Nova Roma

Chapter 210 - Fight in the village

R-18 Chapter: Gore

The paper soldiers created with the talismans faced the Ixpuxtequi in the streets and houses of the town, with the help of their warriors Miyuki left the house and with his katana, in hand, she prepared to fight against the monsters.

The paper soldiers used their katanas to try to kill the Ixpuxtequi, but they could only cut the skin in some parts because it had an amazing hardness, Miyuki had no problem killing them because divine energy can cut almost anything.

Miyuki took advantage of the Ixpuxtequi being distracted fighting their paper soldiers and she approached them quickly and forcefully to kill them.

His first prey was fighting two paper soldiers while biting one of the soldiers with his sharp teeth, moving his head from side to side, leaving pieces of paper on the floor in his fight.

Miyuki threw himself against the monster, burying his katana on the right side of the monster, and pulling it out on the left side, splitting the Ixpuxtequi in two, revealing his viscera.

The Ixpuxtequi screamed in pain and tried to drag to attack Miyuki but his arms were stopped by the paper warriors, the Ixpuxtequi tried to break free but it was useless every time he tried his intestines went out.

Miyuki ended the life of the monster by cutting in vertical half of the monster’s skull with its katana, the monster trembled for a moment before it stopped moving when Miyuki was about to kill the next one a thunderous noise was heard in the town.

One of the wooden houses of the town collapsed and from its interior, a big Ixpuxtequi came out a little different from the others because it stood on two legs and had two large braids of hair on its head.

In one of his hands he had a spear made of bone, he looked with his angry mandrill face as his subordinates were fighting white figures but what made him angrier was seeing Miyuki who was holding a gun while killing one of his subordinates

Miyuki could see how the Ixpuxtequi shouted and ran towards her, decided to run to the houses to be able to save time while trying to summon a larger caliber weapon that would allow him to fight against that great monster.

The paper warriors tried to stop him but they were destroyed almost immediately, even so, one of them managed to climb the body of the great Ixpuxtequi and cut one of the monster’s eyes, which screamed and took with his hand the paper warrior to throw him in the ground.

Due to his sacrifice, Miyuki gained valuable time to start his ritual to summon the Kogarasu Maru the first katana created by humans in the 8 century by the great samurai and blacksmith Amakuni and his son Amakura.

The reason why it cannot appear is due to the history it has and a large amount of blood with which it was baptized for centuries, this can cause the bearer of the weapon to suffer from effects similar to those of a cursed weapon.

Miyuki would not like to use the Kogarasu Maru but she has no other choice, he knows very well that the enemy cannot be underestimated, little by little 5 talismans appeared with seals around him and inside them a woman with black hair and eyes came out, with white skin and dressed in a black yukata.

It was the human form of Kogarasu Maru "What do you need from my daughter of Izanagi, I don’t think you summoned me just to see me."

At that moment a lot of noise and screams sounded close, Kogarasu Maru smiled evilly "I understand why you summoned me but why goddess daughter of Izanagi doesn’t use all her power to fight.

I don’t think you can’t do it so I can only think you’re pregnant and that’s why you’re holding back, you don’t have to worry goddess-sama will help fight them but instead I want the son in your womb to wield me.

I can feel that it is not like you or some other god from the island, it is even different from the Korean or Chinese gods, I will not ask for respect to the goddess-sama who is the father but there is no negotiation on my request. "

Miyuki sighed "I have no problem with you being my son’s weapon but I recommend you go out and fight against the Ixpuxtequi, a monster that has two braids in its hair.

I will help you with the normal-sized Ixpuxtequi. "

Kogarasu Maru cracked his bones and a black steel Katana appeared "Come on goddess-sama we can’t let our guests wait."

Miyuki prepared his katana of divine energy and ran while listening to the laughter of Kogarasu Maru, who threw himself against the monsters by cutting off their heads or some parts of his body leaving a bloody path.

The large Ixpuxtequi used his bone spear to hit the insect that approached him, Kogarasu Maru dodged the blows without a strategy of the great monster and in one of them, he climbed the bone spear and reached the shoulder of his hand of the eagle where he buried his katana.

Kogarasu Maru smiled and threw himself on the ground, letting his katana cut off part of the monster’s arm which he screamed and tried to take off the insect that had hurt him but before he could do anything.

Miyuki jumped and using his katana of divine energy cut part of the junction between the mouth and the shoulder where the neck should be where a large amount of blood came from, the Ixpuxtequi tried to use his hand to stop the blood coming out of the wound but It was useless.

At that moment he could feel how his feet were cut and lost the ability to stand, just enough that Miyuki and Kogarasu Maru buried their katanas in one of the creature’s vertebrae to prevent it from moving.

Miyuki and Kogarasu Maru continued fighting against the remaining Ixpuxtequi until they could kill the last of them by splitting it in half, both of them were full of blood and they sat on the trembling body of the great Ixpuxtequi that was shaking while dying slowly.

Kogarasu Maru looked at Miyuki "I have to admit that you are more like your brother Susanoo than your sister Amaterasu, I wonder how my Master will be in your womb.

It will be a pleasure to be in his hands killing anything that comes and more creatures like this, think about that make me even happier than killing mere humans. "

Miyuki looked at Kogarasu Maru "That will depend on him, so you’ll have to wait for him to be born and choose his own destiny."

Kogarasu Maru raised his face and I enjoy the blood-scented air of the place "Waiting a year or hundreds make no difference to me, but since my master is in your belly I will stay by your side at all times to prevent something bad may happen to him. "

Miyuki sighed "Do what you want but don’t bother me when I’m with my husband or I’ll have to seal you again until my son is born."

After this Miyuki stopped releasing her divine energy and time followed her course, almost immediately the Praetorians and inquisitors ran to the destroyed town to look for the goddess, if something bad happens to her, death will not be enough for them ...

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