Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 211: Two Years of Development

Chapter 211: Two Years of Development


In a city street filled with exotic charm, a thunderous explosion resounded, revealing a gigantic creature, as tall as a five or six-story building, wreaking havoc like an octopus.

Its tentacles, covered in suction cups, flail wildly. Surrounding buildings, struck by these tentacles as strong as steel beams, collapsed instantly, sending debris raining down from the sky.

Unexpectedly, the people inside the buildings seemed to have suddenly vanished.

On the ground, cars, streetlights, billboards, and trash cans were all being crushed. Debris rained down, nearly hitting a group of Sorcerers below.

At the forefront, a Sorcerer of Asian descent and another with dark skin led a dozen Sorcerers, raising magical shields to block the falling stones.

Moreover, the massive octopus-like monster's four large eyes continuously fired powerful energy beams. These beams struck the ground at incredible speed, creating huge craters or causing nearby buildings to collapse.

The Sorcerers were sweating profusely at the sight of such destructive power.

If hit by one of these beams, they feared they would be obliterated on the spot.

This creature, an invader from another dimension, was indeed beyond their expectations. The slightly younger Asian Sorcerer gritted his teeth and shouted, "Master Mordo, help me buy some time."

Hearing the Asian Sorcerer's shout, the dark-skinned Sorcerer named Mordo didn't hesitate and led the other Sorcerers to cast spells.

Various powerful spells bombarded the octopus monster, causing it to shriek in pain.

The frequency of its tentacle movements increased.

Seizing the opportunity while Mordo and the others distracted the monster, the Asian Sorcerer traced out intricate hand signs. Just as he was about to cast a spell he had painstakingly practiced for a long time, an energy beam shot towards him, aimed directly at the Asian Sorcerer.

The beam moved so fast that the Asian Sorcerer had no time to react, only able to watch helplessly as it approached.

At the most critical moment, a formidable and terrifying presence suddenly descended. Time and space seemed to freeze, and the beam before the Asian Sorcerer silently vanished.

Witnessing this scene, all the Sorcerers widened their eyes.

Realizing something, they instinctively looked up to the sky, seeing a woman in a red coat with long gray-golden hair floating silently at a height of over a hundred meters.

Clearly, the recent change was her doing.

Upon seeing this woman, all the Sorcerers breathed a sigh of relief, for they recognized her immediately.


Two years ago, she had gone to Kamar-Taj to study magic, mastering it at an astonishing rate. She had nearly read all the magical books in the library of the Ancient One. In terms of magical prowess, aside from the Ancient One, no one in Kamar-Taj could surpass her.

It was incredible, considering she was only seventeen.

At this young age, her magical achievements surpassed many seasoned Sorcerers. Such talent was terrifying.

Moreover, she frequently joined Sorcerers in driving away and killing powerful invaders threatening Earth.

They had fought alongside her many times, knowing how strong she was. Sure enough, in the next moment, Wanda, standing in the sky, pressed her hand down towards the massive octopus monster below.


A terrifying ripple of crimson energy spread out, and under this energy, the monstrous octopus quietly disintegrated amidst its wails.

Everything fell silent.

After nodding to the Sorcerers below, Wanda transformed into a red streak of light and disappeared.

The Sorcerers, seeing Wanda leave, sighed with admiration.

"Her talent is truly unbelievable, much like Xiao in the past."

"Wanda's talent is indeed terrifying, but compared to Xiao, she's far behind. Think about how many Hell lords Xiao killed two years ago."

"Ha, don't forget, Xiao once stormed into Hell, slaughtered both Hell and Heaven, and even beheaded Yahweh, the God of Heaven. His strength must be at the Celestial level."

"I agree. It's still hard to believe how he grew to such a level."

The Sorcerers couldn't help but marvel at Wanda's talent. Yet, when Xiao was mentioned, they were filled with reverence and awe, especially recalling how Xiao, two years ago, stormed Hell, and during the Hell-Heaven war, slaughtered all the Hell lords except Mephisto, as well as the archangels and Yahweh of Heaven.

