Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 626: Beautiful People Think They Have it All

Chapter 626: Beautiful People Think They Have it All

Jizhi Zhimei threw her veil away.

Hui instantly looked away, squeezing his eyes shut. Nooo! I wont look! Cultivators go mad from a mere look! Even gazing upon her means losing my mind and becoming her servant. I wont, I wont do it!

A cold hand gripped his chin with an iron grasp and wrenched his face forward. Qi claws pulled at his eyelids, yanking them open.

Now, now. Youre being terribly rude to a beautiful lady, Jizhi Zhimei simpered. She fluttered her lashes at him, smiling slowly.

Hui stared, his eyes wide. Her smile glowed like the setting sun. Her eyes glittered like gems. Not a flaw marred her silky, jade-white skin. A perfect nose tapered over soft, plump lips in a perfect, kissable pink. She smiled, and Huis world went blank.

But only for a moment. In the next, Hui frowned faintly, quickly hiding the expression inside himself. Huh? Shes only this beautiful? She barely looks better than those K-pop models with their plastic surgery. Honestly, I prefer Bai Xues female appearance. She certainly isnt perfect, no, but shes close enough, and not so incredibly beautiful that it I dont know. Its almost off-putting, to some degree? Like seeing a video game character with perfect, polished proportions. There is no flaw, and so, that becomes a flaw. The eye searches for some element of humanity and finds none, and failing that, the beauty becomes alien, impossible, incomprehensible.

Hui shook his head internally. These cultivators, so mentally fragile! Ah, I suppose they didnt grow up being fed plastic-surgery-enhanced celebrities, photoshopped models, and impossibly beautiful video game characters. If I hadnt seen those, perhaps I would have fallen to her charms. Instead well, shes beautiful, dont get me wrong, but its not at the level of falling-down-at-her-feet-drooling, no longer able to handle the world, permanently lost to cultivation.

Pushing his mental energy outward, Hui disguised his thoughts, masking them behind his seventh-tier mental energy. On the surface, he put out a veneer of empty, lightweight thoughts, quickly calling one of the clones mental states forth to think happy, nonsense thoughts on the surface. Jizhi Zhimei could read my thoughts even with this, since shes ninth stage and Im only seventh. Im relying on her not trying. As long as I do this, I should be able to disguise my thoughts behind exactly what she expects to see from a second-stage cultivator charmed by her beauty, and thus, she wont truly attempt to read my thoughts.

Thanks to that, shell miss my true mental state, and Ill make off like a bandit, concealing my thoughts without having the mental energy or strength to actually stave off a ninth-stage cultivator.

In the background, Voice cowered, turning her back to the scene. Hui internally sighed at her. Elder Sister its not that bad. Really, it isnt.

In any case, I shouldnt let Jizhi Zhimei know what I immediately overcame her ultimate move. Right, so lets play along! Since Im in control, but she thinks Im brainwashed, this should be easy. All I have to do is appear to perfectly cooperate, while not fully telling the truth.

Easy enough. Lets see what she wants to know!

Tell me. Am I beautiful? Jizhi Zhimei asked.

Yes Hui said, letting his words drag out. He unfocused his eyes and gazed into the middle distance, then reconsidered and quickly latched his eyes onto Jizhi Zhimeis face instead. Im supposed to be entranced by her appearance, so I should act like it! Shes the most beautiful thing Ive ever seen, yes gaze into those eyes of hers, yes

I mean, she could be far less attractive. At least I have to stare at something easy on the eyes.

Jizhi Zhimei smiled. Good. Now then you were dead seconds ago, no?

Okay. Quickly now, Hui! How am I going to handle this one?

I cant deny it. For one, Tseng Caihong confirmed it. For another, shes ninth stage. She knows I was dead. Lying about that is stupid.

But obviously Im not going to tell her the truth either. For one, no one, Tseng Caihong included, has seen through my phoenix-flames-slash-Underworld-ownership combination. Id be a fool to hand it out to Jizhi Zhimei now. Thats assuming, of course, that she even believes it!

Then, the question becomes what on earth do I tell her?

Think, Hui, think! What can I use as an excuse? My favorite novels back home surely theres something! A classic trope! What do the protagonists say in these situations?

Revival artifact, Hui muttered at last.

Immediately, he screamed in his mind. Ahhh! A revival artifact? Revival artifacts are one-time-use, almost always one-time-use! What revival artifact do I have, that Ive used twice already? Or does this tiny second-stage cultivator have two revival artifacts, hmm? Ahh, what a stupid thing to do!

