Naruto Time Control

Chapter 130: Waiting for Hanzo

Chapter 130: Waiting for Hanzo

Two days later.

Somewhere in the Land of Rain.

Yeruashi, wearing a Kasa hat and a dark cloak, slowly climbed the hill, on the way he stepped in a puddle, but not the slightest drop of water splashed, only ripples were created.

When he reached the top of the hill, he looked ahead and did not see a single person, only traces of a temporary camp were seen.

"Where did they go?"

Yeruashi took a step forward and carefully looked at the tracks.

How could a camp that had just been found by his scouts disappear so easily!!!!

After getting the specific location of the Amegakure camp from Orochimaru, Yeruashi immediately left the Konoha camp and departed, but as a result, he only found traces of a temporary camp and not a single person.

When Yeruashi gloomily looked at the place, in the distance suddenly a figure appeared, and quickly approached him.

This figure is dressed in an animal mask and a form that resembles a Konoha Anbu, but if you look closely, you can see significant differences.

"Root Ninja?"

Yeruashi examined the approaching figure and asked.

Confirming Yeruashi's identity, the Root ninja bowed, "Lord Danzo left me here to observe the Amegakure camp, they evacuated in a hurry two days ago, after that I received orders to wait for you here to report this information."


Yeruashi frowned slightly and said, "In which direction did they evacuate?"

Root ninja said, "My partner tried to follow them, but for more than a day there was no news of him, maybe they already discovered him ... According to the latest information received yesterday, most likely the Amegakure ninja have returned to Amegakure..."

Returning to Amegakure?

Yeruashi was absorbed in thought.

Hanzo should not have known of their arrival in advance, this move was probably caused by caution and unwillingness to stay in one place for long.

Amegakure is a small town, the total number of ninja is only about two thousand. Since there must be some forces left in the village, they can mobilize a maximum of fifteen hundred ninja. No wonder that by placing such a force on the border of the Rain Country, Hanzo feared being suddenly attacked by the superior forces of Konoha.

"Is there a specific route?"

Yeruashi looked at the Root ninja.

The Root ninja replied in an emotionless voice, "Only until today..."

He handed Yeruashi a scroll, it was a map of the Rain Country, and it contained the route of advance of the Amegakure ninja.

Yeruashi looked at it and nodded, "I see."

The Root ninja bowed and used a blink, quickly leaving the area.

Watching the departing ninja, Yeruashi once again looked carefully at the map, assessed his position and followed the evacuation route of the Amegakure ninja.


Konoha Front Camp.

Orochimaru looked at the map and removed a check mark, "This corresponds to Hanzo style. It seems that after his negotiations failed, he decisively evacuated his forces, cutting off any chance of our attack."

Danzo sat down in a chair and said calmly, "If I were him, I would do the same."

Orochimaru looked at the map, "From my understanding of Hanzo, he decided to return to Amegakure and calmly wait for a good opportunity to make a move, the likelihood of Yeruashi failing has increased dramatically.

Yeruashi can only attempt to intercept Hanzo on the way to Amegakure, otherwise, after returning to the village, it will be simply impossible to carry out the assassination.

As a general rule, detection barriers are rarely installed in camps, but within a village that has existed for many years, of course, there are many different detection barriers, such as in Konoha, and Ame is also no exception.

It is extremely difficult to get through detection barriers without being noticed.

Therefore, the possibility of a secret penetration into the Ame and an unexpected attack can be safely excluded.


Danzo nodded, "But Yeruashi has not given up, deciding to hunt down the Amegakure forces.

Hanzo and Amegakure have a two-day head start, so the chance that Yeruashi can catch up with them before they reach the village is extremely small. Hanzo is too careful, he did not lead the Amegakure forces on a direct route, so it will be very easy to bypass them, besides, the Root ninja he sent to follow him was killed.

To be sure to confront the Amegakure forces, he must wait for them near the village, but in that place there will be far from the best conditions to make a covert attack, Hanzo will not sleep at that time, allowing his subordinates to take him to Amegakure.

"Young ninja are always very persistent and persistent, ke-ke-ke."

But Orochimaru was not worried about the student at all.

Despite his young age and self-confidence, Yeruashi always acts quite judiciously and retains a certain degree of caution, if not given a good chance to kill Hanzo, he would rather return empty-handed than risk his life.


The Land Of Rain.

Yeruashi followed to the end of the known escape route of Amegakure ninjas, then looked at the map, chose the most likely direction and continued the pursuit, but after several hours of chasing, he still found no trace.

He seemed to have taken the wrong direction.

Yeruashi was too lazy to keep searching, so he didn't bother and decided to go straight to Amegakure, wouldn't it be easier to reach the final destination? That way he wouldn't lose Hanzo....

As for barrier detection and the difficulty of penetrating Amegakure... he hadn't thought of something like this in the first place.

After all, Orochimaru and Danzo have repeatedly mentioned that Hanzo is an extremely cautious ninja who cares about his safety, it's almost impossible to sneak up on him even while he's sleeping.

Yeruashi never considered the possibility of a sneak attack.

Open collision only!

No need to worry about the number of Amegakure ninja or anything like that, during their clashes against the Third and Fourth Raikage, no ninja was fast enough to interfere in their battle, the same will happen this time!

With the exception of Hanzo himself, all the other Amegakure ninja are not worthy of Yeruashi's attention, so he can go straight to the main boss without paying attention to the usual mobs.

Yeruashi was in no hurry to run straight to Amegakure.

If he tried, he could get there in half a day, while Hanzo led the ninja through complicated roads and estimated to reach Amegakure in three or four days.

Arriving too early, Yeruashi would have to hide outside the village for a few days, it would be much easier to spend a few days in some small town, waiting for Hanzo to return to Amegakure.

"This one is quite suitable."

Yeruashi pulled out a map and found the nearest town.

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