Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 185: The Situation is Good

Chapter 185: The Situation is Good

“Is it?”

Meng Chao felt that Chu Feixiong’s body movements, speed, and the choice of timing had gone through a complete change, and he was happy for his best friend. He thought about it and said, “Then, let’s form a party and head to even more dangerous places to fight. We can refine the Ultimate Style and Army Fist even more so that they can become better!”

After fighting intensely in the depths of the wild for a month, the students had gained a lot more fighting experience than from the years in the city defense. Many of them now possessed the ability to fight on their own without the help of Heaven Realm elites.

The hunting squads they formed were no longer limited to the students within their own universities or courses either. They could form parties among the members of the alliance of the five universities and even be recruited by powerful people to get closer to the dangerous regions near Graveyard Forest, where they would carry out all sorts of missions.

The local government supported letting them form their own parties at will, because this was how a real battle would be like. They paid a lot of attention to the teamwork between various types of soldiers.

If a party was formed purely of martial artists or gunslingers or heroic spirit users or monster controllers and they ran into a hard fight, they would be unable to cope with the situation, and it would be difficult for them to solve the problem.

A standard superhuman squad would usually have at least five fighters, and they would be made of more than three different fighting occupations. They would also have at least two medical soldiers, harvesters, and other supporters. That was the only way they could ensure the highest survivability and greatest fire power.

Meng Chao had gotten to know quite a lot of freshmen from other universities through the Ultimate Style’s study group.

Sometimes, they would go together to hunt. He would even teach them on the spot while he figured out how martial artists of different styles were to work together with the other people.

His battle achievements were slowly climbing up, and he gained the right to enter Deep Yellow Regions and Light Red Regions.

And since he had been fighting against the Black Tortoise’s beast soul, his mental state had been growing stronger as well.

He was eager to test his limits.

But against his expectations, Chu Feixiong’s face turned red, and he said, “I can’t do it tomorrow. Shao Jianqing told me that we’re going to Area No. 578. She heard that there is a lake there which has began boiling a couple days ago. It seems like a fierce beast or treasure has appeared at the bottom of the lake, and we want to investigate it.”

“Then, we’ll do it the day after tomorrow,” Meng Chao said.

“I can’t make it the day after tomorrow either.” Chu Feixiong’s face turned even redder. Fortunately, his dark skin hid his blush, so it was not very obvious. “I’ve also made a promise with Shao Jianqing for the day after tomorrow. We’ll be going to a place near Graveyard Forest in search of Three-eyed Spirit Cats’ nests. We’ll be trying to kill a Three-eyed Spirit Cat King. She said that it’s very beneficial to fight against Three-eyed Spirit Cat’s agility.”

“...” Meng Chao sucked in a deep breath and said, “Then, three days later.”

“Three days later?” Chu Feixiong scratched his head for a long time.

“What now? Do you have another appointment with Shao Jianqing three days later? Has she booked you until New Year? Are you going to her house for a reunion dinner?” Meng Chao had an unpleasant expression.

Chu Feixiong smiled in a rather embarrassed fashion. “That’s not it. You know my situation, right? The ruthless and fierce instructions from the military school insisted on tying me and Shao Jianqing together by saying it’s a study group. Once my results get better, we can be free of each other. I’m trying to break free from that woman as soon as possible, which is why I’m training so hard!”

“Is that so?” Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and trained a sharp gaze on the Black Bear’s dark skin. “Why do I think that you’re pretty happy about being bound to that woman?”

“Meng Chao, we’re all peers. You should be more refined when you use your words,” Chu Feixiong said seriously. “Saying ‘that woman’ is too crude. It’s not suitable for you to use it to describe girls. She never provoked you.”

“What the heck.” Meng Chao was flabbergasted. “You were using that word just now! I was just going along with the flow! I was thinking about how things are unfair for you!”

“Are they? Did I say that?” Chu Feixiong thought about it. “Then, I’ll pay attention to it next time. Let’s not call her that anymore. It doesn’t feel nice when you hear it. A good man doesn’t fight against a woman, right? Even if we really have to fight, it’s meaningless even if we gain advantage verbally. We should use our manliness to completely defeat them... That’s not right either. It’s not ‘us’. You can forget about it. It’ll be more than enough for me to defeat her alone!”

If Chu Feixiong’s astonishing change was only known to Meng Chao, Shao Jianqing and a small portion of people in the Ultimate Style study group, then Wu Wu’s brilliant achievements were known to everyone at the easy lake base.

As one of the four specially recruited students within the fighting courses in the alliance of the five universities, she was the last to join the frontlines.

Before she arrived, Shao Jianqing and the other two had already shown dazzling performances which shocked countless people. They defended the glory of the student recruit system set by Dragon City by showing how fair it was.

Wu Wu’s performance did not lose to that of Shao Jianqing, despite the fact that she had the support of the heroic spirit Female Battle God. In just half a month, her kill count shot up the ranking board, and soon, she surpassed everyone aside from Shao Jianqing and the other two specially recruited students.

On one day, she managed to kill more than three hundred monsters.

On another occasion, she fought for a total of seventy-two hours straight.

On yet another occasion, she destroyed a Demonic Halberd Chinese Alligator nest and killed two Demonic Halberd Chinese Alligator Kings, who were superbeasts.

