My Power is Upgrading Everything (Rewrite)

Chapter 166: Alexandra's Mysterious 2nd Personality

Chapter 166: Alexandra's Mysterious 2nd Personality

--- Chapter 163 ---

A few months have passed in Titania Bolos.

The Karuta Empire has issued their 2nd Emperor's dying message to other empires, warning them about the Monster Race's incoming attacks. Some decided to ally with the Karuta Empire, and some blatantly refused to believe Lily de Kemos for spreading such information.

However, these people immediately shut down when experiencing monster waves with peak 9th Class Monsters. If 9th Class Monsters could put them in trouble, what about 11th Class Monsters that transcended common boundaries?

Complete Annihilation and Submission.

After getting destroyed, the Anti-Karuta Faction begged to enter the alliance with shattered pride. If Lily de Kemos wasn't so kind, they wouldn't be able to join the coalition and wait for the monster race to wipe them out.

Titania Bolos is a star where power talks more than words.

Experiencing life-and-death situations is a daily occurrence here, but the monster race attack pumped the death rate to unimaginable numbers. Millions died in a mere day.

You better have insane luck to live in this world.



On a wide yet vast plain, the alliance base stood firmly with tall walls surrounding it. This place was "quickly." built, so anyone could access every part of the continent with ease and counter monster waves as fast as possible without dragging the battle for too long.

It's also not too far from the Black Pearl Castle, so Huo Yuhao could return anytime he wanted. And with this alliance base, He doesn't have to waste time gathering information.

Rosa is watching the training ground from the outlook post, staring down at Huo Yuhao. He was "rigidly." surrounded by over forty 9th-Class Devil Warriors from across the continent.

"Here we go again... My liege was beating the shit out of them for more than three months to increase their cultivation. Yet, only some gained enlightenment and tapped into the 10th Class Devil Warrior Realm."

"Shame. Truly a shame."

"You're commenting like 9th Class Devil Warriors are weak. They don't grow like grass, you know." Lily de Kemos jumped to the tower, giving Rosa a funny look.

After some explanation, the royal sisters reunite but have an awkward relationship as Rosa doesn't really see Lily as intimate anymore. Lily is still her sister, but Rosa prioritizes her master above anything else.

Lily is okay with it, knowing Huo Yuhao gave her sister a second chance to live in this world. It's unorthodox, but who cares. Lily still counts this as a kind act.

"Oh, we are talking about grass now? My liege could literally make his shadow army grow their strengths to 9th Class like watering down grass with a pot." Rosa grinned, which left Lily awestruck.

Lily shook her head in defeat and returned, "Whatever, at least his shadow army is on our side."

She moved her gaze to the training ground and replied, "I hope we can get a few more 10th-Class Devil Warriors to defend against the monster waves. Aih, my hope is too high."

Huo Yuhao breathed in, relaxing in the sight of strong devil warriors.

Unlike the Black Pearl Castle's guards, these people are strong and masters of devil art. They are leaders and frontiersperson in their country, polishing their skills to the highest height possible.

Dirty tricks won't work.

Baiting them also won't be so easy.

However, they are also on the weaker side of martial art mastery.

'Attack and adapt. Evolve as you face your enemy.' Scathach's voice echoed in Huo Yuhao's head.


An intense breeze came toward Huo Yuhao's head.

Huo Yuhao dodged and tapped the attacker on the shoulder, using the Flowing Waves: Sphere to deflect all incoming strikes. He ducked down and stomped the ground, generating a shockwave that washed everyone near him away.

Kicking the ground, Huo Yuhao accelerated forward and kicked the rubble into pieces. It distracted and covered his enemy's field vision because Armament Haki covered these pebbles, creating a confusing array of Spiritual Energy.


Huo Yuhao's silhouette danced and eliminated the nearest person with a clear punch in the rib.

"Got you." A giggle from a woman appeared from behind him.

Huo Yuhao's left leg lashed like a whip and slammed the woman's face with no mercy. He sent the poor lady away and secured a distance, observing the rest of the fighters.

"Don't talk when trying to catch your enemy off guard. You'll be a poor assassin and die before even killing your target." He commented indifferently.

"You guys are 9th Class Devil Warriors... However, I noticed something similar about all of you."

