My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 693

Chapter 693: Unwrapped Mysteries

Was this how freedom feels like? Getting off of work early, riding back home knowing you have more hours than you originally expected to burn, on such a nice winter day out too? Man, if heaven doesn’t feel like this, then I ain’t dying. Quote me on that.

Harry’s predicament had me preoccupied for a good while, but as of now... there’s really no use to think about. Given time, I’m sure I’ll find out what came of it soon enough. An extra grumpy Nick means things didn’t go good, usual grumpy Nick means all was just fine. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out tomorrow.

I drove the fifteen-minute road home to pick up my costume, absolutely looking forward to the extra twenty-minute commute back into town in order to get to the set. Knowing this director-dude and his ironclad insistence on shooting nothing less than perfect golden takes, I figured the sooner I get this acting gig over with, the better... I ain’t exactly keen on staying in an abandoned building till sundown... especially not this particular sundown.

When I pulled up at the driveway, I was practically in a light jog as I clambered up the porch, completely unstoppable in my march up until the very moment I swung open the door. My eyes needed a double take.

This morning when I left, the house was in quite a rather modest state of cleanliness to put it one way. I just simply hadn’t the time or the energy to scrub every shoe print off the ground or suck up every little bit of crumb on the carpet. I know the kitchen cabinets have like a bunch of half-drunk cans of soda in them for some reason, and I think I probably left the garbage bags sitting out in front of the pantry, yet all of that didn’t matter now... not anymore.

Immaculate? Pristine? I feel like there should be a better word that I could use, because what I was seeing here goes way beyond any of those mundane mortal terminologies.

The entire house was spotless, organized, and completely pristine. I almost didn’t recognize the living room... not when everything was sparkling and shining, with my own dumbfounded expression reflecting back at me in the polished floorboards.


“Ah, Master!” Ash’s head poked out from around a corner, ears raised and wriggling, before the rest of her emerged, looking just as surprised as I was. “I didn’t expect you home so early. Umm, good morning.”

Looking a bit lost, she dropped to a bow, and once again I had to do another double take. I almost forgot how life felt like to have her up and running about instead of permanently confined to bed. And on her first day back into the fray, this gal singlehandedly reversed and even improved upon what took like a crowd of dozens to make a total mess out of overnight in a matter of mere hours.

And then she hits me with a good ol’ fashion ‘Good morning’ like it ain’t no thing. Oh, Ash... just what am I to do without ya?

“Morning to you too,” I greeted her back, just the sight of her automatically putting a wide smile on my face. “I see you’ve been busy... very busy... kinda feel bad on just how busy.”

“Perish the thought,” Ash said, walking forward and sprucing my clothes of any wrinkles. “My responsibilities should not be your grievance. As a matter of fact, I take great pride and immense joy in always welcoming you back to a clean home. It is a delight I’ve sorely missed ever since falling ill...”

“Yes, of course, sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, sweating around all day long,” I said sarcastically. “What else could you ever want out of life, right?”

“Indeed. And if for you, Master...” She stepped back, her green eyes glittering like ornaments on a tree. “How could I ever dare ask for more?”

Further inwards I ventured, feeling a lot more rejuvenated having free roam of the house without crunching my feet on some piece of dirt. The lights on the tree were still flashing, and huddled over in front of it, I noticed a large bundle of violet sat deeply engrossed by it.

“Morning, Sera,” I said, but she didn’t seem to hear me... or she did hear me, but just chose to ignore me, which was fair enough, I suppose. “Not mad that I finished up the tree without you, are you?” I asked, but once again... the total mute chose to remain completely deaf.

Eh, she’s probably fine.

“Lady Samantha had already left for home a while prior to your arrival,” Ash informed me, as she returned to that same corner she appeared out of, earnestly scrubbing away at a dried stain on the wall. “As for Adalia, she awoke early this morning, making mention of meeting her sister before departing shortly right after.”

So the house was pretty much empty then. Peace and quiet. Hard to believe it was just last night that this place was roaring louder than some death metal concerts.

Then in the corner of my gaze, I saw something, still looking in the general vicinity of the tree. I noticed the pile of gifts beneath it had gotten considerably smaller for some reason, and it didn’t take long for my search to drift over to Ash again... this time, catching sight of a bracelet wrapped around her wrist glimmering in a bright hue of green.

“Amanda’s gift?” I asked.

For a second, Ash looked about, before following my gaze and immediately understanding, a look of happiness slowly brightening her expression.

“There was a letter attached specifically addressed to me,” She said, raising her arm, and staring out the small bracelet in admiration. “It had once belonged to her, relinquishing it to me in hopes that it’ll help bring out the color in my eyes, or so she says. Lady Amanda is a woman of indescribable kindness.”

Indescribable kindness. Yeah, you’re telling me, alright...

