My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 183: The Worst Has Yet To Come

Chapter 183: The Worst Has Yet To Come

Kace greeted Josh with apprehension in his voice. There was no telling what kind of changes had occurred to his personality after his changes. If Kace was to judge based on his own personal experience, the results could be quite drastic.

However, he was pleasantly surprised to see that Josh seemed particularly warm towards him still. This was obviously not the place to have a quiet chat with so many sharp ears listening in. There was no need to ask why the queen had rushed off to meet them on the ship as Sophia was able to tell him what had happened as well. 

Kace sincerely hoped that his friend Raven would survive. It would be a shame to lose him before they properly got the chance to be reunited. As the pair began to take their leave to find a quiet spot, a horn suddenly sounded from the castle. Five long blasts stunned the vampires. However, Kace had no idea how to interpret it. 

Sophia quickly rushed to his side and grabbed his arm. There was a terrified look in her eyes which startled Kace. The horn from a moment before could only be a signal of something even worse than what they had just survived.

"Sophia. Tell me. What did the horns mean?"

"Kace we have to run! Before it's too late!"

Sophia eagerly dragged him towards the gate with Josh following along behind with his crew out of curiosity. Within a few seconds, they were overtaken by Dao at first. His complexion was indescribably pale. He was soon followed by vampires who were throwing their weapons aside as they tried to make a break for it.

A strange suppressive force suddenly came down on everyone like a ten-ton weight. Out of everyone around them, only their group and Dao were able to move freely. Kace was even more stunned by this development. Now he really wanted to know what was happening, but Sophia was frozen in fright beside him.

"We're too late!" She moaned as she allowed herself to have a mental breakdown. She curled up into a ball and sobbed loudly as she waited for her death. She only hoped that it would be over quickly. 

Kace did not have the patience at the moment to bedewing with this. He was far more interested in what was able to create such a reaction amongst a race as powerful as the vampires. Kace located the stone stairs that led to the battlements and rushed up to them. Taking two steps at a time. Before he could even reach the top, he spotted Dao standing there like a stone sentinel. Unflinching, unmoving.

Kace suddenly felt nervous, what could be so terrifying to someone on Dao's level? He carefully and slowly exposed his face above the battlements to look out ahead. However, the sight that he beheld exceeded even his wildest of imaginations. 

A sea of steel spread out as far as his eyes could see not just in this direction, but in every direction. There was no gap at all that would allow anyone to exit the city unnoticed. There was a rather large group of individuals leading this Great Army. Quite a few of them were familiar faces to Kace. There were even a couple that he was not expecting to meet here. 

Kace picked out the figures of Lauren and Cameron. At the same time, Dao pointed Charlie, who was of special note. To their right marched Phillip, Sarah and Tyler. Leading these three was, of course, Eric Stormbringer. However, he was not the source of the calamitous feeling that had everyone frozen in place.

That honour belonged to the man leading the group. His hair was short and dark brown in colour. He wore light steel armour coloured in scarlet with golden trim. A bastard sword was strapped to his back, and his features looked flawless. In other words, this man had never received a scar from combat.

Kace pointed towards the man and turned his head towards Dao. Obviously seeking an explanation. Dao could only shake his head in despair. Now that this man had taken to the field, if the queen did not return soon, they would be wiped out without offering any resistance. Even if Sonja did return, they would still be wiped out.

"That man is Zornok. The God Slayer. He's one of the elders belonging to the hero guild. Which basically means that we are fucked!" Dao explained while giving him a sad smile.

'God Slayer, huh?' Kace could only curse his bad luck. He already knew the heroes had a penchant for giving out titles based on actual feats that someone had performed. 'How exactly did he kill a god?'

This was the only fact that concerned Kace, after all, he could still use his Shadow Swimming to escape the moment he needed to. 'I better retrieve Sophia, we're getting the hell out of here.' Kace attempted to summon Shadow to his side to make him fetch the snivelling princess. However, to his horror, he discovered that their connection had been severed. 'Oh, fuck, no!'

Next, he tried his own ability only to find that it to was sealed. Somehow, any ability that allowed them to make use of other dimensions had been completely sealed off. Which meant that Kace was without his goblin entourage and had no means of escape. Kace began to sweat bullets as he realised why everyone was so terrified.

Kace glared towards the distant figure of Zornok in a look of disgust. He did not know why, but he had a feeling that he was somehow responsible for it. 'Guess I'll have to do this the old fashioned way!' Kace leapt from the battlement into the city. He threw out his hand and cast Spider Thread towards the nearest building.

Or that had been his intention anyway. Instead, he fell face first towards the ground. Luckily Sylvan was on top of things and produced a vine cushion to protect him from the fall. 'What the fuck just happened!' Kace was flabbergasted. 'Well, it looks like our new friend has sealed all magic'

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