the Daoist robe

Nothing happened

Lei Yan was relieved and with a sprint in his step, he took the sword and clutched the robe. 

Then, Lei Yans eyes snapped to the pile of gems on the bed.

Lei Yan reached over and something baffling happened. His hand went through the gems. They didnt seem to be real.

Lei Yan was startled and tried again, with no success.

How strange, are they perhaps fake?

The abode was tiny and, as Lei Yan looked around, he found nothing else of notice.

Whats going on?

Lei Yan tried a third time, still nothing.

Ariel and everyone else try out also. Lei Yan ordered.

The testers went one by one, but the result was the same as Lei Yans.

Finally, only Du Fei remained.

Du Fei walked before the bed and reached after hesitating.

The pile of gems flashed brighter and the chubbys hand now held seven gems!

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