“Oh no, Master, how could I-!” Ash suddenly exclaimed, nearly dropping the brush she was using while simultaneously looking as if resisting the strong urge to slam her head into the wall. A moment later, she glanced at me, sighing. “I’ve not offered you a meal, have I? The first thing I should have inquired about and the thought had left me. You must be terribly famished, Master.”

“No, no, it’s fine,” I quickly told her. “As much of a sin it is to skip out one of your dishes, I’m afraid I won’t be staying long.”

“Master, you’ll be leaving again?” She asked, for some reason sounding mildly disappointed. “So soon?”

“Got a movie to star in, remember?” I said. “Probably going to take some time, I’ll just grab lunch there. Hopefully, be back before-”

“May I accompany you?”

I blinked. “You want to come?”

“If it’s not any trouble, of course,” Ash added hurriedly. “The cold season has robbed me of countless opportunities for me to spend time with you. Now that I am better and I am able, I feel it simply unwise of me to squander any more.”

Hearing her say all that, meekly and gently as she sounded... was it just me, or was it getting hot in here?

“Then there is the matter of your gift,” She went on. “A symbol of my immense gratitude for you. I’ve yet to think of anything worthy of offer... so perhaps, if I am by your side, I may be able to find my answer eventually.”

“Still hung up on that, huh?”

“Terrribly, hopelessly so,” She sighed again, then glanced back up at me. “So if you would allow it, Master... may I?”

Honestly, hearing her at a total loss on Christmas tradition felt so validating considering my own situation. If someone like her wasn’t making any progress, then safe to say, I wasn’t completely hopeless.

As for her request on the other hand ... hell, like there’s any other answer I oughta give.

“Go freshen up,” I nudged my head at her. “We’re leaving in ten minutes.”

The smile rippling on her face could have easily outshined a thousand-watt bulb. As blinding as it was breathtaking. “Thank you, Master,” She said, before taking off all the way upstairs, the loud slam of her bedroom door echoing her delight.

As for me, costume aside, the mention of gifts had my focus momentarily shifting, because come to think of it... that small pile of three still sitting beneath the tree there, I know one belonged to Adalia from the ever-benevolent Amanda, but then there was the other two, one flat and lean, the other so very tiny, and them, I know unequivocally who exactly there were addressed to.

Maybe it’s about time the recipient finally got his hands on them, huh? Not as if Sammy’s here to gripe about sacred traditions, anyway...

“Don’t mind me,” I muttered to a watchful Sera, as I rudely shuffled in to obstruct her view. “Just gonna grab these real quick.”

Then before her glare could get any sharper, I scurried away to the dining table, plopping both on the surface and hearing a hard thud from one and a soft smack from the other.

The bigger, thinner one drew my attention first, and inscribed on a note duct taped to its packaging were letters written in nice elegant handwriting, and just reading the first word in the slightest of glances, I knew instantly who this one was from.

<<Merry Christmas, my sweet baby boy! Now, I know Christmas gifts aren't usually something we do in our family, but considering recent circumstances... I don't think there's a more perfect opportunity than this. What's inside, I don't advise you to rip it open just yet. But the curious, stubborn boy you are, I know you will be sorely tempted to try anyway. When you're alone, when your schedule's free and empty, then you may have my blessing. Ignore me, open it, I daresay you might regret it. Questions? I suppose you'll have some brewing right about now. If so, you're always welcome to give me a call. I'll be waiting. >

Reading all that, feeling all the foreboding and dread of a horror movie washing over me had me wanting nothing to do with whatever the hell that devil of a mother had lovingly wrapped inside the package.

It was like she was one step ahead of my thoughts too. I was indeed curious, and I did indeed feel like risking it anyway... but in the end, I decided to heed her advice. When I’m alone, when I’m free... like she already knew that I wouldn’t be right now. Freaky. In any case, I slid her gift off to the side.

Now it was just this... and it couldn’t have been any more of a contrast... whatever the hell it even was. No note, no message, just a plain and simple tiny box covered in gift wrappings.

Gee, I wonder who this could be from?

Thankfully, Dad wasn’t the type to send any unsolicited freaky shit, so getting a present from him was as safe as safe could be. I’m confident I won’t have to hold my breath for any ticking magic time bombs unwrapping this one.

So I began plucking it open, squirming my fingers into the seams, and wriggling it all around. It didn’t take long for the wrapper to be reduced to rubbish, and what I had held now between two fingers was exactly as I suspected.

A tiny little box.

The kind with hinges, the kind that opens.

And so I opened it.

Alas, it was tiny, and not to mention, surprisingly slippery, and midway through it slipped from my grip and bounced off the table with the same dull thud.

But as it did, I glimpsed something falling apart from it, something uneven, jagged, and then suddenly on the table...

Out plopped a ring.

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