"You used the Devil Force too much. Stop relying on Devil Force unless you really need it.."

"And Use your Inner Energy more... That's the fucking basis of Devil Warrior's strength."

Hearing Huo Yuhao's comments, some 9th-Class Devil Warriors coughed in shame because what he said was true. Devil Force is just too convenient in the devil race's path to becoming more powerful.

It blinded their perception to reach a higher realm, like Alexandra, who solely believed her Devil Force was invincible until Huo Yuhao beat her.

So many young kroman focused on reaching the 5th Class to awaken their Devil Force, unaware of the proper foundation to use their inner energy. It led to declining potential later on, making them stuck forever in the 7th and 8th Class Realm.

"I have said this many times, but I'll keep repeating it... Strong is subjective. Even though results matter, your journey is what makes yours now."

Huo Yuhao rushed forward with untraceable movement and traded blows with a solemn-looking man. His punches connected with the man's staff strikes, quickly breaking the technique apart with a ripple-like sequence.


"More." He eyed them with shining red eyes.


"More! Move your body!"

"Stop moving like stick figures, god damn it!"

"Oy, guard your shin, or I'll make you nutless for eternity!"

"For fuck sake, you dumb fools. Even the student in Dragon Nest has a better battle sense than you..."

Huo Yuhao's roars could be heard within 300 meters radius, shouting at the famous warriors on the continent like they were children in the playground.

Yes, these masters of masters are nothing in front of God Slayer's beloved student. No wonder the Monster Race, with a superior body and muscle brain, could overwhelm the devil race.

It only takes one small opening and chances to kill someone stronger than you.

Five hours later, Huo Yuhao breathed somewhat heavily and looked down at the group of 9th-Class Devil Warriors on the ground. They have several broken bones and internal organ failures because Huo Yuhao wanted to teach them some lessons.

Well, their injuries aren't fatal enough to cause death. However, painful enough to make them realize their weaknesses. They won't make the same mistake again now.

"At least you guys aren't pushovers." Huo Yuhao listened to the painful groans on the ground. "Rest and review your ability once more tonight."

He walked away and watched Mercedes come with a towel and a water bottle. "Here, master~!" She faithfully handed the water and rubbed the sweat off his skin.

Huo Yuhao rolled his eyes because Mercedes and four others were trying to get on his good side. He doesn't care much about them besides the extra firepower, as Theomars' past had been avenged by him already.

"Where is Alexandra?" Huo Yuhao asked and drank the water to quench his thirst. Even though he wasn't hit by the devil warriors in training, dodging all of them still consumes his stamina.

Mercy pouted and answered, "Like always, she's warming your bed, master. Even though sister Alexandra is a 10th Class Devil Warrior, losing the Devil Force weakened her strength and function."

"Not to mention Akexandra's new Devil Force makes her constantly in heat more than Clara, whose libido is higher than the twins combined."

"W-Well, it's understandable for us... We can't live without yours anymore." Mercy shamelessly looked down at Huo Yuhao's crotch, licking her lips hungrily.

Huo Yuhao was speechless. He forgot one of many annoying aspects of perverted people. First of all, they are determined to get laid.

He sighed and flicked Mercy's forehead, "I'll call you when I need to do dual cultivation. Go to your office and heal the people sent to the red zone."

With Mercy's new Devil Force, she was "immediately." appointed to be the leader of the healer group. Her ability to patch up life-threatening injuries like nothing is a blessing for the alliance.

Meanwhile, other Admante Ladies were assigned to protect the alliance base until the monster wave resolved. Of course, Huo Yuhao's order is still above the alliance's needs.

Even if the whole continent voted for help, they wouldn't move until Huo Yuhao opened his mouth.

Opening his bedroom, Huo Yuhao saw Alexandra and three other ladies of Admante lying on the bed soundlessly. As if they were sleeping, but he could clearly notice their acts.

"Wake up. I don't bring you here to laze around." Huo Yuhao crossed his arm, having a stern expression on his face.

"M-Master?" Alexandra innocently rubbed her eyes, brightening her expression upon seeing him. Who could have thought the cold and calculated head of the Admante Family would end up like this?

Clara peeked her head out of the blanket, purring comfortably. She doesn't seem to want to move from her current position. Only Harmonia and Triana stare at Huo Yuhao with straight expressions.