Such a feat was simply unimaginable and unprecedented.

Do you know how many years heaven and hell have existed? Almost no one has researched this thoroughly, and both heaven and hell are not minor forces, but rather major powers that are no less formidable than Asgard.

Yet, these two powerful forces were completely wiped out by one man, leaving only Mephisto and his domain.

This is a legend. When it comes to Bi Xiao's strength, almost everyone knows in their hearts. Such overwhelming power, calling him the "Celestial," who would believe that? He must have surpassed the level of the Celestial, reaching the level of a single universe to achieve this.

As a human, to grow to this level in just a few years, this is enough to be recorded in history as an indelible memory.

Wanda's talent is undeniable, but compared to Bi Xiao, the gap is quite large.

"Almost died. Fortunately, the frequency of these guys' invasions hasn't been too high lately, otherwise, it would have been extremely busy," the Asian Sorcerer stretched and sighed.

Two years ago, the Sorcerers of Kamar-Taj were not exactly busy, but they were not idle either. Apart from the Ancient One expelling powerful invaders from other dimensions, the Sorcerers also had to expel some weaker invaders. However, even these weaker invaders made the Sorcerers' battles very tough and difficult, with a fairly high mortality rate.

Therefore, Kamar-Taj has always been recruiting talented young Sorcerers and training them.

But since Bi Xiao slaughtered heaven and hell and spread his terrifying reputation, few dare to intrude on Earth, only some mindless invaders sneak in. It has been much quieter.

"Unfortunately, it’s been two years, and I haven’t seen him again," Master Mordo sighed. As someone who upholds extreme justice, he did not have a poor opinion of Bi Xiao, especially after he slaughtered hell. Of course, the slaughter of heaven made him feel slightly biased.

After all, heaven has always had a relatively good reputation.

But it's not a big problem.

Bi Xiao, after all, is a guardian of Earth. The fact that he retaliated against those targeting him is very normal and reasonable.

"Yes, I still want to meet him and get some guidance."

"Hah, stop dreaming, Wong."

Meanwhile, Wanda, who had just taken care of an invader from another dimension, returned to the manor, nodded slightly to the maids, and walked into the residence. The manor had changed somewhat in the past two years.

Mainly, after ecological modifications, the entire manor had become more primitive and natural.

The animals in the manor, such as horses, pet cats, and dogs, had undergone a leap in their life forms due to the environmental changes. One cat even developed a laser-like ability and had its intelligence increased, completely understanding human language.

Fortunately, the cat was cute and obedient enough. Otherwise, Wanda might have to remove this ability.

After petting the cats and dogs at home, Wanda sat at the bar in the living room. The female bartender flamboyantly made her a cocktail named "Longing."

Wanda liked this cocktail, not because it made her nostalgic, but simply because it suited her taste—sweet and sour.

She was never one for artistic inclinations.

Two years had passed without seeing Bi Xiao, but Wanda knew that a few years were merely a blink of an eye in her long life.

Moreover, she didn't feel bored during these two years. The vast ocean of magical knowledge and intense training made the time pass quickly and not seem long and tedious.

She had Pietro, Bella, Thor, Loki, and other friends. She would occasionally visit Asgard, exploring different civilizations and worlds across the Nine Realms with Thor and others.

She had participated in many wars.

Her life over the past two years had been very exciting, and she only occasionally thought of Bi Xiao.

Tap, tap, tap~

Accompanied by familiar footsteps, Bella, in her pajamas, walked down the stairs and sat next to Wanda at the bar, lazily watching the bartender make her a cocktail.

Seeing Bella's half-asleep state, Wanda raised an eyebrow.

"Are you still working on that magic?"

"Yes, I've almost completed it. Creating this magic is really difficult. I don't know how Xiao managed to develop so many powerful spells." Bella yawned. For the past six months, she had been working on developing her own magic.

After all, although Bella is an elemental mage and a long-range artillery, she possesses a considerable advantage in power.

In terms of sheer destructive force, Wanda may not necessarily be able to surpass Bella.

However, Bella still feels she has many shortcomings in certain areas.

