Martial Arts Master

Chapter 161

Chapter 161: Combo Attack

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

That man in black martial arts suit, who was just worrying about having no equal, was suddenly cheered up by Lou Cheng’s appearance. He pointed at the ground in front of him and said,


It was early spring, so Lou Cheng was still wearing a tight Cashmere shirt instead of exercise clothes when he took off the thin jacket, which limited his movements to some extent. Yet Lou Cheng didn’t care too much about it since they were not fighting for Challenge Tournament but just to learn from each other.

It was more like the pair exercise he did in special training everyday, while the only difference was that they had a referee here, which enabled him to practice new kungfu trustingly.

Having seen enough news and reports to know different kinds of deceptions, Lou Cheng cautiously took out his cell phone and wallet, and put them into his casual pants’ pockets, making them bulge. Then he gave the coat to a nearby little Taoist priest to check.

“Don’t worry. They’re all registered Taoist practitioners in Tiantong Taoist temple, how could they take risks to steal your belongs?” The man in black martial arts suit frowned. “It’ll influence your leg movement.”

“Nothing but just fighting to learn from each other.” Lou Cheng laughed while warming himself up.

I wouldn’t join in it if it were a Challenge Tournament for my right arm is still weak and can merely do some auxiliary exercises. Who dares to fight against a Professional-Ninth-Pin master with only one hand?

Besides, there were few audiences here who seemed to know neither of the two fighters. So Lou Cheng was indifferent whether he won the game or not, since he wouldn’t get any sense of achievement or something from it.

The man in black martial arts suit stopped persuading Lou Cheng and began observing his movements. Then he asked,

“My friend, may I know your martial arts level? Amateur or professional?”

Fighting to learn from each other meant a lasting game for both sides to test and observe each other’s movements, skills and fighting style. Only when you knew your opponent’s level could you decide how much strength you would devote to the fight, otherwise it wouldn’t make sense if you fought a quick battle.

Lou Cheng didn’t intend to hide his strength, so he answered frankly,

“Professional Ninth Pin.”


The man in black martial arts got more excited and laughed.


He had never expected Lou Cheng to be such a martial arts expert. Now he could have a good fight!

Seen from Lou Cheng’s appearance, his qi and blood weren’t active and powerful enough to make his temperament fierce and sharp, which showed he had just entered Professional Ninth Pin...

Having warmed himself up, Lou Cheng stood in front of the man in black martial arts suit, where it was about four or five meters between them.

Unlike those professional referees, the middle-aged Taoist priest just laughed and casually announced,


Lou Cheng was about to quickly shift his weight and moved to the man’s side in a flash, where he could make the most of Thunder Roar Zen. Then suddenly he saw his opponent bent and stretched his knees, shook his body, and then pounced widely at him as if riding an excellent horse, during which period he stretched out the right arm and stabbed Lou Cheng with it.

Like a horse running widely, he pounced with lightning speed, which accelerated his punch, making it more powerful and horrible!

Though Lou Cheng always remained calm and cold-headed during a match, he was influenced by the man’s force and there was a moment when he even thought the man might be invincible.

“Bravo!” Lou Cheng acclaimed in his heart. Immediately giving up the idea of dodging, Lou Cheng turned his toes inward, lowered his waist and acted as if sitting on an invisible chair!

Crack! Slight cracks appeared on the stone ground as the violent force transmitted through Lou Cheng’s feet, legs, waist, back and finally into his left arm, helping him to throw a powerful blast punch at his opponent. Meanwhile, Lou Cheng tightened the muscles in his hands, arms and shoulders in the way he had practiced hundreds and thousands of times.

Thunder Roar Zen! To use the attack against attack, and going head to head!

The moment their fists collided, a bolt of lightning crackled through the thunder cloud that was visualized in Lou Cheng’s mind and burst out a deafening sound.

Bang! Lou Cheng’s tightened muscles stretched all together to make an outbreak of strength.

The first blow!


Both his and the man in black martial arts suit’s fists paused for a second as if being blocked by something invisible, only awesome forces were rippling around them.

Crack! The man in black martial arts suit took a step back and broke a stone brick. He felt his mind buzzing and blood burning as if being knocked by an iron hammer, making his whole body uncomfortable.

Tremor force?

Was he able to master Tremor force?

Luckily I’ve devoted all my strength into the first blow and thus greatly weakened his attack, or the impact wouldn’t be so mild!

While the man in black martial arts suit was still in astonishment, Lou Cheng also took a step back because of the man’s horse-like impact, and then there was another network of cracks appeared around his feet.

“Sure enough he was more powerful than me...” An idea flashed through Lou Cheng’s mind as he took a deep breath and pounced back at his opponent, whose reactions and movements were slightly slowed down for the moment because of the shake just now. Taking this opportunity, Lou Cheng again flung his left arm and tightened his muscles.

The second blow of Thunder Roar Zen! Follow up a victory with hot pursuit!

Seeing all these, the man in black martial arts suit took a deep breath and stomp his feet. His temple suddenly swelled like there was a flame bursting within his body but soon diminished.

Being driven by force, he threw the right palm at Lou Cheng.


They exchanged punches, Lou Cheng kept using Thunder Roar Zen to attack his opponent, which was more like torturing the man in black martial arts suit both physically and mentally. Finally the man began tottering, feeling his blood burning and all his muscles, fascias and joints shaking.

“Again!” Lou Cheng shouted to himself. He then flung his right arm and threw it at the man like beating a drum, which movement he had been practicing every early morning.

It was another Thunder Roar Zen!

Knowing Tremor force of this kind requested the fighter to consistently keep every hidden muscle tightened, which would drain one’s physical strength largely and thus could not be used in quick succession, the man in black martial arts suit kept calm and cold-minded as he clenched his teeth and visualized a giant fork croaking at the moon.

