Mutated Tao

Chapter 209: Blood

Chapter 209: Blood

A single drop of blood splashed into Li Huowang’s opened mouth.

Salty, smelly, and bitter.

That was all Li Huowang could think about as he saw the halberd cut through Jin Shanzhao’s body and fly toward himself.

The owner of the halberd had meant to attack him and Jin Shanzhao was just in their way.

At that moment, Li Huowang subconsciously used his new power and moved his body two inches toward the left.


The halberd phased right through his illusion and crashed into the ground behind him, cracking it in the process.

Unharmed, Li Huowang looked down at Jin Shanzhao who had stopped smiling; he suddenly felt confused.

On the other hand, Jin Shanzhao opened his mouth to try and talk to Li Huowang but nothing came out. Soon, his eyes became unfocused and he died.

Staring at Jin Shanzhao whose body was split in two, Li Huowang suddenly felt unsure about what he was supposed to do.

This was not supposed to happen!

Just a moment ago Jin Shanzhao was talking about his grand dream and now he was dead; it was as if he was nothing more than a joke.

Dak dak dak~

Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves came from far away. Li Huowang looked up, anger filling his heart. As he saw the familiar helmet, he roared furiously, “PENG LONGTENG!”

This time around, Peng Longteng had brought with her a cavalry of hundreds. She rode her armored steed as she slowly approached the border region where Li Huowang’s group was.

Their group had been hiding for so long, but she still managed to catch up with them.

As she approached them, she used her one remaining eye to see that Li Huowang was unharmed. Seeing this, she smiled cruelly. “Looks like you are indeed something. I underestimated you last time and I won’t make the same mistake again. As an acknowledgement of your strength, I will make sure to leave you with an intact corpse! Charge!”

As she roared, the hundreds of cavalry behind her followed suit and charged toward Li Huowang, their oppressive aura aimed directly at him.

Halfway through their charge, Peng Longteng suddenly raised her hand and pointed at Li Huowang. “Fire!”

In response, all of the soldiers raised their bows and shot arrows straight toward Li Huowang. The rain of arrows ensured that he had nowhere left to run.

However, in the face of this dangerous situation, instead of running away, Li Huowang did the opposite—he raised the sacred text over his head and ran straight toward the soldiers.

Since these were the plains where cavalry had the advantage, he judged that it would be impossible for him to run away. So the only thing he could do was choose to fight!


An arrow curved and shot straight toward Li Huowang’s chest from an impossible angle!

However, it did not harm him; he had separated his body and illusion once more. At this moment, he was close enough to see the soldier’s faces.

“That’s just an illusion! He must be somewhere nearby! Quick, use the method that we used to take down that black-faced monk before!” shouted Peng Longteng.

Following her orders, the cavalries all separated and surrounded Li Huowang in a large circle. However, even as they surrounded him, they did not stop their attacks. They continued shooting their arrows into the circle blindly, covering every inch of the open space to make sure that they hit Li Huowang.


At that moment, a sharp pike with backward facing hooks pierced into Li Huowang’s forearm through his palm.

Li Huowang shouted in pain as he ripped out the bone marrow from his forearm before splashing it onto the Profound Records.

In the next moment, the forearms of the horses and soldiers all snapped into two, causing them to fall down onto the ground.

This caused a chain reaction that caused the other soldiers to trip as well. With this, the rain of arrows finally stopped.

At that moment, Li Huowang suddenly saw a shadow appear above his head—Peng Longteng’s halberd was just above him!

However, she was not aiming for him. Her halberd was aimed at the Profound Records!

Seeing this, Li Huowang picked up the Profound Records and immediately dodged to the left. Once he was out of danger, he launched himself toward Peng Longteng as he stepped on her armored horse and stabbed his sword into the gap of her helmet.

He was attempting to do the same thing as he did last time!


The sound of clashing metal was heard. However, Peng Longteng did not attempt to attack Li Huowang directly. Instead, she swept her halberd in a large arc, causing everything around her to be cut in half indiscriminately.

Seeing this, Li Huowang leapt upward and somersaulted to dodge her attack.

This was the moment when Peng Longteng’s massive amount of battle experience showed its usefulness; she managed to intuitively guess where Li Huowang was and successfully kicked him in the stomach!

Li Huowang was launched into a small hut, causing it to collapse!

On the other hand, Peng Longteng and her army slowly surrounded the demolished hut as they waited for the dust to settle.

But Li Huowang’s body was nowhere to be found!

A burrowing technique?

Just as Peng Longteng had that thought, her senses alerted her of an impending danger, causing her to immediately leap off her horse.

In the next instant her horse was cut in half from the bottom just like Jin Shanzhao.

At the same time, Li Huowang’s bloody illusion slowly appeared from underneath the ground.

This was a new method of using his power that he had just thought of. All he needed to do was project his illusion below ground; this would effectively render his real body invisible.

This is the key to defeat her!

Li Huowang lowered his sword and sank his illusion back underground.

Then, the invisible Li Huowang slowly approached Peng Longteng, who was now without a horse.

However, just when he was almost there, Peng Longteng quickly ran to another soldier and pulled them down before taking control of their horse.

“Ha! Don’t think that you are omnipotent just because you have some tricks! Your parlor tricks are nothing compared to a soldier’s combat methods! For example, one of our techniques is called distraction!” shouted Peng Longteng as she ushered her horse and led the outlaw soldiers to charge in another direction.

Seeing this, Li Huowang was stunned. But then, he immediately realized what they were aiming for. They were targeting Bai Lingmiao and the rest!

Realizing their intentions, Li Huowang chased after them; however, he was not as fast as a horse. Thus, the outlaw soldiers managed to reach them first!

As soon as Li Huowang heard one of the women scream, he unfurled the Profound Records.

His heart hurt when he saw one of them being killed!

Instantly, a sharp bone spike shot out from one of his finger toward the soldiers.

This is not enough!

Li Huowang roared and opened his robes as he used his bare hands to rip open his wounds. Even so, his anger made it so he felt no pain.

Then, a huge chunk of flesh fell heavily onto the Profound Records.

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