Museum of Deadly Beasts

Chapter 267: Camouflage

Chapter 267: Camouflage

Back to Lin Jin. After Black Crow and the others left, leaving the zombie cthulhu behind, it became quiet again.

Too many things had happened recently. Ever since entering the royal capital, Lin Jin felt as if he was constantly on the move. He was either being assassinated or battling someone.

Now that everything had come to a close, Lin Jin breathed a sigh of relief. He could finally relax.

It was definitely risky to fight the old dragon but Lin Jin had also reaped great rewards from this effort. By using the old dragon’s blood to renew Xiao Huo’s blood and cleanse his bone marrow, even condensing the Yin Yang Dharma body, Lin Jin could be said to have earned a lot. Too much even.

Had this been tasked to someone else, how could they have injured a Rank 5 dragon to a critical extent?

And a four-hundred-year-old dragon to boot who would soon gain divine protection from all the offerings he received.

Also, other dragon beasts wouldn’t have been able to condense the Yin Yang Dharma body too.

How amazing was this Yin Yang Dharma body?

Lin Jin wasn’t sure either. But he was certain that while Xiao Huo was still a Rank 4, he could be on par with weaker Rank 5 beasts now.

This was how powerful the Dharma body was.

In addition, he could also control ice and fire at will. Lin Jin had heard how Xiao Huo’s howl had stirred the clouds and changed the weather back then.

How could any other beast be able to do this?

“Being supreme is so lonely.” Lin Jin caressed Xiao Huo’s head. Xiao Huo’s current size was just like the white cat’s, incredibly adorable. However, this was just temporary. After some time, once he replenishes his lost spirit energy, Xiao Huo would revert back to his usual size.

White Ape was now behaving like a human, sitting in a corner, reading a book. This guy had yet to cultivate Transfiguration but being able to speak was miraculous enough.

Being capable of speech was a huge deal and his intelligence increased as well. Speaking of which, Lin Jin had that old Taoist from Cloud Sect, Wu Qian, to thank.

Recalling the old Taoist, Lin Jin remembered their promise. After a thought, he decided to visit the man now since he was still feeling energetic. Moreover, he didn’t plan to remain in the royal capital for too long.

His mission was accomplished. He Yu’s curse had been broken and he fulfilled his promise to He Qing and Lu Bin. There wasn’t any reason left for him to stay.

More importantly, Lin Jin wasn’t too fond of Jade Dragon’s emperor, He Qian.

His Majesty, the emperor was a two-faced monarch who did things unscrupulously and Lin Jin wasn’t interested in getting involved with him, so it was better to leave as soon as possible.

And before he left, it was best to settle things with the old Taoist.

“White Ape, carry the coffin. Let’s go.” Since he had already decided, Lin Jin would just do it without wasting time. This coffin was large and heavy. As a Grassy Continent beast, if White Ape increased his size a little, he would be able to carry it. Otherwise, moving this coffin would have been an issue.

Once outside the inn, Lin Jin noticed someone observing him. They must be the emperor’s spies.

Ignoring them, Lin Jin had White Ape carry the coffin while Xiao Huo rested on top. Lin Jin followed behind since he didn’t know the way and White Ape did.

Even if it was already dark outside, he was afraid of being seen. Lin Jin didn’t fear danger, he was afraid of scaring the citizens instead.

To see a large white ape taller than your average human carrying a coffin around would frighten even the bravest of men.

And so, Lin Jin performed a skill he learned while researching the Nebula Barrier, ‘Camouflage’.

Flicking a needle onto White Ape’s body, it concealed him so that no one can see him. Lin Jin didn’t need a needle on himself. He just needed to regulate his own spirit energy.

This technical spell wasn’t too difficult. One just had to understand the usage of mysterious patterns and spirit energy. Lin Jin hadn’t known it before but he learned about it from studying the Nebula Barrier.

Of course, Lin Jin felt like he had only learned a tiny bit, but this insignificance was enough to fool an average person’s eyes.

Truth be told, while Lin Jin had heard about cultivating this and that, and blood contracts, but ever since studying the Nebula Barrier, he finally understood the true meaning of cultivation and how amazing cultivated spells were.

Although the path of immortality was gone from this era with only a scarce amount of natural spirit energy left, Lin Jin didn’t aim for becoming a saint. He just wanted to improve his cultivation and sharpen his knowledge of spells.

As for everything else, he would just go with the flow.

Just like now. Lin Jin felt that meeting with the old Taoist, Wu Qian was a miraculous encounter.

Even if the old Taoist thought of meeting Lin Jin as his miraculous encounter, it worked vice versa. To Lin Jin, this Wu Qian of Cloud Sect might just be his chance to enter the path of personal cultivation.

With White Ape to lead the way and Camouflage to conceal their presence, they reached their destination easily.

However, Lin Jin had no idea how much he startled the emperor’s spy.

Emperor He Qian already knew which inn Lin Jin and his group were staying at. Although he decided not to disturb Lin Jin and the group of villainous experts, attention was still required.

And it might not be out of ill-will too. If the group had any requests, the emperor would have been able to fulfill them or assisted at once.

When Lin Jin left earlier, the spy already took notice. However, after a few steps, Lin Jin and that coffin-carrying white ape suddenly blended into the darkness, disappearing into thin air.

The spy immediately pursued them but he couldn’t see anything.

He had moved quickly so generally speaking, no matter which direction his target went, he should have been able to notice them. Even if they sped up, they couldn’t have just disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Feeling anxious, the spy had no choice but to return and report what he saw.

Lin Jin didn’t know about this. By now, he had followed White Ape to the deserted house where the old Taoist was staying in.

There were no other residents nearby so the place was eerily quiet and deserted.

However, when they reached the yard’s gates, they could smell a divine fragrance through the rundown walls.

It was the scent of meat and fine wine.

They could also hear voices talking. One was steadfast, while the other sounded jumpy.

Lin Jin knew it must be the old Taoist and that monkey demon.

“Taoist Wu Qian, I am here for a visit,” Lin Jin announced at the door.

A response came from inside the yard, “Coming! Coming!”

Soon, the door opened. Old Taoist had come over personally to receive them.

Lin Jin saluted. “Taoist Wu Qian, I’ve come to visit on Curator’s instructions. He is away for urgent matters so he won’t be able to make it. Please forgive him.”

One Wu Qian learned that Lin Jin was that mysterious expert’s disciple, he dared not mistreat him. Though he still felt slightly disappointed, not because he thought Curator was being disrespectful, instead, Wu Qian felt like he had lost a great opportunity.

After all, if he could meet that mysterious expert and gain some guidance on cultivation, he would definitely learn a lot and improve his cultivation level greatly.

What a pity.

As an experienced traveler, Wu Qian knew that he couldn’t say this out loud. He wouldn’t either. It was just his personal thoughts.

“That’s alright, don’t worry about it. Come in, Appraiser Lin!” Old Taoist politely invited Lin Jin in.

Then, he was startled to see the white ape behind Lin Jin, carrying a coffin.

“Uhm...” Old Taoist was stunned.

Lin Jin saluted. “I was about to leave but was thinking to meet Taoist Wu Qian before I left. That’s why I brought my luggage along.”

‘This is luggage?’

‘Alright then, if you say that’s what it is.’

Old Taoist let them in. White Ape put the coffin down since the yard was huge enough. Then, after gaining Lin Jin’s approval, he sat down to chat with the monkey demon.

Xiao Huo had been sleeping on top of the coffin, but suddenly, a tiny slit opened up and a feeler with an eyeball poked out. It looked like a feeler of a large snail, soft and sensitive.

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