Bella, who is outwardly gentle but inwardly strong, does not want to be overshadowed by Wanda and Pietro all her life. She also wishes to become stronger, capable of keeping up with her partner.

So, she resolved to develop a magic system suitable for herself.

Particularly, the magic she has now preliminarily completed is, in Bella's conception, immensely powerful—terrifyingly so. When Bella described it, Wanda was astounded and affirmed that if Bella could complete this magic, she would undoubtedly be a world destroyer.

With one spell, all life in the world could be wiped out.

Such a powerful spell is not easy to develop. When Bella conceived it, Wanda also provided considerable assistance, which is why Bella has now managed to achieve initial success.

The cost is that Bella is now physically and magically exhausted, but thanks to the modified magic core, which continuously generates magic, she can recover.

Seeing Bella in this state, Wanda felt a deep sympathy.

Though the cost is significant, the rewards are immense. Just thinking about this magic makes Wanda shudder.

The magic is named "Meteor Annihilation." Its core is to summon a rain of meteors through magic—an unlimited number of massive meteors descending from the sky, each capable of destroying a world.

The key is that once this magic is successfully summoned, the immense pressure will distort space, effectively locking the world or a part of it. Enemies cannot use any spatial powers to escape and must endure the spell.

The destructive power of this world-ending magic is unimaginable.

Developing this magic was fraught with difficulties, such as summoning a vast number of enormous meteors and ensuring they have tremendous impact force.

To solve these problems, Wanda and Bella racked their brains, integrating not only the Kamar-Taj magic system but also runic texts.

With this magic, Bella undoubtedly surpasses everyone in terms of destructive power.

Thor, upon hearing Bella's plan for this magic, was eager to experience it once completed. However, Sif and the Warriors Three stopped him, knowing how powerful this magic is just from the description.

Thor's growth over two years has brought him to the level of a near All Father. Coupled with the Odin family’s bloodline and divine power, his body is exceptionally resilient. But even he would be overwhelmed by this magic; Sif and the others joked that only his hammer might remain.

Loki, on the other hand, subtly encouraged Thor, eager to see his brother’s foolish fear, though he was also joking. Loki's perspective had changed by then—he only wanted to earn the applause and admiration of Asgardians through his growth and strength.

He wanted to prove to Odin and everyone else that he was superior to Thor.

As for killing Thor, especially in this manner, Loki would not do it.

Bella, looking downcast and exhausted, sipped her cocktail slowly. She planned to sleep for several days after lunch to recover from the excessive drain on her energy and magic.

"Where did Pietro go?" Bella wondered aloud, noticing the absence of the white-haired youth in the manor. She casually asked while rubbing her stomach and instructed the maid to prepare lunch immediately.

After the maids left, Wanda replied, "He went to Asgard. He’s been close to Thor lately, who wanted to take Pietro to see the elves and taste their brew."

Pietro, being lively, enjoyed wandering around with Thor to various realms.

He had gained some fame, and in certain backward civilizations, some nicknames for Pietro had emerged, though Wanda paid little attention to these.

Wanda did not stop her twin brother's antics. Pietro had grown up, and with his and Thor and Loki's strength, few could threaten them.

Given Pietro’s speed, even a Celestial would struggle to catch him.

By that time, Wanda and Bella would already be aware and rush to help.

Bella’s world-ending magic, even a Celestial cannot ignore it. While Bella's progress seemed great, everyone knew Wanda’s growth was the fastest.

Guided onto the right path, Wanda’s magical knowledge rivaled the Ancient One's. With her chaos magic and power fusion, her strength was unparalleled.

Whether it was Pietro, Thor, Bella, Loki, or Hulk, they often lost badly when sparring with Wanda.

With her chaos magic’s instant casting, reality-altering abilities, vast magical knowledge, and mastery of runic texts, Wanda is undoubtedly at the Celestial level, or at least her soul is.

Much like the Ancient One.

Unlike the Ancient One, Bella aims to be versatile. While her physical level hasn't reached the Celestial level, Wanda is the strongest among them.

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