Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 92: Jade Emperor Peak tilts

"What should I do?" Jiang Wang asked.

"First, leave this place," Bai Lian said. "Leave the beast cages here, and don't take anything with you."

Jiang Wang put down the beast cages, and Bai Lian stepped on them, crushing the two valuable items into dust.

"But we can destroy it," she said.

The two of them retraced their steps, wearing the beast skins and walking past the two unconscious Jixing officials as easily as they had on their way up the mountain. They passed through the dangerous beasts and headed towards the foot of the mountain.

"What does it look like on the mountaintop?" Jiang Wang asked.

Bai Lian didn't stop walking. "You don't want to know. Once you see the grandeur of Yuheng Peak, you won't want to destroy it."

"Then forget it."

If it wasn't dangerous, Jiang Wang really wanted to see the top of Yuheng Peak. As the ancients said, one must climb high and write poetry. He wanted to know what those who had been to the top of Yuheng Peak were thinking. He wanted to see if there were any lingering emotions on the peak.

But he also thought it was better not to see it.

They walked all the way to the foot of the mountain without incident, and Jiang Wang asked again, "Can you tell me what to do now?"

"Not yet, we need to go a little further."

The two of them took off the beast skins and burned them with their Dao techniques. After leaving Yuheng Peak, Bai Lian immediately increased her speed.

After about a quarter of an hour at maximum speed, Jiang Wang stopped as Bai Lian took out an array plate from her pocket and handed it to him, teaching him a seal. "Do you remember the array plate I left in the cave? That's the Earth Dragon Overturning Heaven Array. The one you have is the sub-plate. Once you finish the seal, the main array will activate. Then..."

She opened her red lips. "Boom! The mountain will crumble."

It turned out that the array plate that Jiang Wang thought was hidden was actually the means to destroy Yuheng Peak.

Jiang Wang began to seal without hesitation.

This was like a challenge, something that Bai Lian could have done herself, but she handed it over to him.

Leaving aside the matter itself, Jiang Wang was very opposed to this kind of behavior, but he couldn't hope that Bai Lian would have any mercy on the people of the Three Mountains and City. Although he didn't have much contact with Bai Lian, he instinctively felt that she didn't care about those people.

And he had promised Bai Lian to do three things in return for saving his life.

This didn't violate his principles.

As Jiang Wang finished the seal, a large amount of Dao Yuan surged out of Tongtian Palace and into the array plate. The array plate dissipated like smoke.

At the same time, black smoke rose up from Yuheng Peak in the distance!

Curses and cries were heard, and countless black smoke rose up, finally condensing into five huge figures, surrounding Yuheng Peak.

"Is this the Earth Dragon Overturning Heaven Array?" Jiang Wang used his eyesight to look at the huge, ferocious figures in the distance, and felt a sense of anger at being deceived.Although he had never dealt with a formation plate before and didn't know the true power of the Earth Dragon Overturning Formation, he couldn't believe that such a ghostly thing could exist!

"Maybe I remembered it wrong, this is the Five Ghosts Destroying Mountains Formation." Bai Lian giggled and waved her hand. "But the difference is not big."

"I trust you and have been cooperating with you all along to repay you for saving my life. But have you been fooling me?" Jiang Wang could hardly restrain his anger.

"Fooling you? What benefit would I get from fooling you?" Bai Lian looked at him, her eyes becoming unusually cold. "Put away your pitiful hypocrisy. You're just uneasy about manipulating the souls of the dead. But do you know that there is a fierce beast called the Soul-Eating Bird on the Jade Balance Peak? Those souls who died in the battle on the Jade Balance Peak and the grudges entwined with the fierce beast will be eaten even if we don't use them."

She sneered, "You keep saying that you want to destroy the Jade Balance Peak and protect the ordinary people of the Three Mountains. The effort you put in is just a pinch of Daoist magic here. And me, all I have is a Five Ghosts Destroying Mountains Formation plate. What can I do? Turn it into an Earth Dragon Overturning Formation for you?"

