Never Judge

924 Chapter 924

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"Are you alright?" Camilla asked Julia as she noticed the other woman was anxious. They had just landed in the Capital and were being driven to Mountain View by Cedric's driver John.

In order to ensure their safety, Cedric had sent more guards than necessary and he also had his men scout out the roads in advance.

As a matter of fact, so tight was the security, that Alexi pulled some strings to have the roads closed.

Many citizens in the capital complained, but when rumors circulated that a potential key witness against Lucius Ting was being transported to a secure location, they stopped their grumbling.

The moment Louise Ting was arrested, the public sentiment turned against Lucius Ting.

At first, he was able to manage due to the increase in employment that his Arch Group brought to the country. Later on, due to the competition, the Reyes Group was forced to lower their prices to attract customers.

To the public it really seemed at first that they were there to benefit.

After Louise was arrested rumors began to circulate that Lucius Ting often used the gangs and mafia to deal with his dirty work. The worst part was, he used the unregulated groups, the ones that killed and robbed with no remorse or control.

From the man that people thought would challenge Cedric and be a knight for the people, he became a wolf in sheep's clothing.

When Julia looked at Camilla, it was clear that she was worried and confused.

"I'm torn." Julia said with a sigh, choosing not to explain what she meant.

"Camilla is just worried about you." Adrianna said calmly as she held her friend's hand. She knew that Julia needed as much support as she could get today and in the coming days.

Julia nodded as she kept silent, clearly deep in thought as they passed through all the major streets of the city. Cedric had decided that the more out in the open they passed, the safer they would be.

As they rounded a corner that would lead them to the Mountain View community, Julia spoke up.

"Do you think your husband could find my son's grave for me?" Julia suddenly asked as she wiped away the tears from her eyes.

Adrianna hadn't noticed that her friend was crying next to her. She felt bad that she was so preoccupied with her own thoughts that she ignored the person in need seated next to her.

"Cedric and I would be more than happy to help." Adrianna said with a faint smile.

She still needed to speak to Miguel, Veronica, and Jonathan about Dominic meeting his biological mother.

Although Miguel and Veronica had decided to let them meet if Dominic wanted, Jonathan was very much against it. He believed that his sister didn't deserve to meet her own son.

"When are we meeting with Lucius?" Julia asked, pulling Adrianna back from her thoughts.

"Cedric is setting something up for tonight. He plans for you to meet at the school where your son was left." Adrianna frowned at her own words. She felt that it would be too painful for Julia to stand inches away from where she believed Dominic had died.

"Does it really have to be there?" As Julia spoke, Adrianna could sense her heart breaking. Unfortunately, she knew that Cedric always had a reason for everything that he did.

It might not have been clear now, but in due time they would see why.

As they pulled up to the driveway, Yoyo and Cedric were standing at the door waiting to welcome their friends and family that had been on Kashmere.

Behind Adrianna's car, the Chans and the Mings also arrived.

"Mom!" Yoyo squealed letting go of his father's hand as he ran up to Adrianna as soon as she stepped out of the car.

"Yoyo, mommy missed you." Adrianna told her son as she bent down to pick him up.

To her surprise, Cedric lifted him, not letting her exert too much effort.

"Welcome home, darling." Cedric said as he planted a kiss on her cheek, making Adrianna blush.

"Keep it PG guys." Miguel teased as he got out of the car picking up a sleeping Dominic from the car.

"Aren't you tired, I could have carried him." Jonathan told the doctor. He had ridden with Miguel and Veronica so that they could discuss what the plan was for Dominic.

It was clear that they couldn't keep the boy hidden from Julia since they would be staying in the same house for a while.

Adrianna froze as Julia stared at Dominic's sleeping figure.

"I didn't know that Miguel and Veronica had a child." She whispered to Adrianna. "He's cute, he looks a little bit like Miguel." Julia said with a giggle.

"They adopted him." Cedric said, answering for his wife. He knew that she was already in quite a bind having to lie to one of her oldest friends.

"Oh." Julia said with a gasp. "I didn't think that families like the Chans allowed for adoption."

"They don't." Cedric said with a sad smile. "I'll explain inside." He gestured as he led everyone back into the house.

Miguel quickly vanished with Yoyo in tow as he brought Dominic to his room. Tristan was actually upstairs as well, fast asleep while his parents were at work.

"Families like the Chans are still stuck in the old ways, they want their children and grandchildren to be of their blood and not adopted." Cedric sighed as soon as the children were out of earshot.

"Miguel and I had to fight his family just to adopt. It reached the point where he was willing to leave his family just for us to have our son." Veronica explained.

"It's not like you need them, the Chans need Miguel more than Miguel needs those old people." Camilla said, joining in on the conversation.

"It's difficult leaving family." Adrianna recounted how she had turned her back on hers. "They were evil, but they were still family. I know it's messed up, but it takes great strength to leave your family."

Cedric pulled his wife to him, he knew that she sometimes regretted their fate, thinking that Cedric should have been more lenient. But Cedric refused to lower the sentence on them, they had treated their own flesh and blood as a commodity to be sold.

"Why don't we all get some rest?" Cedric asked his guests as he saw how weary they were. It might have been a short flight, but there were other things running at the back of their minds.

"I'll take my parents to the guest house out back." Guan Ming said as a maid appeared to help them.

"No need, I've arranged for your parents to stay on the ground floor." Cedric told his friend. "It's closer."

Cedric also wanted the couple to have some time alone, if Guan Ming's parents were there breathing down their necks it might cause for a difficult situation.

"Thank you." Guan Ming said with a smile as a maid led his parents to their rooms.

"Julia, we've assigned you a room on the ground floor as well, a maid will take you there." Cedric said as a woman appeared to her side and led Julia away.

When they were finally alone, Adrianna sighed and looked at her husband.

"Did you really have to be so tough on Julia, having her meet her husband where she thinks their child died?" She asked.

Cedric nodded.

"Hopefully, Lucius Ting will realize what he did and what he gave up. I hope regret and pain eats him up as he realizes he doomed his own son." Cedric said with an angry tone.

Adrianna was shocked by his answer, never did she think Cedric could be so cruel to a parent, but at the same time she knew Lucius Ting deserved it.

"Let's get some sleep, it's a long day tomorrow." Cedric's voice pulled her back as he picked her up bridal style, making her yelp. "I missed you my love." He said in a low voice as he kissed her lips.

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