Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 266: A Mythical Battle of Colossal Beasts (II)

Chapter 266: A Mythical Battle of Colossal Beasts (II)

At that moment, the ground trembled as the colossal beast, surrounded by flames and lightning, charged onto the island, creating a wave of scorching wind behind it. Its enormous strides shattered the earth with each step.

Just then, a savage roar erupted from the forest, followed by a silver figure shooting up into the sky.

Roar! Roar! Roar! How dare you hurl the great Saixitia! You're dead, you indigenous draconic beast. Today, the great Saixitia will crush you!

A thousand meters high in the sky, the Silver Dragon let out a furious roar. Its body radiated a brilliant white light, and then it opened its jaws wide, gathering endless icy energy.


An extremely cold white dragon flame descended from the heavens, piercing through the sky and earth and leaving rings of frosty airwaves in its wake as it headed for the colossal beast. The Thunder Beast dodged, and the flames struck its afterimage with a thunderous crash.


The impact of the icy dragon flame caused the ground to explode, sending countless frozen dirt and rock fragments flying into the sky.

From above, the white dragon flame chased behind the Thunder Beast, sweeping across the land below. The ground exploded, dirt froze and shattered, and vegetation was obliterated in its path.

In the blink of an eye, the destruction had formed a several-meter-wide passage.


The Thunder Beast moved with incredible speed, dodging the icy dragon flame that swept across the land. Suddenly, the colossal beast raised its head, and between its claws was a massive boulder the size of a small mountain, weighing several thousand tons.


The heavy boulder shot out like a cannonball, generating rings of shockwaves. Even the formidable Silver Dragon didn’t want to get hit by such a powerful attack.

The Silver Dragon turned its head, unleashing a breath of white dragon flame that instantly engulfed and froze the boulder. Then, under the impact of the dragon flame, the boulder exploded violently.


This mid-air explosion sent fragments of rock and dust flying, but they were quickly frozen by the intense cold radiating from the blast.

At that moment, the ground below collapsed, forming a crater with a diameter of several dozen meters. Then, a black figure shot up into the sky at a speed imperceptible to the naked eye.


In the sky, a shockwave swept across a range of several hundred meters, stirring up strong gusts of wind. The two beasts collided violently, and the sound of a dragon's pained roar echoed through the heavens and earth.

At thirty times its normal speed, the Thunder Beast struck with such explosive force that even the Silver Dragon let out a cry of agony.

At the moment of impact, the Golden Flaming Dragon Claw unleashed an earth-shattering force, tearing through the white energy protecting the Silver Dragon and causing the durable scales on the Silver Dragon’s chest to shatter instantly.

However, as a descendant of mythical colossal beasts, and as a draconic beast, the Silver Dragon’s physical body was incredibly strong. So strong that the Thunder Beast's attack only managed to shatter the scales on its chest.

A few drops of silver blood fell from the sky, instantly freezing the ground within a ten-meter radius upon contact.


With another anguished roar, the two colossal beasts, covered in white and golden light, were flung over a thousand meters away, crashing into the center of the deserted island with a thunderous boom.

The ground shattered instantly, sending soil and dust flying hundreds of meters into the air and creating a thick cloud of debris.


Upon landing, the Thunder Beast had the Silver Dragon pinned down. Taking advantage of the Silver Dragon's disoriented state, the Thunder Beast let out a savage roar and opened its menacing jaws, aiming for the dragon's neck.

With the Thunder Beast's devastating bite force, if it were to clamp down on the Silver Dragon's neck, the dragon would be gravely injured, if not killed...


At that moment, a complex rune appeared on the Silver Dragon's forehead, radiating a dazzling white light, and then the Silver Dragon itself instantly vanished.


Its sudden disappearance caused the Thunder Beast to bite into the ground, gouging out a massive pit several meters deep. The earth and rocks in its mouth melted instantly under the intense heat, and formed lava that dripped and flowed out of its mouth, igniting the forest around it with leaping flames and scorching air waves.


In an instant, the Silver Dragon appeared a kilometer away, roaring furiously with its massive wings spread wide as the ground around it trembled. The white horns on its head emitted a dazzling light, and behind it, the shadowy form of an enormous dragon began to condense.

This towering figure, as majestic as a mountain, exuded a divine and noble aura, dominating millions of living beings like a deity.

Crack! Crack!

With the appearance of this menacing shadow, ice spikes spread rapidly around the Silver Dragon, transforming a three hundred meter radius into a frozen world in the blink of an eye.

Simultaneously, countless ice fragments swirled between its wings, with faint, dark spatial rifts appearing around it, exuding an aura of utter destruction.


The Thunder Beast let out a deep growl, its body sparking with dazzling lightning. With a thunderous crash, it formed a magnetic storm field of interwoven lightning bolts, covering over a hundred meters.

This time, however, the magnetic storm didn’t continue to spread outward, but instead began to contract. Countless bolts of lightning converged, emitting a brilliant light as they gathered toward the Thunder Beast’s head.

Roar! Roar!

With a resounding roar, the Silver Dragon flapped its wings, releasing the destructive icy storm from between them. This black, frost-laden current surged toward the Thunder Beast. Everything in the black current’s path was frozen and shattered, forming a pitch-black passage of destruction, as if space itself ceased to exist.

Meanwhile, the Thunder Beast unleashed a blinding light from its mouth. In an instant, a golden beam of pure searing heat shot forth, surrounded by countless blue lightning bolts.

