Mutated Tao

Chapter 140: Possessed

Chapter 140: Possessed

Everything happened so fast. Not only was it completely out of Chun Xiaoman’s expectations, even Wang Chengxing, who was at the side, was surprised.

Hmm? Her lower body is so unstable. She really doesn't have a master to train her. Looks like I had been looking too much into it.

Chun Xiaoman was not disappointed with her failure. Instead, she picked up the bamboo sword and told the silent youth, “Not bad, one more time!”

Both of them exchanged a few blows and Xiaoman lost once again. This time, her sword was flung out of her hand. Even though the weapon that Tian Ci used was quite weird, it was more than enough to defeat Chun Xiaoman.

Xiaoman fought a few more rounds and lost almost every single time. It was only in the final round that she managed to barely win by exchanging blows brutally, injuring herself in the process.

As he saw her breathing heavily, Wang Chengxing immediately stopped their spar. He was afraid she would cry. “Alright, that’s enough young lady. The day will be over soon. Let’s just stop here for now.”

Chun Xiaoman was both dishevelled and upset. “Was the way I used the sword terrible?”

She was extremely disappointed with the results and with herself. She was afraid that all the practice she had put in for the past few days had been nothing but a joke.

Hearing her question, Wang Chengxing smiled awkwardly. “Young lady, your horizontal swings, vertical swings, jabs, lunges, and even the downward swing are all very good. You could say that you have a very good foundation and I can see that you must’ve worked hard for it. You should have no problem fighting against your regular brutes.”

That was all he said.

However, Chun Xiaoman understood what he meant to say. She was not even at the level of a normal martial artist.

“How should I improve myself? What is the direction of my growth?” asked Xiaoman.

“Sigh, young lady, it’s not so easy to become a heroine. The stories of the storytellers are all fake. Please return home,” replied Wang Chengxing as he returned her the piece of silver. He was regarding Xiaoman as a young lady from a rich family who was instilled with a sense of justice.

However, Xiaoman didn’t take the piece of silver. “Sir, I do not wish to become a heroine. I just want to protect myself in this chaotic world!”

Maybe it was the determination in Chun Xiaoman’s voice that made Wang Chengxing think she was different. He thought about it and explained. “Young lady, your strength is lacking but your body is quite flexible. It would be better if you learned a sword technique that is more suitable for you. Your lower body is also quite unstable. You need to practice your horse stance and train everyday to reinforce your lower body. One last thing… you should find a sparring partner. It’s almost impossible to train on your own. Naturally, the best thing would be to find a master to train you.”

Xiaoman stared at the youth holding the wooden shield. She was about to ask him what kind of martial art he had learned but she held herself back. Wang Chengxing had already explained so much to her with just a single piece of silver. It was the best outcome. Any more questions and she would be overstepping her boundaries.

Chun Xiaoman knew her limits. She took her sword from Yang Xiaohai before turning around and saying her goodbyes to Wang Chengxing.

“Senior Xiaoman, you are already very amazing! You’ve only practiced for such a short period of time. A few more years and you will definitely be able to defeat him,” said Yang Xiaohai, trying to console her.

As he said this, he stared distastefully at the youths training in the courtyard. “Plus, they are nowhere near as amazing as Senior Li. None of them would be able to withstand a single blow from him!”

“Shut up and let’s go!” said Chun Xiaoman as she started walking faster. Not only did Yang Xiaohai fail to console her, she felt even more useless now.


At that moment, an old woman suddenly ran out from somewhere before pouncing toward Yang Xiaohai. Her body was filled with the stench of urine and her hair was an absolute mess. Her expression was extremely gnarly, looking no different from an evil spirit.

Just as Xiaoman was about to unsheath her sword, a strong wind blew past her.

It was Wang Chengxing!

The old lady didn’t even get the chance to get close to Yang Xiaohai before she was grabbed by him.

After he had grabbed her, Wang Chengxing smiled apologetically. “Sorry young lady, please forgive us. This is the wife of my master. She had been possessed for many years.”

“Possessed?” Xiaoman stared at the old woman. The old woman was staring intensely at Yang Xiaohai, her teeth chattering and clicking constantly. She looked extremely scary.

“Since she was possessed, why don’t you find someone to chase the spirit away?” asked Xiaoman.

“Sigh~ We did, but neither the nuns on the mountain nor the monks could chase it away. The old woman is still possessed to this day. I pity my master.” Wang Chengxing sighed as he took his master’s wife away.

Wait… Possessed? Master’s wife?

Chun Xiaoman’s eyes lit up. She had thought of an idea.

If they managed to solve the issue, maybe they would not only train her, but even help their group on their journey! There might be some other rewards as well!

“Let’s go,” said Chun Xiaoman as hurried back to the inn while looking for a certain someone.


“Senior Zhao Wu, you are really fast with the abacus. To think you managed to calculate it so quickly and accurately,” said Bai Lingmiao.

“You are too kind. My family runs a grain shop after all. I was naturally exposed to all this from a young age,” explained Zhao Wu humbly.

“Can you teach me how to use the abacus as well? I want to be able to manage our ledgers. I feel like we might run out of money before everyone can reach my house,” asked Bai Lingmiao.

At that moment, Xiaoman opened the door—she had come to find Bai Lingmiao.

She pulled Bai Lingmiao into the corridor. After making sure that no one was around she whispered, “Was everything you said to me that night true? Have you really become a Shaman?”

“Of course, what’s wrong?” asked Bai Lingmiao as she stared at her friend.

“Good, then come with me. I need your help.”

By the time Xiaoman brought Bai Lingmiao to the escort office it was already nighttime.

Staring at the large flag, Bai Lingmiao was slightly scared as she held her drum. “Where is this place? What if we come back tomorrow morning?”

“This cannot wait any longer. Just consider this as doing me a favor.” Chun Xiaoman brought her in.

Fifteen minutes later, Chun Xiaoman and Bai Lingmiao were sitting in a room used to welcome important guests as they stared at the serious looking old man in front of them.

“Sir, this is my friend; she might be able to heal your wife,” said Xiaoman.

Hearing this, Zhao Qin calmly placed his teacup down before turning to stare at the white girl in front of him. He had tried many methods throughout the years, but his wife remained the same. He had long since given up on her.

After a while, he glanced at Chun Xiaoman and waved his hand. Wang Chengxin walked in and silently placed a piece of silver in front of Chun Xiaoman.

Zhao Qin said, “Young lady, this was the piece of silver you accidentally left here earlier today. We apologize for scaring you. As for the matter of my wife, we will not require your assistance. She is already old and I only wish to live with her for the remainder of our old lives.”

Chacha and Char's Thoughts

Everything aside, I'm surprised by how professional the escorts are to be able to think about the nuances and every possibilities

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