Never Judge

926 Chapter 926

As Julia glared at Lucius she could hear the honking of horns in the distance.

Lucius just stared at her, unable to believe the words that had just left her lips, she hated him so much that she was forced to show herself to him.

​ Unfazed by her words, the sides of Lucius' lips curled up to a grin.

"They said you went to Spain in search of me." He said in a confident tone as his eyes wandered all over her body. "They said, you left your family, your comfortable life here, just to find me."

"It wasn't my best moment, I was weak and mistaken." Julia replied, somewhat embarrassed by what she had done. Back then it seemed like a logical choice, go after the man that wants you, but soon she realized that she was wrong.

Lucius seemed to take her response quite differently as he lifted his chin in pride.

"Just admit it Jula, you still love me." He said.

Lucius' words made Julia want to spit or slap him, she never thought that she would have this much disgust and repulsion for one person.

"No, I don't Lucius, don't be so delusional." She quickly answered back.

Lucius looked around, he saw Cedric's car at a distance. He was also sure that the surrounding area was filled with guards ready to pounce at him if he made a wrong move.

"Let's take this somewhere more private, I'm sure Cedric has someone listening in on our conversation." As he said this, he grabbed Julia's wrist and tried to pull her towards the school.

"No!" Julia shouted as she yanked her arm back, almost stumbling from the force.

Lucius gave her a puzzled look as he walked back to where they were standing initially.

"What do you mean, no?" He asked, he wasn't used to people refusing him. He usually got his way.

"No I won't move, no I refuse to speak to you in private, and no, no one is listening in on our conversation." Julia said, practically shouting at the man that stood across her.

"How sure are you that he isn't listening in on us?" Lucius questioned as he pointed at Cedric's car that waited in the distance.

"Because I trust them far more than I trust you." Julia said as she glared at him. She didn't look away, she wanted to prove that she wasn't afraid of her husband and that she was ready to stand up against him.

"I'm your husband!" Lucius replied angrily as he looked down at Julia, waiting for her to flinch. "Who else can you trust but me?"

Julia threw her head back and laughed at Lucius' words, it seemed everything had gone to his head.

"Did you forget what our life together was like?" She asked in a mocking tone, challenging him to paint a story that was far from the truth. "Have you forgotten why I ran?"

Lucius looked at her, he didn't seem angry or hurt by her words. He carried no expression as she waited for him to respond.

"Our life together was not perfect, I know that." Lucius said as he shook his head.

"Not perfect?" Julia asked with a laugh. "Not perfect is an understatement, husband." She said with poison dripping from every word.

"You ran, you left me, you abandoned me." Lucius was now slowly starting to get angry. Julia could tell that he was starting to lose his temper.

"I left because of the monster that you are!" She shouted, hoping that he wouldn't harm her. "I left with our son because if we didn't run you would have killed us all!"

Her words seemed to have snapped something in his mind, because all of a sudden, Lucius Ting seemed angrier than he was earlier.

"And look where running away has gotten us! Our son is dead and you are broken, you fell for the wrong man and you tried to escape him, don't deny it. I know what happened!" Lucius Ting said in an angry tone.

His words broke Julia's heart. Yes, running way killed their son, but what guarantee could she have had that the outcome would be different if she had not run.

In a surge of courage, Julia raised her hand and slapped Lucius across his cheek, catching him off guard.

"How dare you?!" He asked angrily.

"I did what I did for our son! You made your choices based on what was best for you and not what was best for our family!" She shouted. "Tell me, Lucius, why do you want me back? Is it because Camilla Montero and Cedric Reyes tricked you? Weren't you so in love with your new girlfriend that I seemed to be a distant memory?"

Lucius Ting was silenced by her questions. He looked down and closed his fists.

For a moment, Julia thought he was going to assault her. As a matter of fact she expected him to end her life right then and there.

"I thought you were dead." Lucius Ting revealed. "I thought my enemies got to you and killed you."

For a moment Julia pitied the broken man in front of her, but she realized that this one moment didn't validate all the pain and hurt he had inflicted on everyone around him.

"Do you know where we are?" Julia asked as she looked up at the school.

Lucius shook his head saying he had no idea.

"This is where your son died, if you can't even care to find that out, then you don't care at all." With those words, Julia turned around and marched back to Cedric's waiting car.

She chose not to look back, but she already knew that Lucius Ting would be shocked and broken as he stared at the abandoned buildings.

"They are lying to you!" Lucius suddenly shouted. "Dominic is not dead." He declared, making Julia stop in her tracks.

Julia was too stunned to move, it was impossible that her son was alive. She saw the death certificate. Jonathan had begged her to find out more but even he came back empty handed. Their son was dead, and Lucius was simply delusional.

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