Nova Roma

Chapter 200 - Autopsy at the headquarters of the Roman Inquisition

At the headquarters of the Roman Inquisition, the Inquisitors and an elf biologist were doing an autopsy on a green body with large fangs and short stature.

His eyes were black and covered more than half of his face, on his neck he had a sword wound that left his neck split in half, he was killed by a stable guard before he could eat one of the horses.

The biologist looked sadly at the neck wound "It is unfortunate that we do not have a live specimen but this little one will be our Prima for this species."

The inquisitors were divided into two groups, one in charge of the protection of the biologist and another in charge of helping and drawing the entire body of the chupacabra.

The biologist put on thick latex gloves, a cloth mask and some lenses to protect his eyes, after this she took a silver scalpel and began to open the thorax of Chupacabras while he spoke "Due to the nature of the individual I consider it prudent to call him Monstrum Sanguis. "

She carefully moved the green skin of the Chupacabras and exposed the sternum and ribs "It has a bone structure very similar to the human but shares traits with the Aluxes."

She carefully asked one of the dwarves to open the Chupacabras sternum so she could look inside, the dwarf accepted and climbed onto a special platform where he took the scalpel and it turned red because of the ability of the dwarves.

The ability was innate and allows them to heat any weapon or object while it is metal, so they can use their hammers for the creation of fine weapons and tools, the ability was a gift from Hephaestus to the ancestors of those dwarves for their dedication in the forges.

The dwarf opened the sternum of the chupacabras and let the biologist take care of the following process, the elf used a clamp-shaped tool to open the ribs sideways to expose the inside of the Chupacabras.

Inside the specimen, human-like organs were found but they were mostly blue and did not have the typical reddish color of the organs, that could only occur if the area lacks oxygen or if it is something else they do not understand.

The specimen had two hearts and seemed to have some other organs that could not be identified, as the autopsy progressed they reached the Chupacabras reproductive system which surprised them as it was discovered that they were hermaphroditic beings so they had a penis and a vagina.

When the biologist opened the uterus she could see that there was a small Chupacabras fetus that seemed to be lifeless, when she takes it with some tweezers the fetus began to move as if it were defending itself "Calm little you are lucky to be alive you will be a valuable specimen to know the behavior of your species. "

The autopsy continued for another hour until the organs and the rest of the body had just been checked, only the bones were left to be added to the museum of the Inquisition so that the new inquisitors knew what the creature with its bones is like.

While the inquisitors admired the little chupacabra, Idril the elf master of the inquisitors was reading some stories about the refugees who arrived in the city of Anguamuco.

The refugees were from small communities near Anguamuco who were attacked by hairy and large beings who came to their villages to kill those they found, opening the skull of their victims and sucking the head of the unfortunate.

The warriors fought against them but only some obsidian spears hurt them, so the survivors decided to run with only a few things while the warriors fought to prevent those beasts from pursuing them.

Idril scratched his head and decided to smoke from his tobacco pipe "Chupacabras on one side and on the other hairy beasts with enough force to open the skulls of his victims.

They also have tough skin, it will be difficult times, I will have to give the order to send inquisitors to the defense line and I will ask Flavio to reinforce the defense in cities outside the defense line. "

Days later on the island on Lake Texcoco was Pilcoatl initiating the second part of his construction plan, the human Axolotls helped the god to climb thousands of quartz crystals.

The work was not simple but thanks to the efforts of all of the Thousands of large and small crystals were on the island ready to become the next wonder of the empire.

Pilcoatl had to turn one more Axolotl into humans because otherwise he will not be able to supply for the start of the construction he decided to waste 3 valuable days but thanks to that he has before him more than 1000 Axolotls of different colors waiting for his father’s orders.

Pilcoatl looked at them and smiled "We have been working for 10 days and we only have 21 days to finish my future fiancée’s assignment.

I know that these days will not be easy, but I am sure that we will achieve the goal, to work my beloved children, which depends on whether your mother will accept or reject us. "

After this the Axolotls shouted and began to carry out the construction work, Pilcoatl was in charge of breaking the quartz into blocks while the Axolotls took it to the necessary areas.

The first construction to be made was the star-shaped wall, while Pilcoatl worked Erendida could observe while playing with his father the commitment of Pilcoatl.

That day she saw him work in the morning and at night before going to sleep she could see him working to complete his goal, that day she slept with his father and his two mothers, in bed before falling asleep I ask Hellena.

"Mom, if Pilcoatl is so hardworking, you think he will be a good person to spend the rest of my life.

Today I saw him working without resting occasionally he just drank milk from his baby’s bottles, you know how to see it reminds me of Dad when he struggles to make us happy. "

Hellena smiled and hugged her daughter as she put it on her chest "You know it’s too early to know if that little one is the one, only time will my girl decide.

But you have to remember that next to a great man there is a great woman or women when you join your life to marriage you have to be an important pillar for your husband.

For example, now that your father is confined in the lake, I and Miyuki are in charge of taking care of the empire with the help of your nana Lilith, while Arisai and Cyra are in charge of supervising part of the military.

As you grow up you will realize many things but you are too small to have that burden, for now, my baby sleeps tomorrow, Dad will take you fishing very early in the morning. "

Erendida was glad for her mother’s words and got lost in her dream.

On that night the city of Anguamuco would suffer an attack ...

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