After undergoing ancient evolution, the Thunder Beast had mastered control of its physical body and power; during this time, it had been exploring the fusion of lightning bolts and flame. Now, it could compress the thunderbolts to surround its breath. Although they were only surrounding its breath, they still dramatically increased its destructive power.

As the Thunder Beast’s fiery, tumultuous breath expanded, it annihilated everything in its path, raising shockwaves that shattered the ground and creating a path of destruction through the forest.


The collision between the golden breath, enveloped in crackling thunderbolts, and the devastating icy current caused the ground to shatter instantly. In the center, a sphere of light, shimmering in gold, blue, and black hues, emerged and began to expand steadily.


A luminous burst resembling a nuclear explosion erupted from the earth's surface. High in the sky, extending a kilometer upward, the clouds were violently dispersed by an unseen shockwave, creating rings of airwaves rippling outward.

Below, the combination of hot and cold shockwaves swept across the land, generating a destructive category 10 typhoon that eradicated everything in its wake, causing extensive areas of the forest to collapse.

The spectacle of power left the Single-horned Kun, the four orcas, and the Dragon Turtle dumbfounded and speechless in the water.

After the distant explosion waned and the dust cleared, a massive crater, spanning over two hundred meters in diameter, emerged at the heart of the barren island. The surrounding terrain, now stripped bare, extended hundreds of meters from the epicenter.

Even the trees in the distant forest had vanished, leaving a vast expanse of bare ground.

Around the crater, many areas were charred by the flames, some were frozen with frost, and remnants from the thunderbolts crackled.

In the distance, a menacing black and red colossal beast stood upright, with golden flames dancing on its body, thunderbolts swirling around it, and intense heat radiating outward from its center.

A kilometer away, the even larger Silver Dragon, whose chest wound had already healed, was surrounded by a frosty storm, exuding an aura that was just as formidable as the Thunder Beast’s.

At that moment, they both resembled mythical creatures brought to life. Their presence and the destruction they had wreaked were absolutely unfamiliar, while the unseen draconic power they emitted compelled every creature on the barren island to cower on the ground, trembling in fear.

Even the ordinary creatures in the surrounding ocean were desperately fleeing, wanting nothing more than to get as far away from that deadly place as possible.

Suddenly, the flames and lightning on the Thunder Beast weakened as it let out a low growl. Roar! Your strength is formidable. I acknowledge you.

...? The enraged Silver Dragon paused.

The Thunder Beast continued to growl Roar! If you want to join forces with the great dragon king, Thunder Fiery, to dominate this world, you need to demonstrate strength that I can acknowledge.

I see.

Realizing that the Thunder Beast had no intention of continuing the fight, the Silver Dragon gradually calmed the blizzard surrounding it. It regained its proud demeanor, and let out a low growl.

Roar! Your strength is also impressive. Lord Saixitia acknowledges you as well.

The Thunder Fiery Colossal Beast nodded and growled. Roar! Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am the ruler of this part of the sea, the Dragon King Thunder Fiery. My name is Ao Tian, also known as the Ao Batian.

Roar! I am the descendant of mythical beasts, the great Saixitia... Adrianne Christine. I come from the endless world of colossal beasts.

As the Silver Dragon introduced itself with a long string of names, the Thunder Beast felt a bit bewildered.

The name was simply too long; moreover, they were communicating through spiritual thoughts, so many of the words had to be guessed. Such a long name wasn't worth remembering. Knowing that this Silver Dragon was called Saixitia was enough.

Besides, this creature was surprisingly easy to fool. It was like a naive member of a big family, easily believing all of the Thunder Beast’s words. If the Beast had truly intended to kill the Silver Dragon, it could have unleashed its full power in the moment when the Silver Dragon let its guard down.

That plan changed the moment that rune flashed on the Silver Dragon’s forehead, which teleported it away. The ancient aura emanating from that rune likely indicated a legendary innate rune, specifically one related to space. If Thunder Fiery could obtain or borrow it to study, it might comprehend the power of spatial energy.

Additionally, the Silver Dragon was very powerful. As a colossal dragon and a descendant of a mythical king beast, it not only possessed formidable strength but also seemed to have various techniques.

Under these circumstances, even the Thunder Beast wasn’t confident it could subdue the dragon. Even if it could, the dragon could always escape by flying away. At that point, it would lose the opportunity to understand spatial energy and gain an enemy instead.

Roar! Saixitia, it’s uncomfortable on land. Let’s head to the sea first. I’ll formally introduce you to my General, the Single-horned Kun, and my Chancellor, the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle.

Naturally, the Thunder Beast hadn’t forgotten about the satellites constantly monitoring this area from the sky.

Roar! Alright. The Silver Dragon nodded.

As the Thunder Beast walked ahead, exposing its back, the Silver Dragon finally let down the last bit of its guard and followed the black and red beast toward the ocean.

Woo! The great Saixitia is about to take off.

Following behind Thunder Fiery, the Silver Dragon’s eyes gleamed with excitement. It hadn’t expected to encounter three ancient-evolved creatures so soon after arriving in this undeveloped world, especially this indigenous draconic beast with strength as mighty as its own.

Once this draconic beast teamed up with it, conquering this world would be just around the corner, right?

With this thought, the Silver Dragon’s steps became lighter. It could already envision leading countless colossal beasts to dominate this world.

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