New Life As An Ecchi Girl With A “Big Surprise”

249: A Word From Our Sponsor

249: A Word From Our Sponsor

The masked shirtless man that oversaw Uma’s “match” did not send out flames to encircle her. The first round was over and all fifteen flames around the other participants were extinguished. Every participant stood in place, waiting for what would come next. Beatrice looked around and saw that Olivia did in fact make it past the first round unscathed.

“What a fine selection we have!” Thelicia said with some pride. “With most of the worthless trash out of the way, the true spectacle can begin!”

Many people cheered, mostly those that held the tickets in their hands for correctly picked winners of the first round.

“But to ensure that our participants will be in top form for the next round, we have allotted some time for them to rest and enjoy themselves!” Thelicia announced. “After all, who can tell how many will live past the next round? To achieve the best performance, we have found that it is necessary to give each participant something to remember.

“Listen up! You have all performed well enough to separate yourselves from the rabble and have earned a half hour’s rest! Please follow the fine masked gentlemen who will take you to your temporary quarters. Oh, and don’t forget to inform them of your preferences for a partner. Male or female! We’ve had a particularly great surge of capable and eager volunteers which guarantees no less than two for each victor!”

“Hell yeah!” Number Twenty-nine, the wolfkin who scored the first blood in this round, cheered, high on adrenaline, and excited for some bonus action.

“Would you prefer male or female partners?” a masked staff member asked Uma.

After staring absently back at the mask, Uma finally said, “One of each. As close to Aldrich and Ethel as possible.”

“Participants Number Eight and Forty-nine?” the masked man asked. “We shall see what we can do. Come this way.”

“Can we spend our time with one of the other participants?” Olivia asked her staff member.

“That is absolutely forbidden,” the masked man answered.

“Oh,” Olivia frowned. “Then… Two… Two male partners. With… huge veiny cocks.”

“Follow me,” the masked man guided Olivia.

“Female,” Beatrice answered as soon as the masked man asked her the same question.

“Very well, this way,” the masked man gestured toward a different bridge than the one by which Beatrice got to the arena.

One by one the victors were guided to one of the six bridges that led off the arena, toward the mysterious quarters.

“And while we guide our victors away for a moment of well-earned ‘rest’ and a little bit of fun, a word from our sponsor!

“Are you lonely? Depressed? Don’t have the energy to get up in the morning? Dreading an intangible impending doom that will bring about the end of civilization? Do you find yourself staring in the distance absentmindedly? Have you ever wondered how are you the only one that seems to notice the world slowly crumbling all around you?

“Well, wonder no more! What you need is Black Pixie Dust! That’s right! Black Pixie Dust! Harvested by virgin maidens in pixie plantations, high in the Milahayan Mountains, this pure, all-natural product will fill your brain with positive emotion boosting chemicals, while keeping those pesky depression-causing chemicals at bay!

“Unlike regular powders, Black Pixie Dust is harvested in the fresh air of Milahayan Mountains which boosts the Dust with fresh air particles, making it twice as effective as other analog products, requiring just a single dose per day!

“Listen to this account of the S.E.C.R.E.T. Guild’s very own James the Panty-Ripper.

“He used to be a lowly F-ranked member of the S.E.C.R.E.T. Guild. Shy, depressed, slouching, performance anxiety in the bedroom. But ever since he started using Black Pixie Dust, his confidence returned, his dick grew two inches, and now he can make women wet their panties with a single look!

“Order now at any of our entertainment booths and you’ll receive a bonus line to snort off tits or ass (your choice!) of one of the girls in the booths!

“And remember: a snort a day keeps depression away!

“Thisisnotrealmedicaladvice. Consultyourlocalphysicianorpriestbeforeuse. Sideeffectsmayincludeandarenotlimitedto:nausea,headaches,diarrhea,arousal,euphoria,priapism,nymphomania,polyphagia,hypophagia,paranoia,irritability,bloodlust,psychopathy,schizophrenia,obediencetowardforeignentities,lactoseintolerance.”

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