Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 236: The Story Of Sin

Chapter 236: The Story Of Sin

Rezar was waiting at the entrance of the village, Samira and her comrades were investigating the house of the siblings. The village was deserted and Rezar could not feel a single trace of life coming from it. Maybe he should move around a bit to look for survivors, but they were not his priorities at the moment as the only thing he could actually bring himself to worry about right now was the bandits. They were still a threat that had to be taken care of, but before they could do anything like that, Samira had to make sure those sibling didn't leave anything behind that could cause any sort of problem in the future. Call him paranoid, but he really wanted to cover all of his bases.

The silence of the village was broken by Samira's arrival, she was clad in a thick scent of smoke and burnt grass. Rezar turned around and saw the farm lit up in a rapidly Increasing blaze as the remaining three daughters of eclipse came down from the farm in their direction. Rezar wasn't sure burning the house was a good idea as there were probably more secrets to be uncovered within its shabby wooden form, but what will be will be. As such there was no need crying over spilt milk or missed opportunities.

"Ok Samira, tell me what you found; you seem all too eager to tell me about it,"

"We found a diary in the house your Majesty, and its contents are quite disturbing." Samira said as she handed a black book to Rezar that was bound by a dark red leather string that looked eerily like a strip of flesh. Rezar tossed the book to Samira and asked her.

"Tell me what you found within its pages." Rezar said to her, completely unwilling to look through the book itself. He didn't know why, but he was extremely apprehensive about what he could find within its pages, so he'd much rather have Samira tell him the main points. At the very least, he knew she would censor a bit of things just to avoid upsetting him,

"her brother was a casualty on the very first day they were raided by bandits. He was stabbed in the heart, however he had a higher vitality than most, so he didn't die immediately. He was forced to watch as the orcs took his sister, one after the other, unable to look away and unable to do anything lest he bled to death.

They were humans that made the migration to escape from the destruction of earth, new uploads in this new Elysium that's a hundred times more brutal than the last. She had skills for witchcraft, and Elysium is now a world or rather a universe that could be heavily influenced and changed by just the words of the people who live in it.

Her grief was given form, and a spell was crafted that could save her brother's life by transplanting his heart into a living inanimate object. But in order for that to work, she had to spill the blood of young innocents equivalent to the amount of years she and her brother had been alive.

She was 28 and he was 22, equaling to fifty years in total. Which meant in order for her to transfer her brother's consciousness to the pumpkin, keeping his body in a sort of suspended animation until she was able to find a way to heal him and wake him up. What she didn't expect was for how broken she would become after the deed was completed, it changed her completely as her darkness seemed to swallow her whole. The guilt she felt. It changes her sire! Twisted her and turned her into something that wasn't human or even normal. The villagers were never the same again, as quite literally this was a village of uploaded humans, everyone here was practically family and very attached to each other.

She couldn't live with the guilt of separating parents from their children, so she and her brother took the lives of what was left of the villagers. The toll booth officer was the last, however his death might have been well deserved as the siblings had found out that he was actually responsible for some of their misfortunes with the bandits, if not all of it. Killing him was just revenge for everything they've been through, and he was the last they had to take care of before they moved on to another town and tried to fit in, or head into the forest to live out the rest of their lives if she couldn't find a way to save her brother and restore his consciousness to a completely whole body."

Rezar nodded his head as he took a deep breath; Samira's words were impactful in a way as a lot of things seemed to have made a bit more sense to him. But there was still so much he couldn't relate to, but how could he, he wasn't exactly what you would call whole or complete. The basic things that made a human or rather a living being what it was or should be was missing in his life. And in this moment where a heart of understanding was needed to sympathize with the sister and brother he didn't feel a thing. In the end Rezar felt that love was overrated, it caused more harm than good and he was glad to be rid of it.

"never the less your majesty we've got a lead on the bandits, her last entry says they went south east towards the plains, and that was roughly a day ago. If we hurry in that direction, it's possible we would be able to catch up to them." Rezar shook his head as Samira spoke.

"I don't need possibilities; I need definite outcomes. Get a scent, we need to make sure the entries in her diaries are trustworthy, and it's not all some random ramblings of a witch driven crazy by grief and desperation. You all have 10 minutes, get their scent! I'm done playing detective."

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