Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 222: Planet Morag

Chapter 222: Planet Morag


On the top floor of an ancient octagonal pagoda, sitting at the edge of the balcony corridor, Bi Xiao, who was studying the holy light inscriptions, suddenly frowned as he listened to the distant cries of birds and cranes.

A flash of golden light flickered in his eyes.

The world before him abruptly changed, as if crossing countless light-years to another desolate planet.

From a high, god-like perspective, he looked down.

He saw a scene of thunder and numerous huge fireballs bombarding three people protected by a purple energy barrier on the ground.

"Found it already? So, it has come to this place."

Bi Xiao looked at the planet's environment, and upon seeing the purple gem in Thanos's hand below, he immediately realized where Thanos had arrived.

Morag, the abandoned planet where Ronan found the Power Stone.

Unexpectedly, Thanos had arrived at Morag early and personally retrieved the Power Stone, evidently altering the course of history and sensing the crisis and variables.

Thus, Thanos did not wait and acquired the Power Stone in advance.

Now, this means that Thanos currently possesses two stones: the newly found Power Stone and the Mind Stone.

Do not underestimate the power of the stones. As crystallizations of rules born from the Big Bang, the Power Stone and the Mind Stone greatly enhance Thanos's strength. However, although the combat power increase is significant, it is only superficial.

It cannot truly allow Thanos to break through the limits of the sub-Celestial level and reach the Celestial level.

Unless Thanos gets the Infinity Gauntlet and embeds the two Infinity Stones in it, it might be possible.

Simply put, the Power Stone and the Mind Stone, when used in their bare state, do not exert much power. Even the Celestials who once controlled the Power Stone had to embed it into weapons to unleash world-destroying power.

For Thanos to wield the power of the stones with his bare hands, even one-tenth of their potential is a testament to his wisdom and knowledge.

With the Infinity Gauntlet, however, it’s different. The Gauntlet can govern and unify the power of the stones, fully integrating and amplifying their power.

Yet, currently, the Infinity Gauntlet seems to be gathering dust in Odin's treasury, and even with two Infinity Stones, Thanos cannot storm the treasury to retrieve the Gauntlet.

One of Thanos's objectives in the deal with Loki was to use Loki to retrieve the Infinity Gauntlet from Odin's treasury.

Unfortunately, now Wanda and the others have found him.

With the combined attack of five sub-Celestial level powerhouses, even with two Infinity Stones, the universe's population control officer only has one path—failure.

However, with the Hover Throne, if he wanted to escape, he probably could.

At most, he would have to abandon his two daughters.

They cannot become burdens.

With Bi Xiao here, Thanos would not be given any chance. With a thought, a vast and powerful force silently sealed off the space around Morag.

Thanos cannot escape via the Hover Throne or space magic teleportation.

However, Bi Xiao did not feel any joy in killing Thanos because he was waiting for another highly probable event.

Bi Xiao silently observed.

Amidst the continuous bombardment of thunder and countless giant fireballs, with the sound of electric light explosions and rampaging fireballs, everything within tens of kilometers around Morag’s temple was blasted to pieces.

The ground was forcibly stripped away by a layer.

Yet, when everything calmed down and the dust settled, in a pit with a diameter of tens of kilometers, Thanos, Gamora, and Nebula were still surrounded by the purple energy barrier, floating quietly.

The continuous bombardment had not caused Thanos any harm.

Thanos felt no joy from this; instead, his expression became much more serious because he sensed danger and guessed the identity of two of the people.

Looking up, under the vast vortex of dark clouds in the sky, several figures floated quietly, overlooking Thanos.

Their gazes met.

Thanos saw Thor, clad in armor, with a red cape and wielding Mjolnir; Loki, in golden armor and a green robe, with a horned helmet and a golden spear staff in hand.

Beside them, Bella, in a light robe and white boots, holding a beautifully crafted staff, and Wanda, in a red coat, black tight pants, white sneakers, and a necklace around her neck.

Each of them exuded a formidable aura, each extending to the entire Morag planet.

Seeing the four, especially Wanda, Thanos's face turned terrifyingly gloomy.

Then he looked down at Pietro, standing on a mountaintop a hundred kilometers away, with one foot on a rock, dressed in a black jacket and a white T-shirt.

"Although I sensed the danger early on, I did not expect it to be you."

Thanos's deep and majestic voice penetrated the air, reaching everyone's ears.

"Loki, is this the surprise you prepared for me?" Thanos found this lineup tricky, but fear was out of the question.

Hearing Thanos call his name, Loki looked down at him disdainfully, like a god gazing at an ant: "Thanos, your biggest mistake was attempting to overthrow Asgard."

"I indeed have ambitions for the throne, and I believe I can become king, but I will do it my way. You, attempting to disrupt Asgard’s order, will face Odin's judgment."

Thanos’s lips curled into a smile.

"Didn't expect you to change so quickly, Loki. I underestimated you. You are much more outstanding than I imagined, even better than your brother."

"Even at this point, you still try to sow discord, Thanos. Your foolishness truly disappoints me. I thought you would be a worthy opponent."

Loki, of all people, easily discerned the meaning behind Thanos's words, his face full of disappointment.

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