My beast Emperor System

Chapter 258: Ghost Haunt!

Chapter 258: Ghost Haunt!

Seeing Derik space out during the battle, Demos and Kaido sighed in annoyance since they are already used to things like this. Most times, Derik is ruthless and unforgiving! He doesn't speak much on the battlefield and focuses more on destroying the enemy but once in a while Derik loses focus and becomes overwhelmed with numerous thoughts flowing into his little head but this period doesn't last long. So Demos and Kaido weren't too disturbed by the distracted Derik since they knew he will come back and deal with the enemy!

"Kill me? I don't know how you got past the weaklings outside but we are clearly different!" The Elder growled but then the black scythe he was standing atop vanished and he almost fell, for a moment he lost his balance!

Seeing the man struggle with his wings to regain balance, Derik lunged forward with a hand shrouded in darkish free aura!


The man was able to take catch Derik's punch but that was all! His eyes widened in shock as he saw his bright red dragon scales peeling away and fall off while it was under the influence of the death aura!

"Sure enough, the dragon scale has a certain level of resistance to my death aura" Derik said but he didn't look bothered;




A flurry of punches was released upon the enemy, forcing him to block while retreating! Each place hit by the punch lost the dragon scales placed at that area, causing the elder more energy just to create a new one! He knew if Derik's attack should somehow reach his body, he will be dead even before he gets the chance to fight back!

"What Kind of power is tho?" the elder growled as he landed roughly on a massive staircase before jumping back but Derik stubbornly chased after him, not holding back while delivering the countless attacks!

"Help!" The elder finally screamed the moment he got closer to the two elders!

His face had already turned pale and his body was soaked with sweat as he hastily retreated. They could understand if the elder lost against Derik but not this fast! Their pride as dragons will not let them take this sitting down!



The two elders let out furious cries as they spat out two massive balls of fire!

Devour? No!

Derik made up his mind not to limit himself to only devour and he summoned his death scythe!

"TEAR!" Derik growled as his body was propelled forward by an unknown force and in one spinning attack, he split the two balls of flame in two!


"Not bad, you two" Derik said with a sinister smile as people noticed his upper half has been severed from his lower half! Apparently, the two balls of fire were a distraction, and using it as a cover, they were able to blitz past, Derik, delivering a killing blow in one move!

Unfortunately, death cannot be killed!

Derik's eyes revealed intense killing intentions as some sort of black tendrils shot out of his severed body parts reattaching them once again!

"Don't forget about me!" The first elder's voice rang from behind, causing Derik to frown

A massive explosion occurred behind him and from it a mighty red dragon emerged, clapping down at Derek with its massive claws!

Seeing this, Derik knew they were no means of escape, considering the distance and a smile bloomed on his face!

"Kill me with this? Cocky!" Derik said as his aura exploded, surging into the death scythe violently!

The weapon let out spooky screams of pain and sorrow while vibrating viciously!

"Die!" The elder growled as his massive claws reached Derik but to his greatest surprise, it was knocked back by the death scythe.

Fire Dragon Roar!!!

The other elders screamed as they let out two massive beams of red flames.

"Not enough!" Derik growled viciously as he tightened his grip on the death scythe and he swung forward! His red eyes turned green as his death scythe let out another soul-chilling cry while splitting the fire beams in two!



The massive red dragon behind Derik took a few steps back in fear as it realized Derik's power was just too overwhelming for it!

"Didn't I tell you? This is where you die!" Derik's eyes let out a threatening glad as the death scythe turned green!

Ghost Haunt!

Derik cried as he charged forward, leaving behind free after-images as he moved!


The red dragon retreated hastily but the moment it hit the stairs, its face turned sour!

"DONT GET COCKY!" It growled furiously as its claws were engulfed in bright red flames while swinging down like a divine hammer!

The two attacks struck but contrary to everyone's expectations, there was no noise or explosion! Derek's death scythe phased through its skin and pierced the soul directly! They watched as Derik's death scythe dragged out the dragon's soul directly before consuming it greedily!


The soulless body of the red dragon fell to the ground like an empty vessel! The dragons atop the stairs all remained silent in shock and gazed at Derik in disbelief! An attack that directly attacks the soul? What kind of monster is this?

The two remaining elders turned towards the direction of the stairs and tried to flee but Demos and Kaido appeared in front of them blocking their path. The duo wore satisfied smiles on their faces after watching Derik's battle! He was still the hot-headed, yet crafty beast they remember!

"As for you two... We can't allow you to leave this place without a proper send-off" Demos said calmly.

"Allow me to send them off" Kaido was fired up after watching Derik's fight!

It may have been short but extremely intense! Enough to make his blood boil! Seeing Derik fend off against so many foes with such passion, he too wanted to replicate that feat and feel the thrill of battle once again!


He muttered as his aura exploded and six human-sized suns began orbiting around him. His face turned fierce and even his smile looked terrifying!

The sun god has returned!

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