My beast Emperor System

Chapter 263: Change of plans

Chapter 263: Change of plans

"You know, the original plan was to stall till nightfall but after crossing blade with you all I realized you are not the main dragon army... You are just cannon folders sent to support... I can't be caught wasting time with trash like you all, so this time, I will be going for the kill!" Lucien said as his aura exploded violently creating a massive hurricane around him!

Everyone saw as his blue aura slowly took the shape of a massive dragon, making many even the elders shiver!

"The dragon will! He is finally using the dragon will!" The elder in yellow robes said with knitted eyebrows!

He hated the fact that Lucien was looking down on them but if what Lucien said is true and he did have the power to suppress them all, taking him down will be an issue, especially since he had the dragon inheritance!

[What are you doing? This is not part of the plan] Rakuzen said calmly.

"Thus is not the main army... Just as we expected the Dragon race is not truly friendly, that explains why they would send their weakest forces to help deal with the invasions at the fire dragon palace" Lucien responded.

[True... It is more like the fire dragon clan is the most powerful so they are obliged to help... They sent help to be on the good side of the clan when things are over... But the backup they sent is quite insignificant because they hope the fire dragon clan gets destroyed! Giving them the chance to take their seat of power] Rakuzen said and Lucien nodded in agreement.

"If that is the case, then we can't hold back anymore... The fire dragon clan still has a wounded Demigod on their side... Since I have a chance of victory against these people, I will kill them all and go meet up with Derik" Lucien said before shooting forward with the azure blue spear!


The blazing blue flames around the spear were so intense and massive, the gray-robed youth could barely see what was at the other side! Seeing the twirling blue flames surging towards him, the gray-robed dragon elder frowned. His wind barrier can stop a lot of attacks but this is not one of them!

"Then I will rely on speed!" he growled in his mind as his body shot into the air, moving at an incredible speed.

Before the blue flames could reach him, he had already passed its reach. He stood above the attack watching the surging flames bombard where he once stood with a satisfied smile on his face. The wind dragon clan may not have explosive power like other dragon clans but they possess immense speed almost comparable to the lightning dragon clan and the variety that comes with the wind element!

"Did you really think you escaped me?" Lucien's cold voice rang in his ears as he felt the threat of death looming over his head!


Stomping the air, the gray-robed man vanished just before he was hit by the attack.

"Die!" His voice erupted like a volcano as a massive wind claw descended from above trying to crush Lucien below!

He watched the massive wind claw strike Lucien only to realize that was just an afterimage! He wanted to flee but he felt Lucien grab his right hand! Before he could react, he already felt the sharp edge of the dragon spear piercing his arm!

Lucien was planning to chop his hands off!



A gray aura exploded from the youth's body, sending Lucien sliding backward as a massive gray dragon appeared!


And with a single flap of its wings, it retreated almost fifty meters back, increasing the distance between it and Lucien. The beast had a terrified look on its face while Lucien looked more excited than terrified. His eyes revealed killing lights and he wore a mocking smile on his face.

"Challenging me in a game of speed is very stupid... Even before I became the person wielding the dragon inheritance, I was the fastest amongst my peers..." Lucien said calmly as he tightened his grip on the spear.

The gray dragon gazed at him in complete fury! It has never been disgraced like this before so it didn't know how to deal with such insults. As one of the younger generations in the dragon clan, this going elder has surpassed all his peers and even his parent, taking his place as a member of the wind dragon elders at such a young age. He has always been used as an example for the younger generations of dragons and many looked up to him while the others expected more from him! This is the first time he has faced off someone as young and talented as him who dares say crap to his face!

"I KILL YOU!" he growled as the wind around them began surging towards him furiously.


Letting out a furious cry as a white beam shot towards Lucien. Seeing this Lucien smirked and walked forward while in mid-air.

[Silver armor activated!]

Lucien's aura quickly changed from that of a dragon to something different. His eyes turned white as his body released some sort of white liquid which hardened almost instantly forming a white armor around him. His aura took the shape of the ant queen as he raised his hand toward, taking the attack head-on!


A powerful explosion occurred as the white beam met Lucien's open plan, only moving him back by a few steps before stopping. The dragon elders around gazed at him in disbelief especially since he took the attack head-on and came out fine, without even a single scratch on him!

"This!" The lightning dragon clan elder said in disbelief! How can someone in the lower realm take an attack from a foe in a higher realm and come out perfectly fine?

The gray dragon. was even too scared to react immediately. He gazed at Lucien with a terrified expression on his face as Lucien slammed his fists together and took a deep Breath!

"Don't die..." Lucien said calmly!


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