She renewed all sorts of unimaginable records and became the Daily Star of the east lake base several times. In fact, during the choosing of a Weekly Star session, her overall marks were ranked second, and the person ahead of her was a veteran hunter who was a three-star superhuman.

This shocking performance naturally attracted multiple people’s gazes.

Not only did various sponsors and investors look for her, the social media and livestreaming platforms also sent reporters to interview her.

Wu Wu’s live experiences as she grew up were also a major selling point.

Besides, the local government wanted to turn her into a standard promotional tool.

“A human girl who was lost in the wild returned to the human world after being saved by the Red Dragon Army and was taken care of by the Survival Committee. She regained the glory and dignity of her humanity, and she is now fighting to defend human civilization.”

Such things really motivated people!

Meng Chao had thought that Wu Wu would be really averse to the high number of cameras and flashing lights, or at the very least, she would be incredibly unfamiliar with it.

If she bared her teeth at the camera and started declaring that she wanted to eat this or that, that would be bad.

But to his surprise, the girl was not afraid of the cameras at all. Sometimes, she was very graceful, while at other times, she looked pitiful. Sometimes, she was heroic, while at other times she was as naive as a kitten. Her frowns and her smiles stirred up the netizens’ emotions, and the effects from interviewing her were really good.

“There are also monsters who like putting on makeup on their faces after they become bosses or kings in their groups. They use colorful fragments of crystals to disguise themselves and let out different sounds to show their might,” Wu Wu told Meng Chao in private in a resigned tone.

“Since I want to become the king among the super monsters which are human kind, I have to learn their unnecessary formalities and the ways to promote myself.

“Even though it’s a little troublesome, I don’t think that these promotions are any different from roaring as the king of beats. It’s not difficult to get used to it.”

“You think so?” Then, Meng Chao suddenly noticed something. “Wait, your grammar is no longer broken and fragmented.”

Wu Wu was a little taken aback.

“When you spoke before, you did so in fragments, and there were a lot of grammatical mistakes as well as awkward pauses. You did the same thing when you were interviewed a few days ago.

“Why are you speaking so fluently all of a sudden?” Meng Chao asked in surprise.

“Oh. My grammar has always been perfect, I just pretended that my grammar sucked. It suited my character,” Wu Wu said calmly. “You saw it too. The local government wants to use me to declare the superiority of human civilization and Dragon City’s lifestyle, so I naturally have to pretend to be naive, simple, and cute. Then, I can use this character to get more benefits.

“It sucks that my methods are really brutal and I don’t look cute. The only thing I could do was pretend that my grammar sucks. In the words of humans, you’d say that this is a ‘character setting’.”

Meng Chao found himself speechless. “Don’t you feel tired?”

“Not at all,” Wu Wu said coolly. “99% of the humans are the same as 99% of the monsters. We just need to use our claws to conquer them. There’s no need for you to use words to communicate with them. Everyone thinks that I have broken grammar, so if I run into people I don’t like, I can just choose not to speak and even ignore them. It gives me more time to think about important things quietly. Isn’t that just great?”

“Then why aren’t you speaking in broken grammar today?” Meng Chao asked.

“I forgot.” Wu Wu shrugged. She found it puzzling as well. “I guess it’s because I’m close to you, no?”

Wu Wu, Chu Feixiong, and Meng Chao were not the only new superhumans who had changed completely and improved by leaps and bounds after they joined the northern offense.

It wasn’t even only the superhumans who improved. The normal soldiers who joined the northern offense also learned a lot from the tactical offense as they pushed boldly forward.

It was said that in just a short month, over three hundred people turned into broken-star superhumans.

Triumphant news kept pouring forward from the northern offense, and the situation looked good.

The railroads and public roads between Dragon City and Shattered Starlake gradually took shape. More than two hundred powerful forts defended this artery of traffic, and no matter how much the monsters caused a ruckus, they could not cross the forts.

The low-grade superhumans from the alliance of the five universities and Dragon City University had cleared more than 70% of the regions in Shattered Starlake, and they divided the regions that seemed to be locations where superbeast nests were built and were relatively dangerous into really small areas, then used Long-legged Spiders and reconnaissance drones to monitor them closely. All they were waiting for was to gather a large number of soldiers so that they could take down the entire area in one go.

The powerful fighters sent out a large number of superbeast carcasses from Graveyard Forest every day, and their harvests were so great that it was something rarely seen over the past ten years.

And as the powerful fighters fought day and night, they continued training their minds and bodies, and they reached even higher states. Banners flew practically every day in the bases where the alliance of the five universities and Dragon City University were located in Shattered Starlake, saying things like [Congratulations to whatchamacallit of whatever year he/she happens to be in from insert-name-here university for reaching Heaven Realm.]

The people ate the buffets in celebration for the birth of Heaven Realm elites time and again, and sometimes, there were two or even three people who leveled up on the same day, so the dates of their celebratory dinners clashed!

Good news also came from the Deity Realm elites fighting in Raging Waves.

Apparently, they had already located the nest of the Apocalyptic Beast, and they were about to get rid of the supreme king of beasts in one fell swoop.

At that time, Dragon City, Shattered Starlake, Graveyard Forest, and Raging Waves would all belong to humans!

Everyone cheered happily, thinking that they would gain full victory for the northern offense before winter arrived.

Meng Chao alone felt more terrified the more good news he received.

He just could not fathom how he had never heard of Dragon City obtaining complete victory in his previous life, even though right now, victory was right within their grasp!

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