New Life As An Ecchi Girl With A “Big Surprise”

247: A Level per Kill

247: A Level per Kill

Level up!

Additional Skill Point available!

Beatrice was greeted with familiar notifications in her mind’s eye the very next moment after she penetrated the snake lady’s brain with her claw, swiftly and irreversibly terminating the snake lady as the last semblance of life faded from her snake-like eyes.

I never did find out her name, Beatrice realized, thinking back to how much more of a formidable force Peter and Wendy turned out to be once they revealed their names.

“And over here, out of our two little roaches, the big-boobed one ends up the victor, and the tenth participant to advance to the next round, after unceremoniously penetrating Number Sixty-six’s brain,” Thelicia commented in her echoing voice, without much enthusiasm. “Not quite the type of penetration that we were hoping for Number Sixty-nine to participate in!”

Thelicia’s degrading joke at Beatrice’s expense netted some laughs and jeers, however, there were also some genuine cheers amongst the crowd for the succubus, shouting her number, and/or assets.

“Of course, the big-boobed one would win over the flat board!”

“The vomiting one? Good riddance! What a disgusting one she was!”

“Sixty-nine, let’s go!”

“I’d love to sixty-nine the hell out of her!”

Hearing some moderate excitement for Number Sixty-nine amongst the crowd who quickly forgot both Peter and Wendy, Thelicia added, “If nothing else, the Number Sixty-nine seems to be pleasing to the eye. And who knows, there’s still a chance for us to see some reliable alpha specimen put the little roach in her place! A sight that our dear audience was so wrongfully deprived of, hehe!”

One day, you will fuck yourself! Beatrice made a silent vow as she glared at the little masked furball just before the barrier of flames encircled her like it did all the other victors of this round.

“As the remaining time allotted for this round dwindles, so does the number of participants still fighting for the right to compete further!” Thelicia continued her commentary in a much livelier tone than just a moment ago. “With less than seven minutes left in this bloody first round, we have fifteen—scratch that, assuming you know how to write—fourteen participants still competing for the last six possible spots!”

I wonder if Olivia already made it further? Beatrice thought as she completely lost track of what happened around her while she was busy fighting for her life. Not that Beatrice would know if Olivia’s number was announced as Beatrice realized that she did not recall what number Olivia even had on her armband. She wouldn’t die in the very first round, right? Beatrice wondered while deciding not to dwell on the fact that she herself nearly died in the very first round. A victory was a victory. And with several level-ups!

Beatrice’s combat leveling got off to a fine start. Much more dangerous, painful, and nowhere near as orgasmingly pleasant as her usual way of leveling up, nevertheless Beatrice found a strange satisfaction in both her victories. Overcoming the seemingly impossible odds was exhilarating and gave Beatrice a new type of high, but a curb stomp victory was also satisfying in its own way as it demonstrated the progress in her combat power in a tangible way, something that simple numbers could not convey.

The third level-up was surprising, but that probably just means that the Peter/Wendy mutation gave me so much experience that it put me just on the edge of another level-up, Beatrice theorized, as the difference in threat and strength between the monster and the snake lady was too great to be worth only double in levels and experience.

The fact that this time the mysterious system ended up rewarding Beatrice with one level per kill did not escape Beatrice, even though it was nearly certainly a plain coincidence. Beatrice brought up her information to confirm her up-to-date stats.









21 (3%)

Health Points

560/560 (+1.00/sec)

Arousal Points

84/318 (+0.01/sec)

Stamina Points

220/220 (+0.55/sec)

Physical Attack


Physical Defense


Magic Attack


Magic Defense




A full Health Point per second! Beatrice smiled. Whether that will be a lot or not going forward remained to be seen, but it certainly felt nice to have such a rapid passive regen.

“Ouch! A pike right through the crotch! No mercy there!” Thelicia’s commentary was heard by every participant that advanced, even if they could not see the action. “Just put him out of his misery, already! No point in torturing the emasculated sheepkin more than is necessary! We still have one of those going on! Number Fifty-eight advances!”

As such announcements meant very little to Beatrice, she decided to spend her time skimming through her potential future Skills.

Skill Points

Total Skill Points


Unused Skill Points


Skill Points in Combat Craft


Skill Points in Mischief Craft


Skill Points in Eros Craft


With a substantial buffer of Skill Points acquired, Beatrice promised herself to this time keep them for the next round at the very least, to be able to adjust to the developing situation. And with the decision to hold off on spending, all that was left was fantasizing of things to come, while the succubus waited for the first round to be over.

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