Jiang Wang remained silent. He did indeed regard manipulating the souls of the dead as sacrilege. If he had known it was this kind of formation plate, he might not have made such a decisive choice.

But his true intentions were not affected by Bai Lian's words. He just realized that he might have fallen into some kind of vortex created by the other party and was sinking deeper and deeper.

And he didn't even know how to struggle.

This was actually the root of his anger.


On the Jade Balance Peak, seven figures rushed out in an instant. But with the effect of the formation plate, the Five Ghosts Destroying Mountains Formation was activated extremely quickly. Those five huge ghostly creatures almost instantly condensed and then, in the next moment, they exerted their strength to destroy the mountain!


The mountain collapsed and the earth cracked.

The seven experts had not yet figured out how to deal with the giant ghosts. Their Daoist magic hit the giant ghosts but had not yet taken effect...the Jade Balance Peak had already collapsed!

If the Jade Balance Peak was like a silent giant beast, then the fierce beasts on it were like lice. When the giant beast collapsed, the lice fell one after another.

The five giant ghosts did not stop there, but lifted up half of the Jade Balance Peak and turned to the east.

Every step they took caused the earth to shake.

That was the direction of the Fei Lai Peak! It was the last famous mountain in the Three Mountains region, and also the last lair of the fierce beasts.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

Compared to the five giant ghosts, he was so small that he was just a black dot.

But he stood in mid-air, as if in front of the sun!

Even though it was impossible to see any movement from him, the five giant ghosts dissipated.

He didn't make a sound, but his momentum was overwhelming.

Trees broke and stones shattered, birds fell and beasts prostrated...even the clouds in the sky seemed to be driven away by his momentum, leaving a clear sky for miles.

But the Jade Balance Peak had already fallen forever.All the fierce beasts, demonic beasts, and secrets on the mountain... all vanished like smoke.


Jiang Wang only saw the black dot from a distance, but he felt a fear that emerged from the bottom of his heart. It was the instinctive fear of life.

"Don't look." Bai Lian covered his eyes with her hand. "Once he detects your gaze, we will all die."

Her hand was soft and boneless, slightly cold.

Jiang Wang stepped back, away from her hand. Of course, he also withdrew his gaze from Yuheng Peak.

"Let's head towards Fenglin City and talk while we walk," Bai Lian said.

Jiang Wang followed without saying a word.

"In the future, the number of fierce beasts in the Three Mountain Domain will be reduced by half. You are the great savior of the Three Mountain City! It's very hopeful to marry Sun Xiaoman. It's not impossible to marry Dou Yuemei either. It's more cost-effective to marry Dou Yuemei, as you'll have a son and a daughter right away, what a bargain!"

Jiang Wang remained silent.

"Originally, I wanted to take down Feilai Peak as well. But that old man came too quickly. Really! Doesn't he need to keep an eye on the County Selection? But I'm already very satisfied!"

Jiang Wang continued to be silent.

Bai Lian didn't mind and continued, "Actually, the Five Ghosts Mountain Crushing Array alone, even with the support of the souls from the previous battle, is not enough to achieve such an effect. The most important thing is that Dou Yuemei is amazing. Her Mountain Uprooting Divine Skill has already severed the roots of Yuheng Peak, and it will take at least a hundred years to heal. So once the Five Ghosts attacked, the mountain collapsed..."

Bai Lian chattered on and on, as if she could talk until the end of time all by herself.

Jiang Wang muttered, "Your words are always half-true and half-false. I really don't know what kind of person you are."

Bai Lian happily said, "Of course, I am a peerless beauty, absolutely gorgeous!"

"..." Jiang Wang wanted to say that's not what he meant, but he gave up.

He realized that no one could truly understand Bai Lian unless she voluntarily revealed her true feelings.

But then again, who could be sure if her "true feelings" were really her "true feelings"?

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