My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 294: The God of Fire Has Come, Strange Light Spot

Chapter 294: The God of Fire Has Come, Strange Light Spot

A group of high-level officials of the Light Curia hurriedly pulled the Holy Father of Light out of the pantheon.

Everyone on the scene gasped when they saw the Holy Father of Light’s condition.

His chest had collapsed with a large hole in its place, and his face was pale.

“It was just a punch!”

“He wounded the Holy Father severely with just a punch! Wouldn’t His Majesty die if he were to hit His majesty with another punch?”

“Who is this guy? That’s too powerful. I can’t believe that the Holy Father of Light, one of the most powerful beings in Auguland, couldn’t withstand his punch.”

“I have never seen anyone like this for the hundreds of years I have been on Auguland.”

There were discussions among the people.

“His Excellency is badass!”

“Even the Holy Father isn’t his match!”

Delia and her father, Armando, were the most excited people there. They knew that Ling Jiu was great, but they never expected him to be this great.

He had killed the Holy Son with one hand.

He had swallowed the Knights Templars in one go.

He had crushed the Holy Father of Light with just a punch.

Was His Excellency even a human?

Was he not equal to the True Gods from heaven?

The Holy Father of Light coughed. Every time he did, he would burp up a mouthful of blood. He looked at Ling Jiu.

“Who are you, really? As far as I know, the Light Curia has never met you before. Why are you attacking the Light Curia unprovoked?”

“Indeed. The Light Curios and I have never met before.”

Ling Jiu came out of his daze and shot a glance at the Holy Father of Light. “But do I need a reason to kill?”

The Holy Father of Light spurted another mouthful of blood upon hearing his answer.

Did he need a reason?

How arrogant!

You killed the Holy Son of the Light Curia, swallowed the 18 Knights Templars, and beat me to a pulp—and all this for no reason?

The Holy Father of Light almost cried—what a bully this guy was.

“The Great Lord will not let you go unpunished for your bullying,” the Holy Father of Light said in a trembling voice. “He will punish you and sanction you. The glory of the Lord must not be besmirched, and all heretics will receive judgment.”

“Judgment?” The corner of Ling Jiu’s mouth curled up in a smirk as he looked up at the blue sky nonchalantly. “Then let him come and judge—I would like to see what the God of Light is capable of.”

“How dare you!” someone shouted in the sky as soon as Ling Jiu’s voice trailed off.

The next moment, a dazzling red beam of light descended from the sky and landed above the Pantheon of Light.

How high was this beam of light?

No one knew.

It seemed to extend down from the distant outer sky—higher than the sky.

Immediately after, a red figure slowly floated down the beam of light and appeared in the sky.

As soon as this figure appeared, a coercive force that no commoner could not withstand hit the mind of everyone.

The air turned viscous.

The void froze in an instant.

Common believers dropped to the ground, panting heavily. They found the air was extremely viscous, and they could not get much oxygen.

“The power of God!”

“It is the power of God!”

“God has come!”

The expressions of the Sacreds changed as they looked in disbelief at the fiery red figure hovering in the sky.

However, the Holy Father of Light and the top figures of the Curia were excited beyond words. They recognized the fiery red figure.

“The God of Fire!”

“It is the great God of Fire!”

“The God of Fire must have come to punish that goddamn heretic. Your time is up, you heretic!”

Ling Jiu had also noticed the fiery red figure from the sky, his face grave. “It seems that someone powerful has come, Leoux.”

“This guy is a Level 3 galactic being, slightly more powerful than the elders of the Merpeople, not by much. That is about it,” Leoux said with disdain. “If I am not mistaken, this guy is a True God of the Light Deities. Just that I don’t know which.”

The fire dragon, Esbiak was s Sacred, after all. It might know things on Auguland well, but not so in the case of the world of the gods.


The fiery red figure stopped in the sky, and the red beam of light engulfing him also disappeared.

He was about the same height as a normal person, but there was a layer of red flame burning all over his body. On his forehead was a mark of flame, like the god of fire from the ancient heaven.

“Hail to the great God of Fire!”

The Holy Father and the top officials of the Light Curia went down on their knees and bowed to the God of Fire in the air.

Grover Godolphin, the God of Fire...

One of the most important True Gods of the Light Deities.


Grover Godolphin, the God of Fire, glanced at the Holy Father of Light and others, and then his gaze fell on Ling Jiu and said something surprising everyone. “You are not from Auguland.”

“You can see that? Not bad,” Ling Jiu complimented him.


“He is not from Auguland?”

“No wonder he is unknown, yet so powerful. It turns out that he is not from Auguland. So where does he come from?”

It shocked the Holy Father of Light and everyone else upon hearing the conversation between the God of Fire and Ling Jiu. They all looked at Ling Jiu in disbelief.

“His Excellency is not from Auguland?” Armando and Delia were also stunned.

“Auguland exists in the chaotic void. Every so often, there will always be demons from the outer sky coming here. You are not the first, and you will not be the last,” The God of Fire said faintly. “But they all faced the same fate: killed and buried deep in the ground of Auguland.”

“So?” Ling Jiu cocked an eyebrow.

“Surrender, or you will face the wrath of the gods.”

The God of Fire stared at him. The flames burning all over his body expanded in an instant, as there was terrifying energy with a burst of high pressure around him.

“The gods? Another group of guys who pretend to be gods.” Ling Jiu shook his head. “I am afraid that I can’t surrender—not in this life unless you can kill me, or be killed.”

The God of Fire knew that negotiation was pointless. Anyone who had attained this level of cultivation would be so mentally strong that no words could bend their wills.

So, let’s fight. After all, fists spoke louder than words.


The God of Fire roared and spat out a red fire dragon from his mouth. The fire dragon rose against the wind and grew to a hundred meters long in the blink of an eye.

It then let out an angry roar as it swooped down at Ling Jiu.

“Let’s see what you’ve got.” Ling Jiu raised his right hand and then pointed into the air.

A substantial silver light spot shot out from his fingertip, as if the Six-Vein Divine Sword of Duan Yu, to greet the incoming red fire dragon.

The silver light spot looked as if it was a bullet, while the red fire dragon was a nuclear bomb. Their auras and powers were not at the same level.

However, something astonishing happened when the silver light spot and the red fire dragon collided: the hundred-meter-long red fire dragon vanished.

When the silver light passed through the fire dragon and reached the tail, the fire dragon vanished into thin air.

Yet, the silver light spot continued its momentum and shot forward. The God of Fire was shocked and immediately tried to punch the silver light spot.

Something incredible happened again. Upon hitting the silver light spot, his fist vanished, just like the red fire dragon.

“Not good!”

The God of Fire severed his arm decisively in the nick of time and fled into the distance. The silver light spot continued to shoot forward before it hit a massive mountain in the distance.

There was no horrible explosion, no earth-shattering blast, yet the mountain vanished without making a sound.

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