My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 187 - 178 Light of Will from the Dead Bone (3K Monthly Tickets Requested )_1

Chapter 178 Light of Will from the Dead Bone (3K Monthly Tickets Requested )_1

Translator: 549690339

Land of Challenge.

The fourth level of the Red Tower.

The plains were vast and boundless, the green grass swaying gently in the breeze. But then…


The far-off rumbling sound came one after another, visible shockwaves spreading out like murky water waves, rolling out a white arc. Wherever it passed, the ground was overturned, roots and all. Further afar, tufts of grass flew about, leaving the earth in shambles. The shockwave, reduced only by a great distance, left behind some strong winds that bent the tender grass.

If anyone stood here and looked out, they would find that the closer they were, the more chaotic and dead the earth would be.

Some scattered pieces of grass had already withered and decayed, the soil turned murky black, and the whole earth seemed to have died off.

In the center of this dead earth, there was a mountain standing tall, white with bones.

Only, at this moment within the Wraith Sacred Mountain, the resplendent holy light broke through the black fog shrouding the sky and earth again and again, and the black fog was washed away and became sparse.

In the mountain, Ironclad Scorpions surged upwards, their giant claws breaking the ground and creating large pits.

Outside the mountain, Ironclad Scorpions had their tails raised high, sending out needles like cannonballs in a continuous shower.

At this moment, the battlefield in the Wraith Sacred Mountain was like a meat grinder, a bone grinding machine, and the Undead Legion was defeated step by step, and could hardly hold on.

“Although, it was expected.”

Mu Yuan sighed.

He had only an 80% chance of victory when all his high-end Tianyuan forces were pushed forward. Not to mention now when there was a lack of heavy firepower like Duo Lai, no strong ones like Isloa, Tree Demon Granny, Lu Liu, and there was also no help from him as the Great Lord Shepherd…

Defeat, nothing could be more normal.

But if they could form an Army Soul Embryo, the Undead Legion could reverse the defeat and easily kill the Giant Scorpions and the nuns.

The Army Soul Embryo could not only make the Skeleton Generals burst out with powerful energy but also greatly aid General Dead Bone himself.

After all, Dead Bone is also a member of the legion, and more importantly, a general!

For this outcome, General Dead Bone was not surprised, but…

Looking at the magnificent Skeleton Sacred Mountain crumbling little by little; looking at the Skeleton General and the Skeleton Mortician who had just been revived, quickly being killed again; looking at the tide of the dead called by the Legion of Death, being obliterated under the charge of the Giant Scorpions and the nuns, it…

It still couldn’t accept it.

You can’t blame the enemy for being too strong, or Bone Two and the others for being too weak, you can only blame yourself.

“I am still, too weak.”

Dead Bone leaned on his sword, standing at the top of the mountain.

Its armor was torn and ragged, and some bones were missing, and it didn’t repair them. Repairing would require energy, and any little bit of energy at this time is precious.

But until now, no matter how much Dead Bone saved, even if it drew energy from the sacred mountain, and from the dead, it was still almost exhausted.

Mainly because it couldn’t withstand the charge of the Giant Scorpions.

In the beginning, it had to burst out several times, bringing forth the River of the Underworld.

And now,


The most stable Bone Four was also hit by a dozen holy lights because of its numerous injuries and could not dodge. The mottled white bones hissed with smoke, the remaining energy couldn’t resist this piercing holy light.

It knelt on the ground, its bones disappearing from bottom to top, and a few seconds later it disappeared completely, leaving only some grey-black dust, and the incomplete armor that had fallen on the ground with a clatter.

In another place, Hong Yi was also driven to a corner.

“Oh dear, I’m going to die again, please be gentle.”

Hong Yi tided her red dress, giving a carefree smile, and then too was reduced to ashes under the holy light, not even leaving half of her red wedding dress behind.

Soon, only one Dead Bone was left on the battered mountain top.

It looked around, like an unmatched general who had reached the end of the road.

Only the ending of dying gloriously on the battlefield was left.

“But we shouldn’t.”

“It shouldn’t be like this.”

“The weak should also have the power to strike at the sky.”

It looked quietly, and suddenly a faint glimmer of light bloomed in the depth of its eyes.

It was weak, but it was shining, like a golden light of the most dazzling colors in the world.

Dead Bone seemed to understand something, its eyes brightened, and the pale blue soul flames inside its skull, which seemed like a candle in the wind, also blazed fiercely.

It was as if its end was in sight.

Yes, but not all.

“Lord once said, the power of will can rewrite everything, as long as the belief is firm enough, all miracles can be grasped.”

“After such a long time, Bone finally understands.”

“Bone is slow.”

It mumbled, its golden eyes piercing the sky.

This was not the light of the soul flame, but the light that came when the will had surpassed its limits.

Everyone can have the light.

The light of will!

This light was shining in Mu Yuan’s eyes, more colorful than the auspicious clouds in the sky.

“At first, I thought it would be Lu Liu, who has the talent of ‘Steadfast Will’, who would be the first to break through the limit of his will. I didn’t expect it would be General Dead Bone who would take the lead.”

It wasn’t that he underestimated Dead Bone, but the birth of the light of will really had nothing to do with comprehension.

It all depends on personal will.

And personal experience.

