Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 752: Learn the Game

Chapter 752: Learn the Game

At the top of the stairs, Xi Muchen pushed the door open. Rather than stepping out into the small dark room or directly into the city, the door led into a large, comfortable room. Plush furniture lined the walls, the walls draped in soft drapes. Thick rugs stretched underfoot. A large window gazed out over the city from a high vantage point, giving Hui a great view of the lotus.

Hui walked to the window, gazing out. Whats to keep me from

Going to leave? So soon? Xi Muchen asked, smiling.

Eh, you know what? I think Ill stay. The way hes smiling theres something about that window. Hui waved his hand, smiling back. No, no, Senior. I was merely admiring the view.

It is a fine view of the city, Xi Muchen agreed, walking over beside Hui with his hands tucked behind his back. He glanced at Hui and nodded. Little Sister, you might want to leave before Cho Haoli tries to tame you again.

No! I wont leave Zhubi! Tian Lan insisted.

Xi Muchen nodded. As you wish.

Tian Lan, dont worry. Ill keep that filthy Cho Haoli from touching you, Hui assured her.

No you wont. Youre too weak, Tian Lan said flatly.

How talented! A natural talent in inflicting heart demons. Tian Lan might be worth training

Ah, though Im sure her father would protest, if I truly led her down the path of heart demons.

Still might be worth it, though. Hows he supposed to know who taught her? It could have been anyone! And shes a natural talent. Maybe she simply learned it on her own!

For later, though. For later.

Xi Muchen. Stop wasting time, Jun Ke demanded.

Xi Muchen shook his head. He turned, giving Jun Ke a disappointed look. Those who dont take time to admire the beauty of the world will grow old quickly.

Werent you telling me moments ago that we have infinite time? Jun Ke countered.

Xi Muchen clicked his tongue. That impatience isnt going to gain you Sa Zhangli.

Jun Ke glared. He crossed his arms and fell silent again.

Xi Muchen sighed dramatically and shook his head. Fine, fine. No appreciation for beauty or pacing. Then, lets go ahead and begin. If you would like to take a seat, go ahead.

Hui backed up a few steps while keeping a clear path to the window. Jun Ke crossed his arms.

I didnt think this was a good idea oh, well. Xi Muchen cleared his throat. With the tone of someone repeating a pre-written message theyd repeated a thousand times before, he said, The Golden Immortal, our Heavenly Emperor, has seen potential in you. He has seen fit in his infinite wisdom to offer you the role of a deputy of the Heavens. Yes! You have the chance to become an Inspector!

Excellent! Tell me more, Elder Brother! Hui responded enthusiastically. Im here to learn new information. If hes giving it out for free, lets take it!

Wonderful! Im glad to see someone on my wavelength. Unlike that other cultivator, Xi Muchen said, pointedly.

Jun Ke glowered.

Yes, yes. What do we have? What powers do we get? Hui asked.

Good question! With the authority of an Inspector, you can lock in your ability to remember loops. No longer will you risk missing loops, or forgetting what happens, or losing your ability to remember loops altogether and becoming an ordinary Immortal.

Hui blinked. Excuse me, what? Thats a thing that can happen?

Wait, hold on! Have I been thinking of this all wrong all along? Could it be? Does everyone remember the loops at first? And then, as the loops continue, and they get washed along in the loops, they slowly start to forget, and miss loops, until they become NPCs, essentially, no longer able to remember one loop to the next.

Is that what the Golden Immortal said, when he mentioned that I was deteriorating? Thats unfortunate. If I lose the ability to remember loops, Ill be ruined!

Eh, but on the other hand, if the Golden Immortal doesnt convince me to take his side first, couldnt I essentially deadlock the Golden Immortal out of entering my home world?

No, no. Im thinking of it wrong. Once I no longer remember the loop, the Golden Immortal has infinite tries and infinite time to figure out how to convince me. And thats the thing, I can be convinced. With sufficient time, if my children ascend if I forget that Im in a loop, and he threatens Li Xiang or Bai Xue Hui shook his head. Yes, that would be bad. That would be terrible! Entirely unacceptable!

It does explain why Li Xiang doesnt remember the loops, though, when Bai Xue does. Li Xiang got here before even I did, after all, while Bai Xue ascended relatively recently. Hui nodded, his hand on his chin.

He looked up. Is that all?

Xi Muchen shook his head. You also gain the authority to detain citizens and enforce the law.

Thats not bad, Hui muttered. Id much rather enforce the law than have the law enforced upon me! Not that I know what the laws are, but thats a problem for after I have the power to enforce the law.

Dont fall for it, Jun Ke grumbled.

Whats the downsides, Elder Brother? Surely there must be a drawback to this magnificent offer of yours. Hui tilted his head, curious. If not, then Tian Lans father would surely be an Inspector. Ah, well, they probably have responsibilities and answer to the Golden Immortal, but aside from that, what downsides are there?

Downsides? Youre a smart man, Xi Muchen complimented him. Not many, not many at all.

Jun Ke half-lunged, only holding himself back at the last second. He glared. Is that what you told Sa Zhangli?

Eh? I dont know what you mean. She joined the team of her own accord, Xi Muchen said.

Jun Kes teeth ground. You lured her away. Where are you hiding her? Ive been looking for so long

Hiding her? Accusations, accusations. Shes been willingly working hard for the Golden Immortal. Too hard to have time for you. Xi Muchen shrugged and shook his head at Jun Ke.

Xi Muchen! Jun Ke jumped forward.

Hui quickly stepped out in front of him, blocking his way. Jun Ke fell back. In front of him, Xi Muchen lowered his hands away from his sword.

Seniors, Seniors. Lets not fight, Hui placated them. I still havent heard what the downsides are yet, no?

Jun Ke scowled. He fell back again.

Xi Muchen smiled at Hui. You love peace, dont you?

Mhm! Im a staunch lover of peace, Hui agreed. Peace and talking!

Xi Muchen laughed. How honest! Well, since youre so honest, then the downsides are

Behind him, the door slammed open.

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