"Clara, Harmonia, Triana leave... There is a mission for the three of you." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

"Oh, mission~?" Harmonia was the first to say something.

"Has the search team found the location of Grand Marshal Mountain already?"

Huo Yuhao shook his head and answered, "No, your job is to visit Southern Fort and eliminate the monster waves there. Ten mid-9th Class monsters detected, which shouldn't be a problem for you, Clara."

"As for Harmonia and Triana, I want you to secure the resources, such as rare minerals for creating armor and weapons. And medicinal herbs to supply more tonic later on."

"I don't want to take a chance in this situation. We would fight more than 97 billion monsters later, so having more supply is better than nothing."

Huo Yuhao could have used the land within Jungle Dungeon, but he couldn't let anyone know about it besides trusted people. The secrets between Terressa and her follower's ambusher remain a mystery, which leads to his suspicion against other empires.

One of many motives behind allying is to spot traitors of the devil race.

Just like Dragon Nest, this place needs some cleaning.

"Hmm... Understandable." Clara felt somewhat disappointed and jumped from the bed. She bowed to Huo Yuhao and left the room quickly.

Harmonia and Triana stared at each other, sighing because this mission wouldn't be exciting. They prefer to stay with Huo Yuhao for the whole day, but knowing their master's personality. A complaint would lead to harsh punishment.

Like Clara, they said Huo Yuhao a polite farewell and disappeared from the room. "See you later, master~!" Harmonia winked her eyes at him.

Meanwhile, Triana only gives him a thirsty look before following her twin sister.

The room soon fell into silence.

In the last few months, Alexandra has acted like a good servant to Huo Yuhao and obeyed his order without hesitation. However, he wasn't dumb enough not to realize something weird about this woman.

Picking up a chair, Huo Yuhao sat near the bed and stared at Alexandra calmly without showing emotion.

"What's the matter, master~?" Alexandra tilted her head, asking sweetly.

Huo Yuhao scoffed and commented, "Alexandra, you can stop acting now."

"or should I call you the real dual personality of Alexandra?"

"What are you talking about, master? The real dual personality? There is no such a thing-!" Alexandra smiled at Huo Yuhao like it was a silly question.

"..." Huo Yuhao maintained a deadpan look.

He didn't say anything and kept staring at Alexandra, making her smile crumble with each second. After an hour of awkward silence, Alexandra's smile was "slowly." replaced with a defeated yet solemn look.

"Did Titania tell you about me?" Alexandra finally opened her mouth. Her red "X" irised eyes have turned into a deep purple.

"No, she doesn't even bother to tutor me properly." Huo Yuhao returned indifferently.

Alexandra giggled and nodded in agreement, "Sounds like her. Well, master~! Nice to meet you, I guess?"

With an interested grin, the mysterious personality loosened her sleep robe to tease Huo Yuhao and added, "How did you know about the real dual personality, though? I'm sure that even Alexandra herself never finds out about me."

"No, to be honest... No one in Titania Bolos could discover my presence."

"Not even that pesky Titania..."

"I don't know." Huo Yuhao shrugged casually. "Even though I have plundered Alexandra's Devil Force, her Devil Taboo is untouched."

"As far as I am concerned, Devil Taboo is the first sign for the devil race to gain power exceeding the limit... Or in my dictionary known as the path toward Godhood."

"Mine is related to Devil Dragon God."

"Alexandra, however..."

"As you can see, you just confirmed my suspicion.

"..." The mysterious personality was stunned.

She began to laugh and heaved her chest in disbelief.


"As expected, you're the best. You're the best, master~!"

"Then, have you guessed my identity~?" She coyly crawled toward Huo Yuhao.

Feeling the anticipation from the woman, Huo Yuhao leaned on his chair and stared at the ceiling. "Alpha and Omega." He commented with a guessing tone, making the mysterious woman's smile widened in expectation.

"Titania von Valstrax possessed the weakest rank in the Devil Race Ranking, indicating she was the end of the Ancient Devil Race."

"After bantering with her for almost two years, I know she doesn't have a person close to her besides one person... The polar opposite of her."

"Or should I say, the beginning of the Ancient Devil Race? The highest of the highest ranking, the absolute ruler of all Kroman."

"The Nox Emperor..."

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