New Life As An Ecchi Girl With A “Big Surprise”

237: The Forty-Inch Threat

237: The Forty-Inch Threat

You’ve got to be kidding me! Beatrice quickly came to her senses as her mind’s fight or flight response activated from getting a monster’s throbbing thirty-plus inch purple cock shoved in her face. And the cock continued to grow! The head of it swelled past the point of what any human could even attempt to let inside their body. It also developed black miniature spikes along the edge of the glans that were curved like hooks.

Now that the gargantuan cock no longer hung freely, Beatrice’s eyes unwittingly ended up burning another unpleasant image into their retinas and memory. The swollen labia in deathly green colors, covered with lizard-like glistening green scales. A thread of glistening pus-colored liquid that hung from the monster’s pussy confirmed that either the creature was getting aroused or that it was suffering from nasty diseases. Or both.

“Aahhhhhn~” Peter’s head let out a deep, pleased moan from the wonderful stroking job that apparently Wendy performed by controlling one of the monster’s hands.

Meanwhile the monster’s cock grew past thirty-five inches in length. The darker than black hole of its urethra stared right into Beatrice’s face, threatening the succubus with the different contents that it could unleash. To her horror, Beatrice saw the first drops of precum already forming and leaking out of that hole, but thankfully, they fell a good distance from her face and on the ground.

“Oh, baby! You’re enjoying this that much?” Wendy asked with a smile when she saw the drops of precum and continued the loving caress. “But we’re barely even warming up!”

“Oh, don’t you worry—there’s more where that came from!” Peter reassured his wife. “In this form, I can last for hours! Remember the bakery basement?”

Do I?” Wendy replied with a lewd smile, indicating that she fondly remembered whatever happened in that basement.

“Well, well, well! It looks like Number Sixty-nine is about to get more than what she bargained for!” Thelicia commented on the transpiring event as soon as the screen of the giant sphere returned to Beatrice’s fight, after briefly cycling through other fights in the arena.

The crowds once again broke into heartless laughter, despite the horrific danger that Beatrice was in.

“Now, which of this bimbo’s holes shall we explore first?” Peter asked as she lifted Beatrice a little higher. “Wouldn’t want to waste the first load!”

“You always start with a lady’s mouth!” Wendy’s head stated.

“You’re calling this monstrous bimbo a ‘lady’?” Peter’s head turned to his wife’s head.

“No, but that’s not the point!” Wendy argued and looked back at Peter.

Coming to her senses after the brutal pounding, Beatrice did not waste the opportunity when her tormentors were momentarily distracted. The moment both heads looked away from her, Beatrice lifted her arm and pointed her index finger right at the throbbing, forty-inch cock, aiming her sharp claw for an unusual bullseye.

“Fuck off!” Beatrice shouted used her [Extend Claws] Skill to rapidly extend her claw and launch it straight inside the monster’s urethra.

“UUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!” both heads of the monster unleashed a deafening howl of agony that reverberated through the mines, for a moment halting all fighting in the arena.

Unfortunately, the F Rank of Beatrice’s [Extend Claws] only extended her claw up to two feet, which was not nearly enough to penetrate deep enough through the monster’s forty-inch cock to cause severe enough damage to neutralize it completely. Beatrice compensated this by turning sharply turning her finger, twisting her claw inside the monster’s cock, inflicting more damage and hellish pain to the monster, which Beatrice was more than keen to do to return the favor for what the monster had not only done to her before but also planned to do in the imminent future.

The second dose of inhuman agony was enough to force the monster to lose its grip on Beatrice’s leg and let the succubus go. Not a moment too soon as before the succubus even touched the ground, she saw a cloud of dark fumes rapidly envelop the monster. Beatrice was savvy enough to instantly close her mouth and eyes and stop breathing.

Keeping as low to the ground as possible, Beatrice rolled away from the monster as well as the smoke that now surrounded it. Only after Beatrice was well over a dozen yards away from the monster in some random direction, did the succubus open her eyes to confirm how far the smoke extended, as well as to not get herself killed in some other way by accident.

Seeing the cloud of smoke concentrated around the monster, and satisfied that she was well away from it to not inhale or ingest the unknown particles by accident, Beatrice allowed herself to breathe. She gasped for air from the sudden, self-inflicted forced oxygen deprivation that was followed by desperate flight.

The next thing that Beatrice scanned the surrounding area for was the other participant of her unorthodox fight, the one that Beatrice suspected was behind the sudden suspicious fumes, Number Sixty-six. Beatrice found the snake lady quickly, standing on the opposite side of her and the monster, staring right back at Beatrice with those golden eyes from under her hood.

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