My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 204: Prepared

Chapter 204: Prepared

Erik silently appraised the battle with Yul while he recovered his strength. Tyler was panting heavily beside him. 'We've managed to lure him quite far away. We can only hope that the Chimera has exposed himself by now.' For this operation Erik had brought one thousand men, now they were down to a mere two hundred.

The more time they spent stalling the colossus, the greater the costs were becoming. It would be difficult for him to explain the lost manpower without mentioning that Phillip had gone after the Chimera. If he did that, then the secret of his curse would be exposed, and Erik could not have that. 'Hm, we can't stall him much longer. Not without putting Tyler's and my life on the line. It's just not worth the cost anymore.'

"RETREAT!" Erik roared startling Tyler beside him.

"Master! Why are we retreating?" Tyler's brows created angry arches on his brow.

"What do you think?" Erik scoffed as he gestured around them and then to the trail of dead bodies that Yul had left behind him.

Tyler seemed to have just noticed how few of them were left. 'Damn! I was too focused on learning as much as I could from this fight!' Tyler shook his head, disappointed with himself. He knew that they could not kill Yul, but just fighting against something with this kind of strength was a valuable experience. 

Yul noticed the rear the line retreating and the ones closest to him trying to break away. 'Hm, seems like they're finally done playing.' He looked around at the devastation he had wrought. Satisfied with having been given ample heroes to vent his anger on. The heroes seemed to be watching him while they ran, making his eyes narrow.

'So you want me to chase you, do you?' His massive frame crouched down, and the fleeing heroes panicked. There was no doubt that he could catch up to them if he were serious. Then Yul spotted the wide grin on Tyler's face. 'Hm? Somethings wrong. Are they deliberately sacrificing themselves to lure me away?' 

His mind was in turmoil as anger bubbled and boiled within him at having been deceived. That was until he had a certain thought. 'If they're luring me away, then there's probably even more for me to kill back there.' A sadistic smile warped his face that gave Erik a bad feeling. Yul spun to face the opposite direction and took off at high speed.

"Fuck!" Erik roared as he stopped running. He had hoped that they could lead him on for even a while longer as he gave chase to them. However, the sudden change in the heroes tactics had probably tipped him off! 'Phillip, I hope you get out of there in time!'

Meanwhile, Kace braced himself to receive Sarah's attack. His reactions were still too slow to properly deal with her speed. She struck him in the chest with such force he felt himself get blown away from the slope. Luckily, his armour was of high enough quality to deflect most of the impact. Preventing any injuries to his body. 

Sophia was so angry that she completely forgot about her target and charged at Sarah, determined to deal with her. Dao grunted as he continuously crushed the Earth Bullets that Daniel was firing at him. Shadow was trying to decide what action he should take, on the one hand, he had to ensure Kace's safety. However, without his aid, the two vampires would quickly become overwhelmed.

"Fuck! I just have to trust in our Lord."

Shadow sunk into the ground while staring at the mage hiding in the back. In his mind, Phillip was most likely the most dangerous one. Otherwise, Kace would not have targeted him personally. Sophia had just reached Sarah and swung her blade with all the speed that she could muster. However, Sarah avoided the deadly blade with apparent ease.

In reality, Sarah was feeling exhausted. It drained her quite a lot to use this spell that increased her speed, reactions and thought processes. She would not be able to keep it up much longer. 'I have to end this quickly!' A slight grimace appeared on her face as she performed a high-speed lunge towards Sophia's chest.

Sophia had seen how powerful this woman's strikes could be and wasted no time in turning into a mist to avoid the blow. As the blow passed through her, Sarah smirked. Lightning leapt from the blade, evaporating the mist in its immediate area. Sophia forced herself to move away from the location before reforming her body. Her chest rose up and down as she panted heavily. Holding back the anguished scream stuck in her throat. 

A small hole had opened up in her left shoulder. It was nothing that she would not be able to heal in time, but the effects of taking that damage in her mist form were obvious. Dao caught sight of it from the corner of his eyes, and his look became grave. Obviously, their opponents knew the weakness of one of their greatest evasive abilities.

Dao cursed internally as he began to push himself to advance on Daniel. Phillip noticed his intentions and set a ring of fire around himself and his guard. Making sure that it was close enough that the goblin would have limited space to operate if he wanted to attack them. Feeling that he had secured their position, he began to bombard Dao with spells.

Vaskra quickly created an air cushion to catch Kace, who was mid-air. Grugda provided her with a secure space to do so while he took on preventing the enemy spells. 'We. Underestimated them.' He thought while sparing a glance at the precarious situation, the two vampires found themselves in. 'We have to. Clean up here. Fast. It will. Probably take. All of us. To breakthrough.'

On this side of the battlefield, goblins were climbing the heroes like trees before driving their short blades down behind the heroes' collar bones. Striking at their hearts. The heroes were being pressured by the orcs, leaving them with no room to deal with the little monsters. Kace had a dark look on his face as he was lowered to the ground. His eyes were fixed on Sarah

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