Coo coo coo! It sounded like his vital organs were moving and giving out loud sounds to eliminate the physical shock. Meanwhile, he raised the left arm to block Lou Cheng’s right fist.

Bang! A thunder burst in his mind and caused strong reaction of his blood and qi, which nauseated him. But there was still a strong idea supporting him.

The opponent must also be pushed to the limit.

“Bravo!” Lou Cheng again acclaimed in his heart and continued to attack the man with his left arm.

The fourth blow of Thunder Roar Zen!

Stunned in astonishment, the man in black martial arts suit could do nothing but gather his rest strength and drive all his muscles, tendons, five viscera and six bowels to resist the shock, and then struggled to raise his right arm.

Bang! The right arm was forced aside and all his five viscera and six bowels were seriously shocked, which made him lose control of his qi and blood. Now he could merely gather strength with his trembling muscles and joints.

Haven’t fallen yet?

Lou Cheng put on a serious look and tightened his right arm to throw a Seabed Burst Punch at his opponent’s belly.

The fifth blow of Thunder Roar Zen!

Let me see how many blows you are still able to resist!

Bang! The man in black martial arts suit lowered his waist, stretched out both arms and crossed them to ward off Lou Cheng’s attack. However, the outbreak of power in turn shocked him as he almost spat blood and got injured because of his burning qi and blood.

He felt like he was a big clock being knocked hard five times by someone with a striker. All his muscles, sinews, joints, blood, bones and even the five viscera and six bowels were shaking violently.

Being unsteady on his feet, he faltered a few steps and almost fell.

Lou Cheng stopped. He found it so exciting to launch a combo attack of five blows of Thunder Roar Zen, and could even be described as being arrogant and unreasonable. “Still refuse to obey? Okay, another blow!”

Of course, Lou Cheng took advantage of his abnormal stamina when doing the combo attack, while other professional fighters could only strike at most three or four blows even if their qi and blood were at their best.

Feeling the Jindan within his body was expanding, shrinking and revolving, Lou Cheng saluted his opponent and said,

“Thanks for your instructions.”

The man in black martial arts suit stabilized his body and was about to say something. However, his qi and blood were burning so wildly that he could hardly speak a word!

Lou Cheng smiled and gave up talking with him. He took back his jacket, left the crowd and continued to visit Tiantong Taoist temple. About 10 minutes later, he received a message from Yan Zheke with a grinning face. “I’m coming out, come to pick me up!”

“Okay!” Lou Cheng felt even more happy and excited. He then put the cell phone back and turned back to the entrance of the side yard.

When arriving at the front hall, He saw Yan Zheke stepping out of the side yard with a young man in fashionable clothes.

Uh? Is the man her relative?


“Ke, shall we go climbing the mountain? The scenery there is quite wonderful!” Xie Tianque made an invitation blandly.

Yan Zheke gazed around without answering, and then suddenly her eyes lit up as she saw Lou Cheng in front of the front hall. “My boyfriend’s there,” she said to Xie Tianque, “and you just go to invite someone else~!”

Leaving the young man no chance to reply, she waved goodbye to him and ran towards Lou Cheng with a cheerful clatter.

Lou Cheng took her hands in his and whispered, “Who’s that guy?”

Yan Zheke replied miserably without looking back, “Son of my father’s friend, whom I used to call brother in childhood. He came here along with his uncle this time, and made me so embarrassed!”

“Uh, a blind date?” Lou Cheng now had mixed feelings.

“What’re you thinking about? I just came across him. But he had written a love letter to me two years ago, so I felt a bit of embarrassed and unhappy when I saw him this time. Why can’t he just be my good friend...” Yan Zheke sighed and turned to look at Lou Cheng with a mischievous smile. “Cheng, are you jealous?”

“Nope.” Lou Cheng hurried to deny, his face was flushing.

Yan Zheke laughed and said, “I’m still young and my parents don’t want me to date during college. So I won’t get involved in any blind dates in a few years. Then I’ll bring you back...”

She came to an abrupt stop and looked to the side with a flushing face.


“Boyfriend...” Xie Tianque was stunned. Seeing Yan Zheke and Lou Cheng’s figures clenching each other’s hands and walking together towards the front hall, he felt so depressed and was unwilling to accept it.

His childhood sweet was just taken away from him by another man!

“I’ve never expected Ke to find a boyfriend, for she’s still a little girl in my mind.” A low voice awoke him.

Turning around, he murmured to his suddenly-appeared father in bewilderment,


Xie Chengzhen was slender and elegant. He said with a smile, “I came out to pray in the temple and happened to see it. Tianque, why are you so upset? Are you still a real man? Ke found herself a boyfriend, but so what? As long as make the most of your strong points and keep improving yourself, she’ll finally make a comparison between you two. Besides, you know how many boys and girls are still together after graduation from university?”

Xie Tianque nodded as if it reminded him of something. When he was about to make up his mind, he saw Xie Tianshu come back, who was in a black martial arts suit.

His brother was a typical martial mania, who went to fight to learn from each other with those Taoist priests the moment they entered Tiantong Taoist temple. But he was indeed a martial arts expert and Xie Tianque himself could never catch up with.

“What’s wrong with you?” Noticing his brother’s pale face, Xie Tianshu asked casually.

Xie Tianque sighed, pointed at the front hall and whispered, “Ke has found herself a boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend?” Xie Tianshu looked at that direction and suddenly stunned. He blurted out. “That guy? I’ve just fought with him.”

Xie Chengzhen and Xie Tianque were both surprised and looked at Xie Tianshu in bewilderment.

Xie Tianshu took a deep breath and said again,

“I was defeated...”

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