Jizhi Zhimei frowned beautifully. A revival artifact?

Uhm, m, multiple multiple artifacts, he stuttered. Fuuuuck! I dont know! Dont look at me like that! Im just bullshitting! I really dont know, Elder Sister!

Multiple how rich is the Southern Sect Conference? Jizhi Zhimei murmured thoughtfully. A second later, she frowned deeper. That cant be right. Not even the Southern Sect Conference is that rich. Revival artifacts are almost impossible to come across.

No, no, no, think, Hui, think! A consistent story. A good, consistent story.

Revival artifacts are impossible to come by? Okay. Good information. I guess I havent seen any until now, and even Gui Delun didnt revive, so I suppose revival is extremely expensive or difficult in this world.

It doesnt seem that way to me, but Im a strange little bug.

Right, so theyre expensive but Im a kid! Kids can lie. Tell stupid stories. Lets lets go with that!

Hui blinked slowly. He nodded. Lots and lots of revival artifacts All of them. I have so many

Voice chuckled from the corner. Is he trying to impress you? Thats adorable.

Jizhi Zhimei waved her hand. Tell me the truth, child. That will make me happier than any pretty story.

The truth. Huis eyes shone as if he understood something, while he understood nothing at all. Come on. Come on! Think!

Yes. The truth. How can you return from death? Jizhi Zhimei asked, tilting her head.

I I what? I dont understand. Hui furrowed his brows, feigning ignorance. Im just a kid. I dont understand whats going on. Yes? Come on, let me have this!

Jizhi Zhimei sighed. She beckoned to the Voice. If he doesnt know, then well have to ask his body.

Eh? Im a child! You monster! Dont touch my precious body! Hui backed away, eyes big.

Bring the pliers, the three-size knives, and the splitter, Jizhi Zhimei ordered, businesslike.

Holy fuck! Ask my body as in torture me! I know what that means. And Im not about to let that happen! Hui coughed. Ah, my immortality? Thats right, thats right. I remember.

Jizhi Zhimei paused. She turned back to Hui, smile returning. What is it? You can tell me. Im your friend.

Like hell you are. Externally, Hui beamed, nodding eagerly. I cant think of anything, so lets go with the Bai Xue explanation! Its my bloodline!

Your bloodline gives you immortality? Jizhi Zhimei asked, confused. What kind of godlike bloodline

Godlike? Not at all, Elder Sister. I come from a Hui paused for a moment. In cultivation terms, what would this be? Uhm wood qi! Thats it. a wood-qi-elemental bloodline. One of my ancestors was a plant spirit beast. You can consider me as a human-plant-beast hybrid. Even when my human vital signals end, as long as my plant root isnt also extinguished, I can survive.

Jizhi Zhimei squinted at him. You dont appear to be part plant.

Hui held his hand out, circulating his plant body cultivation technique as he did. His skin took on a greenish sheen, and a few leaves sprouted from his arm. I usually hide it. After all, it would be disadvantageous if an enemy discovered the nature of my ability to return from the seeming dead. But but I can trust Elder Sister, right? Hui turned big, innocent eyes on Jizhi Zhimei.

She smiled, gently patting his head. You can trust me.

Internally, Hui bristled. Only Bai Xue and Li Xiang can touch my head! Externally, he smiled and closed his eyes, pretending to enjoy it.

Is that really all? Tseng Caihong couldnt see through that? Voice asked.

Jizhi Zhimei harrumphed. Youve listened to her drivel too long. She has eyes that can see anything, not everything. If she isnt looking for it or doesnt know what to look for, she can be fooled as easily as everyone else.

Aha, just as I thought. Good, good. Its good that Jizhi Zhimei and I have come to the same conclusion independently. It doesnt mean were both right, but it certainly makes it more likely! Hui nodded to himself.

Standing, Jizhi Zhimei walked to the corner, picked up her veil, and put it back on. She lifted her hand toward Hui. Voice, leave. Ill wipe his mind, so that he wont be reduced to a sniveling mess. Not everyone is as strong against my charms as you yourself are. Turning, she glanced under her eyelashes at Hui. Hes fortunate his cultivation is so low. Any higher, and it would become too difficult for me to wipe his mind without destroying it.

Yes, madame. Saluting, Voice turned and left the room.

Huis eyes widened. Shes going to wipe my mind? Oh no! Quickly how to I avoid that?

Wait, hold on, and if Im higher-realm my mind gets destroyed? Fuck! Ive made grave mistakes!

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