Nova Roma

Chapter 213 - Entrance to the Imperial Palace of Axocoatl

On the dawn of the fifth day, Pilcoatl was putting the final touches on the great imperial palace and the Axolotls were preparing to receive Princess Erendida and the rest of the gods.

The preparations went from dressing in very beautiful clothes to preparing the tables and the banquet for the guests, they also prepared some things for what they were going to show, all following the orders of Pilcoatl.

Xolotl decided to go to the inauguration of the imperial palace accompanied by his wife Axolotl Sihuace, he prepared for her a beautiful suit made of gold thread.

Using some of the gold that had come out as a secondary process of the great quartz cave, he used his own hands to heat and mold the gold to create the thread.

After using his divine energy he began to weave it to make a beautiful dress to which he adds some gold ornaments, it took a little work to restrain himself with Sihuace’s beautiful body while he adjusted the dress.

But today is an important day since his nephew will finish the job he was entrusted with and can be accepted as Erendida’s fiance.

Not only were they also preparing Felix and Mario who wanted to see how their little sister accepted Pilcoatl, but they also received permission from Mother Tonantzin and Huitzilopochtli to go to the ceremony.

As Huitzilopochtli also wanted to go, since he wanted to see how Jasamin was doing with her pregnancy, he would like to have taken her to the dimension of the gods but it is impossible.

Also present would be Ares and her two women Pandora and Coralia the supreme priestess, who were also pregnant and were under the care of the Metzi warrior Ares had rescued from the city of Anguamuco.

The event would start in the afternoon, so everyone had time to arrive, Flavio was helping to change Yuma and Erendida’s clothes, while Hellena and Aphrodite changed.

Little Bastet was being changed by her grandmother Cleopatra who had arrived with Marco Antonio, Anubis decided to bring them so they could spend time with her family.

When Miyuki arrived, the first thing he did was to help Flavio, who could not change the children, did not even have his suit tie on.

Miyuki looked at Flavio as he adjusted his tie. "You’re still the clueless one I fell in love with, I forgot that ties were never your thing."

Flavio scratched his head "It’s not my fault I studied Archeology not to be a lawyer and have to wear a tie, apart from that I can always trust that my wives will keep me dressed correctly."

Miyuki let out a little laugh and kissed Flavio "Honey if it weren’t for us, I’m sure you would wear flip flops and shorts all day.

Now let me change the little ones, it’s not possible that you turned Yuma upside down. "

When Miyuki turned around Flavio could see a small scar on his wife’s face, very carefully he touched her with his hand and used his divine energy so that the scar could heal.

The scar gradually disappeared while Miyuki felt a warmth in her chest from Flavio’s action

Flavio smiled as he caressed Miyuki’s face which was smooth and without a trace of a scar. "From what he could see, it has not been easy to take care of the empire.

But thanks for taking care of the empire while I was away ... "

Miyuki put his finger on Flavio’s mouth while shaking his head "You don’t have to say anything, I just did my job taking care of our children’s future.

I could do it as many times as necessary. "

Flavio looks Miyuki with love and he gives her a passionate kiss

In the afternoon Pilcoatl who was dressed in a black suit made by his mother Mayahuel was preparing to deliver his father-in-law to the imperial palace.

Before going to receive the guests, he prepared his Axolotls so that they could receive everyone when they pass through the gates of the wall, he armed himself with courage and took his last bottle of breast milk because after that he will return to his baby state You need the care of your parents.

Pilcoatl walked across the bridge while the light of the statues was lit while walking, to welcome the guests to the opening ceremony and delivery.

Flavio, Hellena and Erendida were waiting for Pilcoatl as he moved towards them when he finally arrived in front of them.

Pilcoatl knelt before Erendida "My little princess, you gave me a mission and a month.

During that time I worked day and night to create something worthy of your expectations, also in the process create a new race.

Which will take care of and protect the legacy I built with much love for you, I want to know if I am worthy of being able to be your future husband. "

Erendida smiled and took with her small hands raised Pilcoatl’s face to let him see his smile "I recognize you as my fiance, you have fulfilled my orders to the letter I only have to make the final step."

Pilcoatl nodded and using a quartz knife made a small wound on his finger, Erendida did the same and the two together took the oath, with that Pilcoatl would marry Erendida in some future.

The applause rang all over the place and Pilcoatl got up and then spoke with Flavio "Father, thank you for allowing me to approach Erendida if it had not been for your help and Mother Hellena’s could not have achieved my goal."

Flavio placed his hand on Pilcoatl’s shoulder "This is the simplest part always remember to support Erendida, they will always have my support for what they want to do."

Pilcoatl smiled "Thank you father, now let me show you the beautiful Axocotl palace, I’m sure you’ll love it."

After this everyone followed Pilcoatl on the great Quartz bridge he had built, the magnificent statues with surprising details especially liked Ares, Apollo, and Anubis.

Because they represented the beauty of the human body, Cleopatra and Marco Antonio were surprised that her granddaughter’s husband could have done such a wonderful wonder in a month.

Within them two wonder the wonderful things they could have done if they had had something similar, perhaps they would have surprised Anubis for the great constructions they had created.

Flavio walked Embraced by Hellena and Miyuki, while Aphrodite talked to Anubis, while Arisai and Cyra walked talking to Jasamin who was next to Huitzilopochtli.

When they finally reached the magnificent door, it opened to reveal a lot of beauty ...

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