New Life As An Ecchi Girl With A “Big Surprise”

199: Amror Sets

199: Amror Sets

“On the note of debts, we are in need of your assistance,” Ember said to Samantha. “More specifically—your wares. You still must find the time for your crafting hobby, right? If nothing else but to pay for all the cocks that you wear out every day.”

“Hilarious,” Samantha said, indicating that she found nothing to even smile about. “Follow me.”

And with a tap on the big guy’s left shoulder, Samantha—or the guy that was fucking her, to be precise—turned around and went deeper into her dwelling, motioning Ember and Beatrice to follow.

The room that the four of them were currently in seemed to be nothing more than a relatively average-looking guest room. Warmly lit by a fire from a fireplace with every piece of furniture in the room covered in layers of animal hides. Apart from what looked to be bear fur, Beatrice could not tell what animals the hides and rugs came from. Beatrice could certainly imagine how comfortable it must be to lie down in such welcoming cushions, feel the smooth fur against her skin.

However, she had two worries that kept her from even touching the stuff. One, considering that she was in the dwelling of a Tainted “cock addict”, how much cum had those hides already collected and stored over the years? Two, were those hides really the hides of animals? Or were beastkin also involved? Beatrice already knew of cannibalism. Who was to say that other stomach-churning activities were also not present in this moral-absent city?

And as Beatrice followed Samantha and her fucker into the larger room, she was welcomed by even more light and warmth from a raging fire in a giant fireplace at the center of the far wall.

How much wood does she burn each day to keep this up? Or is she a fire mage? Beatrice wondered. Then why bother with fireplaces at all?

But as Beatrice paid closer attention to her surroundings, she finally was able to study just what kind of person lived here. The spacious room that they entered reminded was the first semblance of an armor shop Beatrice had seen. If anything, it looked like a free-form storage for many different kinds of fantasy-like armor sets that were mounted on robust metallic stands. Beatrice could quickly tell that Samantha had a preference. Dark colors, sleek design with different combinations and variations of scale mail, chain mail, half-plate, and leather. The joints often offered little protection, instead prioritizing as much freedom of movement as possible.

Though Beatrice’s knowledge of medieval and fantasy armors was limited to movies and what her role-playing game enthusiasts used to converse about, it was still clear to her that Samantha’s collection lived by the “rule of cool”.

Beatrice did not see a single chest piece with stereotypical protruding “boob armor”. She did see however at least two armor sets that were clearly designed with Samantha’s bosom in mind. More specifically, in making sure to not only display plenty of naked cleavage but also to accentuate it. The waist of nearly every armor set was usually covered by form-fitting leather or scale mail, with metal plates at the hips that seemed designed to emphasize the slim female form at the expense of potential defense.

From what little Beatrice remembered of old-school fantasy role-playing games that her colleagues used to play, the roles were usually roughly distributed into tanks, damage dealers, and healers. There were supposed to be several deeper divisions and combinations of roles and classes, such as bulky fighters, nimble assassins, different supports, and other things and terminologies that Beatrice could not care to pay attention to, even as they were explained to her passionately and repeatedly.

And Beatrice recalled enough to be able to judge by the indulgent, yet minimalistic in terms of protection armor designs that Samantha focused on the “sexy female warrior” design philosophy, with just enough coverage and protection as to not be outrageous.

“You like my designs?” Samantha asked Beatrice, sensing the pervy succubus's appreciation for the female form.

“Yes,” Beatrice had no other answer as she imagined herself in one of such sexy, scaled sets.

Beatrice did however start to wonder just what requirements such armor sets would have, if any. Many of her skills had level and Craft requirements. And—more importantly—nearly every role-playing game had stat requirements on its items as a form of balance to prevent weak characters from breezing through any challenge by simply equipping game-breaking at low levels. And Beatrice was all too aware that her stats were unimpressive, to say the least.

“However, we’re not looking to borrow any of these wonderful armor sets,” Ember said as she walked past many of the beautifully designed sets of armors.

We’re not!? Beatrice nearly said out loud in shock.

“Beatrice will be participating in the Forge of Champions, so it would be a travesty to take any of these treasures there,” Ember explained.

“… Ember-ah!-what aren’t you telling me?” Samantha asked as the nameless sexy man kept fucking her, holding her in his arms with her legs spread.

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