Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

The mausoleum, the place where the great necromancers of Kizen came to rest.

The area itself was an undersea cave at the end of Roke Island. It was also a sacred place for necromancers, so unnatural phenomena were rampant.

Funeral ceremonies in the mausoleum consisted of lengthy traditional procedures. The schedule was so long that even if they were without a break all day, the next days sun wouldve risen by the time they finished.

This time, however, it was simplified in accordance with Lang's will. Yet even so, it was supposed to last into the middle of the night.

In the midst of this, only Umbrathe Necromancy professor and the funeral directorwas passionate. He made the mourners dance ceremonial dances called 'chicken-feeding dances' and 'squid-courtship dances' and would criticize every movement.

Then, after enduring a tight schedule starting from the early morning, they were given a short break.

'This is tiring.'

Aaron trudged along, brushing back his wet hair.

He was a man who valued tradition in everything, but he could not understand the correlation between the putting of one's head into a waterfall in an undersea cave and praying for the bliss of the deceased.

'Should I write my will in advance? If I die, just omit the ceremony rather than simplify it.'

Trudging along while seriously considering it, he found a room in the cave with no one in it.

It was perfect.

When no one was looking, he took off his coat, loosened his tie, and rolled up his trouser sleeves. He felt like he could finally breathe, the wind cooling his exposed skin.

After staring blankly at the ceiling for a while out of exhaustion

"Professor, do you mind if I enter?"

The distinctive rugged dialect of a northern, or far-eastern part of Shahed could be heard. When Aaron turned his head, he saw the Professor of Combat Dark Magic, Hong Feng, smiling brightly.

Aaron silently nodded. Hong Feng brushed her suit skirt and sat down modestly with her legs together, putting her back against the wall.

There was a long silence until Hong Feng eventually chose to break it.

"How's Simon's progress in Summoning these days?"

So she was asking about Simon? Well, the main topic of conversation among professors was the students, after all.

"It's just about the level you think it is, Professor Hong Feng."

He was tired of answering questions.

It was an insincere reply, but she grinned.

"Ive wanted to personally teach Simon some Combat Dark Magic."

Aaron stared at the ceiling with an impassive face.

"I've taught many kids at Kizen, but this was the first time I've ever seen a talent like him. I believed that, if I worked with all my might, a masterpiece could be born."


"Professor Aaron."

She tilted her head.

"When did you feel the conviction in him?"

'Conviction, you say? Such a thing'

"I bet it was the same as when you felt the conviction, Professor Hong Feng."

'It was obviously in the first class.'

As soon as he finished his first class, he asked Nefthis for a private meeting where he asked about Simons parents.

But Nefthis didn't indulge him. She just brushed it off with her distinct 'I don't know what you're talking about~' face.

A genius suddenly brought to the continent by Nefthis He had doubts about the origin, but he had no choice but to nurture him.

No, he would've grown regardless of who nurtured him.

Then Hong Feng spoke again.

"Then Professor Aaron, your plan with Simon"

"Do my ears deceive me?"

Tap tap.

Aaron's expression hardened. Bahil, dressed not in his usual white suit and fedora but a black suit that looked like it had been smeared with ink, came in.

"I believe I just heard the name 'Simon'."

Bahil walked in with a slow gait and sat down next to Aaron before taking off his hat and placing it in his lap.

"I can't be missing out on a conversation about him."

Aaron's face was flooded with irritation too great for him to feign apathy.

'There are plenty of other good spots, so why are they all coming here?'

"Come on, let's stop bluffing each other. We all know that guy's talent, yeah? 'That kid is talented. Hes a genius. Blah blah blah, yadah yadah yadah. I think it's time we stop talking about something so obvious."

Bahil flung his arms into the air.

"Yes! To cut to the chase, I want Simon Polentia too!"



As soon as he appeared, Bahil openly slammed this declaration of war on the table.

Hong Feng looked at Bahil with a smile.

"You, the Professor of Curses? That's unexpected. I've never seen Simon use a curse."

"Heh, as expected from you, Professor Hong Feng. You sure know how to hit a nerve."

Bahil playfully clutched his chest.

"Actually, it really doesn't matter that much. He doesn't use curses purely because he hasnt found a reason to take interest in them yet. Once he gets a taste of its beauty"

Bahil licked his lips.

"He won't be able to say no."

Hong Feng rested her chin on her hands and gave a cynical smile, and Aaron closed his eyes with a sour face.

"Other than that, I was a little taken aback, Senior."

Bahil pouted.

"I thought you'd just overturn the declaration that you wouldn't accept any direct disciple so you could take Simon."

Only the professor could initiate the conversation about direct disciples.

It was an unwritten rule, and it was seen as quite rude for students to beg to be direct disciples without prompting.

Simon clearly showed great interest in Summoning. However, Aaron was guiding him from a step removed.

"Is it some kind of principle, keeping to your words?"

Aaron flatly replied to Bahils needling,

"We haven't even finished the first semester yet. It's too early to discuss a student's major: Their talents are yet to be fully discovered. It's abnormal and nothing but a scam to speak to them of direct disciples now."

Bahil and Hong Feng felt a prick in their conscience, but they didn't show it. Bahil clapped.

"The way you think about the student's future rather than fulfilling your own greed! What a true educator."


Aaron's eyes became cold.

"Stop messing around."

"Aha, excuse me."

Bahil apologized, but his smile remained unchanged.

"Ah, by the way,"

His gaze moved.

"Looks like somebody gave Simon a carrot and a stick"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Professor of Hemomancy, Silage, entered.

