Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 222: The First Abyss (I): I've Got Tony

Chapter 222: The First Abyss (I): I've Got Tony

Traveling through the Kerwood forest was spooky, but according to cartographers that Rezar didn't even know he had; it would take eight days as the crow flies to get to the border of Elysium that touches upon the Breone mountains. Which is to say it would take a significant amount of time to walk there, except of course they weren't traveling on foot, but on mounts. Tony wasn't as fast as the Necrotic wolves Tristian, Roran and Screet, and the rest of the Kings guard rode, with the exception of the daughters of eclipse who had formed a weird bond with the wraith wolves, they could literally see through each other's eyes and merge their bodies for combat.

And it was impressive, the very moment a method to train magic was discovered and shared, everyone else pretty much went crazy with the development of unique abilities and skills. And just as the daughters of eclipse have an independent skill tree due to their positions so too do the sons of dawn. And proper training of those skills has brought a lot of them a lot farther and stronger than this new world would have allowed at this point in time. Unfortunately for Rezar it just seemed as if he was lagging behind.

Every ability he currently had, was built from his skill trees, and while they were quite unique and fantastic in their own right, they weren't as strong as he would have wanted them to be. The old him would wipe the floor with the current him in seconds, the only difference was that the Rezar of the new world was a lot more skilled. His techniques were better, so in a straight up fight, without the need to rely on fantastical skills and with the same amount of combat experience, new world Rezar Deathwind would wipe the floor with the old world Rezar, and that was his biggest consolation. He was a lot more badass and it didn't come from a plethora of skills, in time it was possible that he would be able to beat most people without even having to use skills.

The march through the forest was quiet, Rezar had chosen to travel through the Kerwood forest until he was close to the border before moving out. In his opinion maybe they would be able to find special treasures of their own. And it seems he was right. As they marched forwards, they had to go over a low hill that was sparsely dotted with trees, they couldn't see what was beyond, but it should just be another slope downwards, however what they found was far from it as they noticed a big black hole the size of a valley, and it seemed bottomless.

After a specific distance nothing could be seen from the hole but an inky blackness that seemed to serve as a sort of cover over it, Rezar got down from Tony and walked to the edge of the massive hole, he crouched down to get a closer look, but had to immediately take a step back. There was an aura wafting up from the giant hole, it was like heat that couldn't be felt, yet it wasn't exactly hot, it just felt weird and very wrong, and when something like this is observed the first thing that any sane person would and should do would be to back away and investigate it properly, however.

"I'm going down there!"

"Fuck!" Kitagawa cursed loudly from his position hidden in the trees, everyone turned to look at him, but the kitsunes was not going to back down or take it back or even be embarrassed. Rezar never made protecting him easy, and more often than not after getting them in trouble he would still be the one responsible for getting them out of it.

"You don't have to curse, if you don't want to come you can just stay here." Rezar said to him with a hurt tone, but of course everyone knew this was just how their king got when he wanted to be mischievous, and his mischievousness always followed his very dangerous curiosity.

Kitagawa came down from the tree and looked down the hole, there was an obvious annoyed look on his face, and quite frankly he felt he was babysitting a wayward prince as opposed to a king he was supposed to die for at the drop of a hat. He observed the area around the hole itself and noticed that its edges were covered with a layer of grey dust, he placed the dust in his mouth and sniffed it, he regretted it immediately as he sneezed out loud and got back up to his feet, rubbing his hand over his sensitive nose.

"That's brimstone, I would recognize that stench anywhere as every kitsunes or demon that's born would have a little bit of it accompanying them into the world." Kitagawa said as he stepped back, his eyes watered and a little bit red from the Brimstone. Or rather the ash? What does brimstone look like anyway? Rezar reckoned it looked like...well a stone! But this was ash, so it was saying something.

"Well what do you reckon this is?" Screet asked as he too crouched to get a closer look.

"My best guess would be a breeding ground for demons of some sort, my worst guess would be a nest." Kitagawa answered the undead, while Rezar peered over it.

"I still want to check it out." He said, almost as if he was asking for permission to do so, but everyone here knew Rezar was the better to ask for forgiveness than permission's guy. He was going to do it anyway, and Kitagawa knew it. He let out a sigh as he put two fingers to the bride of his nose and then moved them up to his forehead to massage his temple, dreading the massive migraine he knew was about to come his way.

"Wait here your majesty, let me make arrangements for a rope." But Rezar got on top of Tony and gave Kitagawa a smile he dreaded the moment it showed up.

"Don't worry, I've got tony!" and then he just went over the edge with his undead ant taking him along for a new adventure, Kitagawa looked up at the sky and cursed again.


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