My beast Emperor System

Chapter 246: Shadow dragon Clan

Chapter 246: Shadow dragon Clan

Derik explained his theory to Rakuzen and Lucien and both were stunned. Once again, they couldn't understand how Derik can come up with so much information with just a little knowledge. He had almost nothing to start with but he had already deduced what happened and probably why it happened.

He is a true genius!

"This explains a lot! While I was a true God, the dragon race and other races still existed... The elves dwarves and all that... The moment I became a celestial being, I left this realm to battle the other celestial beings and when I was defeated and sent down, this world had completely changed... This explains a lot!" Rakuzen said with a frown on his face.

Those invading their continent are original inhabitors of the continent, who wish to get revenge and take back their land!

"If what you said I true, then we have no choice but to wipe them out!" Rakuzen said coldly and Derik nodded in agreement.

They need to make sure the enemy does not have a place to return to after their defeat or at least, after their defeat, when they return they will be forced to build their civilization from scratch! Giving the humans and beast-men enough time to surpass them, that way they will never be a threat again.

"You have only lived for a few centuries... I have been alive for thousands of years... I have seen enough crazy throughout my lifespan and right now, nothing surprises me anymore. Humans are always the ones responsible for their misfortune... Left alone, I wouldn't interfere but there are the younger ones who have nothing to do with this... Who has no hand in this issue... I can't watch them get slaughtered. No matter what form I take, I will always be human deep down, that is why protecting them will always be my number one priority... I will do whatever it takes" Derik said coldly while gazing at Lucien.

Lucien finally understood why Derik is so willing to wipe out an entire race just to keep the humans alive! He came to this world to aid the humans of the Fotia empire to break free from the rule of the beast-men and that's why he killed emperor Fei! As dedicated as he is to the human race, it is safe to say he is open-minded. Lucien could tell the way he views the beast-man race has changed and he could also tell, Derik regrets killing Emperor Fei.

"So what now?" Lucien asked and Derik let out a weak smile.

The number of people here may be many but Derik could tell that a normal civilization should have far more than this. The major fighting force of the dragon race has already set out and even then they do not stand a chance, going in alone. Derik never expected these dragons to become so organized that they could grow their clan this much. The blow of getting chased away must have been a heavy blow for them and that's why they couldn't help but organize themselves up to this level!

"We will go to the dragon castle, farthest from the others! We will need to gather allies if we want to win" Derik said decisively, stunning Lucien.

Did Derik just admit he needed help?

The power coming from the massive eggs atop the structures kept giving off an intense aura that made Lucien shudder even though he had the dragon inheritance. Whatever is within those eggs may be below the god realm but it has this ancient aura around it that makes them believe it may be as old as a monster like Rakuzen.

Concealing their aura, Derik and Lucien stealthily approached the last magic castle, located slightly far away from the rest. Lucien didn't know the reason for this but since Derik asked them to come with him, he could only obey and follow.

"So why did you pick this castle?" Lucien caught up to Derik and asked in a very low tone.

"I have three reasons... The first is that this tower has the weakest aura so our chances of victory here are close to a hundred percent... Killing them and adding their strength to my power will give us enough army to resist the other towers... Second! It is located farther from the other towers so it's either they are more like outcasts amongst dragons or just lone wolves... Either way, the distance will allow us to do as we please before the others interfere... That is if they choose to interfere... And finally, I can sense strong evil magic there! They possess dark powers! They definitely have my attention!" Derik said decisively as he finally reached the castle and decided to take the front door.

"What are you doing?" Lucien was stunned by Derik's decision to go through the front door when they can easily through other means!

"My pride as the strongest death god will not let me hide when facing someone with dark magic! They should be more terrified of me!" Derik said coldly while walking down the sandy slope, leading to the walls of this castle.

At the front were two dragons, each three times tier size with blazing purple eyes and lingering darkness around them. Seeing two humans approach they were stunned but didn't alert anyone immediately. This is because they couldn't sense Derik as a living being, he had the stench of death all over him, meanwhile, Lucien had this royal aura amongst dragons. Like beasts, they instantly assumed Lucien was some sort of ruler amongst them and they were too fearful to look him in the eye.

Lucien was stunned but Derik instantly understood why. The shadow dragons here are considered outcasts and he was able to confirm this just by the level of guards, guarding the entrance of their castle. A normal person may be fooled by the size of these two shadow dragons but Derik wasn't. He could tell they were teenagers amongst dragons and any spirit realm master can easily contend with both of them and win.

The second reason for this conclusion was that Dragons are not the type to submit, even to royalty! Unless the gap in strength is too much, even then these prideful beings will challenge them. Yet Lucien had only a cultivation base of the spirit realm, extremely low and they quickly submitted? No! They didn't submit out of choice, it is more like they have been bullied into submission!

"Where in the world is dark magic reduced to this worthless level!" Derik growled! He was completely infuriated!


His body turned into a black fog and surged forward! Not daring to be left behind, Lucien transformed into a gray fog and chased after him! They both charged into the castle and under Derik's guidance, they climbed to higher floors with no one to stop them!


The duo kept rising until they reached a gigantic massive hall with powerful black gates!


Derik roared as he smashed through it, throwing the doors open as he entered and regained his original form! While climbing the floors of this massive structure, Derik realized something. The first was that this castle was large enough to fit thousands of fully grown dragons and the second was that once a dragon reaches a certain level of strength, it can compress its power and take human form, just like the ones in this room!


Derik and Lucien's entrance startled all five people in the room and all of them looked aged and haggard but their strength was almost at the emperor tier!

"How dare you barge into the sacred hall of the shadow dragons! We may be weak now but you all are taking this too far! What clan do you belong to!" An aged man said.

His body was emaciated, with visible scale-shaped skin. He had a pair of weak purple eyes and with a glance, Derik could tell these people were nearing the end of their life span. Hearing his words, reassured Derik of his theory! The shadow dragons are a declining dragon clan, bullied into submission by the other dragon clans.

"You all are pathetic... To think people who bear my dark magic will be reduced to such a sorry state... Disappointing!" Derik said in a cold tone as he approached these people.

They could feel the purity in Derek's death aura, stunning them but what was more stunning is the royalty amongst dragons standing behind him!

In their opinion, no dragon can have such a majestic aura which Lucien had right now!

"We are not from any clan!" Lucien ran forward and stopped Derik while he spoke.

He simply didn't want this meeting to turn into a bloodbath because Derik lost his temper. Since this clan has been weakened it meant that they can be negotiated with.

If they can get the shadow dragons to aid them, they can wipe out the other races and leave this place with an army of dragons!

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