Aaron and Bahil, who were once his disciples, were about to stand up and bow, but Silage gestered for them to stop. Then, he briefly met eyes with Hong Feng.

"I stopped by because all the professors teaching the first-years were here."

Muttered Silage before continuing,

"Did I make you uncomfortable?'

"No, not at all. Make yourself at home, Professor."

Bahil was being polite, but Aaron was on the verge of leaving with how crowded the place was getting.

"Hey, stay a while, Professor. Isn't this a really fun composition? Since were all gathered here, let me skip to the chase and ask a simple question."

At Bahil's words, the other three expectantly paused.

"What do you all think Simon Polentia's true strength is?"


Silence fell over the cave. Aaron stood up from his seat, shrugged on his coat, and spat,


Then Hong Feng calmly said,


Silage, still standing where he was when he entered, grinned and replied,



Bahil slammed his hands over his face. Then, he violently pushed his hair back. Water droplets flew off his wet hair and fell to the floor.

"That's! All! Wrong!"


"You call yourselves professors of Kizen? Hah! My goodness! You can't even appreciate the true value of that kid! How could you guide that kid to the right path?"

Bahil suddenly began to take it a bit far.

His head shook, droplets of water spraying everywhere, and his eyes glistened with a hint of craziness.

"His true strength is madness!!"

He proclaimed as if giving a speech, opening his arms wide as he looked at his fellow professors. A wild smile then etched itself into his face.

"He's a talent who can truly go insane for something!"

* * *

* * *




The battle in the command and control room was still ongoing.

Simon let out a heavy breath. Through blurred vision, he could see Serene and Saintess Flema exchanging fierce blows.


Shouted Flema.

[Why does something like you exist in Kizen?!]

Flema seemed enraged. Perhaps also bewildered. Her White Flame was noticeably less accurate than before.

"Oh my, and what's it got to do with you?"

Taunted Serene, throwing feathers held between her fingers like shurikens.

Oddly, her feathers lasted quite a while even against the horrific White Flame. Flema had to deliberately increase the firepower so as to reduce the feathers to ashes, which seemed to be eating away at her energy.

[This is blasphemy!]

White Flame scattered off of Flema like buckshot as she furiously swiped her arms through the air. Yet Serene flew in at full speed while dodging it all.

'She changed.'

Simons eyes twinkled from watching the battle between Serene and Flema.

White Flame, which only damaged undead and necromancers, suddenly exerted a physical force and began to affect objects.

Then, Serene turned to Simon.

"Simon. I don't think a single coupon will make up for this. Maybe I need to receive at least two since the opponent is a sainte"

"Serene, watch out!"


White Flame flew in streams.

Serene's flight speed was something, but space was limited. She did well for a while, but she was eventually struck by a ray of White Flame and fell to the floor.


Flema, who was trying to corner the fallen Serene, turned in annoyance. Simon had run in and attacked her back with his greatsword.

Of course, it was blocked again by the White Flame protecting her.

[No matter how many times you try, it's going to end the same.]

Flema flicked her right wrist. The barrier of White Flame exploded, launching Simon into a wall.


Simon clutched where the White Flame had touched and trembled in pain.

[Yes, this is what one might call compatibility.]

A smile returned to her face, replacing the annoyance from dealing with Serene.

[This is the proof that the Goddess exists! Those who deny her won't stand a chance against her power!]

As she flicked her finger, lumps of White Flame hit Simon's body one after another.

"Oh, Simon!"

Shouted Serene. Her highest-priority recruitment target was dying in real-time.


Kajann, crawling across the floor in pain, also gnashed his teeth.

He had faced many strong enemies until now, but there was nothing he could do against her.

[It was pretty good for a final hurrah.]

Flema reared her arms back. She raised White Flame to finish off the neutralized Kajann.


Just then, Simonwho had been roasted in White Flames so hard his clothes were still burning with themstood up again with shaking legs.


He had protected Piers right handthe only piece of Bone Armor remainingby pulling it underneath himself.

Simons struggled to raise his head, but soon his legs gave out, and he fell to the floor.


The pain from the flames mustve shattered his will, and his body was severely damaged. Yet he forced himself up again and again nonetheless.

After standing up again and taking a few steps, he collapsed once more. He stood up again, took two more steps, then hit the floor with his head. He was staggering forward like a living corpse, saliva drooling from his mouth.

Flema looked fed up with the uncanny display of will.

"Back off, Simon. You can't beat her with your strength."

The death of her highest-priority recruitment target was something that Serene also wanted to avoid.

So she released her full power. After floating into the sky, feathers gathered in front of her to form ten large magic circles.

{Feather Frenzy}

Hundreds, no, thousands of feathers passed through the magic circles, and they became golden flashes of light shooting at Flema.

These feathers were even harder to burn.

Flema immediately guarded with her arms and strengthened the wall of White Flame to its maximum. Feather and flame collided, and a thundering crash echoed out.


In the meantime, Simon stood up again like a zombie and came running. Now, Flema was more dumbfounded than annoyed.

[Just die already!]

Before Simon could swing his greatsword, White Flame shot out and swept him aside.

Flema turned her attention back to her shield.



Flema felt a chill run down her spine and goosebumps appear on her flesh. Simon, who should've been rolling on the floor in pain, approached once more.

'What? How??'


Simon seemed to be swallowed up by the White Flame she once again created, but immediately after, he rushed toward her with flames trailing behind him and eyes full of madness.

"That attack is!"


The Greatsword of Destruction sliced diagonally across the saintesss back, cutting deep.

A fountain of blood gushed from the wound, leaving Serene and Kajann in shock as the eyes of the terrified saintess lingered.

"Its too much!!"

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