Old Ancestor: Thrown Out By The Nanny From The Start

Chapter 156 - Heroic Deeds

Chapter 156: Heroic Deeds

They had sacrificed their lives for other people, which was the noblest act.

The Goldian president’s eyes were filled with tears after seeing the video. He recorded a video himself. In it, he and the Goldian high-ranking officials bowed at a Moonian flag.

“We Goldians want to thank Moon! We’ll always remember the sacrifice the Moonian heroes have made for us!”

Many Moonians couldn’t bring themselves to watch the constant loss of lives. Their children, partners, and parents could be among those soldiers!

More and more people were joining the rescue missions.

“Dad…” A girl cried out and fainted.

Somebody asked, “What’s wrong?”

Another person said, “Tob was his father!”

“What? Get a doctor!”

“Honey, I want to join the rescue team, too.”

“No, you’re not! I won’t let you go out there! You’re not in the military! It’s not your responsibility!”

“The human race is under threat. I can’t just stay here and watch my fellow Moonians die!”

“Saving people isn’t your thing! I know you better than that! You’re staying here! Do you hear me?”


Seeing that the Moonians soldiers were in danger, Soleil, Hosia, and Panthera decided to do something. Padaski, Moon’s closest ally, had already sent out soldiers.

The Soleilian officials said, “Mr. President, Moon has given all it has to save the world. As its friend, we can’t sit here and watch all those soldiers sacrifice themselves! We have to help them!”

The president considered the proposal with a serious look on his face. The conference lasted for over two hours.

Panthera, Hosia, and Soleil still hadn’t taken action.

Only the Padaskians demonstrated how much courage they had. Although they barely had enough IVE Extractors in the country, they still spared some for their neighbors. The government also sent out five thousand soldiers, who joined the Moonians and traveled to the rest of the world.

Everybody could watch the rescue missions online. Countless soldiers lost their lives in earthquakes and storms.

Moon dispatched fifty thousand people first, followed by a second batch of seventy thousand. They only had eighty thousand men to spare now.


The Soleilian president banged his fist on the table. “You’re right! Moon is the only reason that we’ve survived for this long. Now that they need assistance, we can’t remain indifferent. We’ll send out troops to help the Moonians!”

Some high-ranking officials disagreed. “I’m afraid I can’t agree with you! We’re just a small country that nobody pays attention to. How can we help Moon when we can’t even help ourselves? Moon is a big country. It has the power and the obligation to help the rest of the world. Our population is only over 30 million. That’s only a fraction of the Moonian population!”

Some people agreed with him. “That’s true. We don’t have many soldiers, and we haven’t restored peace in our own land yet. Why should we care about the rest of the world?”

“That’s so true!”

“Enough with this nonsense! Where is your conscience? Do you even have a heart? Moon is the only reason that you’re still alive! Without them, we would have been wiped off the face of Earth like all those countries! Understood?! The Moonian soldiers are dying out there! Maybe one more person will save a crisis! Did you see what happened with Ark-9 of Goldia? If there were a few more people on the helicopters, they might have been able to activate the IVE Extractors, and the helicopters wouldn’t have exploded!

“Those five soldiers died because the IVE Extractors weren’t working! How could you be so cold-blooded?! Mr. President, we have every reason to send reinforcements! We can’t wait any longer! Please give your command now!”

“Mr. President, you have to think about our soldiers! If you let them go out there, there’s a high chance that they won’t be able to come back! We can’t do that!”

That was also one of the reasons that the president had been hesitating for so long. He finally had made up his mind. Although Soleil was a small country, it had to do something!

All countries should learn from how generous the Moonians had been. The Soleilians were almost ashamed of themselves.

“That’s enough! The decision has been made. We’re going to assist Moon. It’s not obligatory, and all soldiers can decide if they want to go.”

The decision was welcomed by the whole country, and the soldiers immediately volunteered to join the mission.

The initial plan was to send five thousand people, but seventeen thousand were dispatched in the end. The soldiers were so enthusiastic because they knew what a meaningful mission it would be.

They would be proud of it for the rest of their lives. They would rather fight and die like those five soldiers than live an idle life and remain a nobody.

The mission was like a battle to them.

After Soleil, Pantherese knew it had to do something. It then sent out 80 thousand soldiers to the front line.

Hosia also sent ten thousand people.


Himmel Soan was flying, and underneath him was the sea. The storm was raging, and lightning was striking down. The sky was so dark that it looked like hell had opened a portal there.

The lightning storm was quickly moving toward the inner land.

If he didn’t do something and the lightning storm entered the country, the country would be wiped out. Moreover, the lightning storm would put the rescue teams in danger, too.

Himmel Soan had to stop it.

Just then, he saw a person inside a cyclone when he flew close. That person immediately jumped into the sea.

Himmel Soan had used his mental force to cover the entire Earth, so he didn’t have the energy to investigate the figure.

Nonetheless, he had much sharper eyes and ears.

Even though the raging storm had blurred his vision, he still saw the person. It was a woman!

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