Some rare talents also help in the condensation of the Light of Will, just like the Steadfast Will of Lu Liu.

As for Dead Bone… Whether its will is strong or not, it has never really fought for life and death, has never exhausted its energy to fight until the last moment, so naturally, it can’t talk about any experience tempering it.

Until now.

This is Dead Bone’s real, all-out battle.

Looking at their many brothers and sisters falling in front of them, and they don’t even have the ability to turn things around, it broke the limit.

Now, the key to the legend, Dead Bone has already gripped two of them.

But it just wanted to tear apart the enemy in front of it.


The Giant Scorpions kept climbing along the top of the mountain.

The nuns clasp their hands together, radiating an increasingly brilliant light, continually driving away the black fog.

Before them, General Dead Bone’s energy is all but exhausted, seemingly struggling to even lift his blade.

“But I can.”

Thus, he raises his sword, as if an endless strength surges within his body.

“I still have strength.”

Inside him, although his energy pool is seemingly dried up and exhausted, a vast black fog gushes out as he gestures.

He claims he can persevere, that he still has strength left, and so… he does.

Thus, the thinning black fog on Wraith Sacred Mountain slowly gathers again, obscuring the sky. More black fog flows from Dead Bone’s hand like a stream, drifting around the holy mountain, disappearing into the broken bones and black dust.

In an instant,

Many fallen undead warriors, the Red Robed Rakshasa and other generals, return to life once again.

They once again engage in battle with the giant scorpions and the nuns.

Dead Bone continues to advance.

Because strategic skills and weapons like the Soul Crystal cannot be used in the Land of Challenge, he uses his own energy as the foundation, deploying the strategic skill ‘Legion of Death’.

The consumption is enormous, but at this time, his energy seems infinite.

Or it could be said, at this moment, no matter what he does, there is no energy consumption.

The remaining 0.01% of his energy is consolidated here, not reduced by a fraction.

This is the power of will!

The Light of Will does not significantly increase combat power, it is not as extraordinary as a domain.

It has only one effect—an absolute steady state!

Simply put it as “hold on”!

Because I want to persevere, because my will is strong, I held on.

Despite the depletion of energy,

Despite being seriously injured,

He can still fight until the Great Dao Annihilation.

“The Light of Will naturally cannot maintain an infinite steady state, but at least at this moment…”

The power of resurrection envelops the sky above.

Some Skeleton Generals die, and the next moment, they are revived.

From the nearby Gate of Death, the undead creatures emerge unceasingly.

Dead Bone charges into the midst of the enemy lines. Wailing Death creates a vast River of the Underworld, engulfing countless Giant Scorpions and nuns. They vanish into bones in the blink of an eye.

In just a few minutes, the already halved numbers of Giant Scorpion and nuns visibly decrease.

But Dead Bone persists.

The heavy sword keeps falling.

Suddenly, his sword stops, hovering in front of a buxom blonde nun. The strong wind blows her hair into disarray. Her clothes are torn, and her body is marred by the grey scars left by various types of death energy.

She is still gathering the power of Holy Light, desperately trying to swing it out.

But Dead Bone doesn’t retaliate.

He looks around and realizes that the enemy has been nearly wiped out. The nun before him is the last of this formidable army.

He has… won.

The hand of Dead Bone, which is slightly shaking, can no longer hold the sword handle, and his whole body becomes shaky, but…

He has won.


The world, which appeared to be a mirage, shatters, but the experience and growth obtained by the legion from the long battle are real.

‘Light of Will: The wielder can retain all combat power in the face of death, resist attacks not exceeding a certain limit, the number of times is subject to the strength of will and the strength of the attack. At the same time, the one who ignites the Light of Will can immune from most illusion techniques.’

This is the effect of Light of Will.

In addition, there are some hidden benefits, such as absolute control over one’s own strength and so on.

After the battle, Mu Yuan gave Dead Bone some time off.

The use of the Light of Will is to exploit potential and even if the state had been reset, there would still be some fatigue.

And so,

It was time for him, Lord Shepherd, to enter the stage.

He led Duo Lai, Isloa, and others to challenging the fourth stage, directly facing formidable enemies.

Daisy swished her fox tail and looked at him eagerly, “Can we not go?”

Mu Yuan denied, “No, even if you’re clerks, you need to have a bit of self­preserving ability.”

He held up two fingers, indicating that it was crucial.

“Right, right.” Sophia agreed and grabbed Daisy’s arm, promising they would be there.


On the vast grassland.

The screams came one after another.

Mu Yuan loaded Dead Bone’s model, and he used Wraith Sacred Mountain to block the enemy. But the skill he had was just a broken version, and he didn’t possess Dead Bone’s unique skill application method, nor did he have the Light of Will.

In the end, they were defeated.

Mu Yuan was used to it.

It’s just a death.

It seems that Daisy died a bit too easily, it didn’t seem to have much effect on her growth.

As for himself… he was also not strong enough.

Using a model for borrowing power was at most a mini Dead Bone, a mini Duo Lai. But Top-Level Lords all have their own unique combat methods.

“A Lord’s combat system needs toweave the lord’s territory, soldiers, generals and talent into the base upon which it is built and transformed.

“Although many lords only start building and polishing their combat system in the advanced stages, but…”

He already had some thoughts; maybe it was time to start contemplating and conceptualizing.

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