Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Book 2: Chapter 43: Fujun Kill General

The Catalog of Famous Artifacts is a ranking of famous artifacts in the world, and only the top hundred are included in the catalog.

In fact, in the world, there has not been a completely accurate and convincing ranking of famous artifacts.

But because of its influence to some extent, there has to be such an existence.

The power of discourse is naturally in the hands of powerful countries such as Jing, Qin, Chu, and Qi, but the rankings vary from country to country.

The ranking of famous artifacts not only depends on the artifacts themselves, but also on the holders.

Most of the time, the top powerhouses in the world exist as a deterrent and it is unlikely for them to fight to the death. Before they really fight, even they themselves find it difficult to judge who will win.

When each country ranks the catalog of famous artifacts, it will definitely be biased towards its own strong individuals, the only difference is the degree of bias.

For example, in the catalog of famous artifacts of Qi, the first place is the "Fujun Kill General" of Jiang Mengxiong, which is a pair of finger tigers, one named "Fujun" and the other named "Kill General".

"Fujun Kill General" refers to the annihilation of the army and the killing of the general. It is said that Jiang Mengxiong named it to warn himself, and it also means bringing disaster to the enemy.

Qin and Jing are mostly the same. The first place must be the strong individuals of their own country.

The most excessive is the catalog of famous artifacts of Chu, where Chu occupies nine out of the top ten seats. It is simply lacking credibility, but it is very popular in the country.

Currently, it is generally believed that the catalog of famous artifacts listed by Jing is relatively fair. However, it is also not recognized by many people.

The catalog of famous artifacts mentioned by Lian Que naturally refers to the version of Qi. It is relatively reliable in terms of the ranking of famous artifacts within Qi.

Chang Xiangsi has just been completed, and it is indeed a high-quality artifact. But it can only be said to have qualified for the list. To truly make it on the list, it still depends on its owner.

For a weapon forger, the position that his forged weapon can reach is also his glory.

Chang Xiangsi was taken by Lian Que, the head of the Lian family, to the ancestral hall for worship, and a grand ancestral ceremony will be held three days later.

During the ceremony, the wrapping, tassel tying, and scabbard matching will be completed, and then the Lian family will finally complete this famous artifact.

During this time, Jiang Wang can only wait at Lian Que's house.

Although the two of them do not remember what happened in the Tianfu Secret Realm, their personalities are compatible, and they have forged Chang Xiangsi together, so they have truly become friends.

Jiang Wang also learned from Lian Que why the Lian family made such a big fuss about Chang Xiangsi.

It was because the Lian family had not produced a famous artifact in nearly fifty years.

Among the five major weapon forgers in the world, the Lian family currently ranks last. It is even on the verge of falling out of the ranks of the weapon forgers.

The birth of Chang Xiangsi consolidated this position.

Jiang Wang originally thought that for such a sacred place for weapon forging, it should be a matter of course to forge a famous artifact.

But in fact, the birth of a famous artifact requires the right timing, favorable conditions, and the right people. It is difficult to force it.

In the forging of Chang Xiangsi this time, Lian Que almost exhausted everything he had in order to repay a favor, and took out the most precious materials.

He is an elite descendant of the Lian family who can control his own destiny. After years of accumulation, everything was melted into one.

During the forging process, the spiritual will of the sword master and the weapon forger remained consistent and was integrated into the sword.

All these factors finally created Chang Xiangsi.

It is almost impossible to replicate.

The Lian family's grand ancestral ceremony this time has caused a great sensation, and people from all over Qi have come to participate.

Even Chong Xuan Sheng sent someone to send a congratulatory gift.

Chang Xiangsi is Jiang Wang's companion weapon.

Jiang Wang is now on his side.

The more famous Chang Xiangsi becomes, the more famous Jiang Wang becomes, and the more prestigious Chong Xuan Sheng becomes.

Many times, fame and profit are tied together.

In the difficult competition between him and Chong Xuan Zun, there may be people who originally wanted to lean towards Chong Xuan Zun, but because of this prestige, they will lean towards Chong Xuan Sheng.

When two big trees compete for living space, people often cannot see the intricate roots underground, but can only see the lush branches and leaves on the surface.

Jiang Wang tried to understand these things. Cultivating the heart in the mortal world is also a kind of cultivation.



Fengxian County is located in the northwest of Qi.

Zhang Family Town is a small town in Fengxian County.

There is an old man surnamed Zhang in the town, and his life is decent, but it is only decent in this small town.

Looking back hundreds of years, the Zhang family was naturally a prominent family.

Not to mention a small Zhang Family Town, even in Fengxian County, the Zhang family had the final say. Even in the entire Qi country, they were considered influential.

But times have changed. The descendants of the Zhang family have declined in talent, and they have gradually declined.

The industries were scattered, and the power was divided. In the end, they could only return to their ancestral land, to this small town where the Zhang family had lived for generations.

The once prestigious Fengxian Zhang family now only has this thin branch of descendants.As for those neighbors and townsfolk, their blood ties had been lost to countless generations, almost non-existent.

In this generation of the Zhang family of Fengxian, there was a boy named Zhang Yong.

He was the only child in three generations. Although the family was not well-off, they doted on him immensely, fearing that he would melt if they held him in their mouths, and fearing that he would fall if they held him in their hands.

However, the boy was not spoiled by their affection. Instead, he was compassionate and grateful. The only downside was that he was overly protected by his elders, which made him somewhat introverted and shy.

The Zhang family had a quota for the Heavenly Mansion Secret Realm, passed down from their ancestors. Now, it was almost worthless.

Such a precious quota, there were people in the Zhang family who dared to take the risk. However, for several generations, the most outstanding children who went to the Heavenly Mansion Secret Realm never returned alive.

This was one of the reasons for the decline of the Zhang family.

The Heavenly Mansion Secret Realm was so dangerous that the Zhang family, who had only one child for several generations, naturally dared not try it lightly.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yong, who was usually shy and introverted, had his own ideas.

He left a letter and sneaked off to the Heavenly Mansion City!

The old lady of the Zhang family was almost blinded by her tears.

Zhang's father sighed all day long, and Zhang's mother washed her face with tears, but they couldn't change the fact that their only child had run off to take risks, and the bloodline of the Zhang family might be severed.

What was even more unimaginable was that Zhang Yong miraculously became the victor of the Heavenly Mansion Secret Realm and successfully secured a position in the Inner Mansion!

When the news from the Heavenly Mansion Secret Realm came out, it reached here.

Not only did the town officials come to congratulate, but even the city lord sent gifts, and even the county government issued a commendation!

The Zhang family was suddenly bustling with activity, and the Zhang family members were overjoyed to tears.

Zhang's father even ambitiously proposed a plan to restore the family's reputation.

The entire Zhang Town, and even the whole city, were waiting for Zhang Yong to return.

Waiting for him to return home in glory.

However, two days before Zhang Yong's return.

A terrifying incident occurred.

The entire Zhang family was wiped out overnight.

Twenty-three people, including family members and servants, were all killed.

Even a chicken or a dog did not survive.

The city sent people to investigate, but no results were found.

The cause, the process, and the murderer were all unknown.

The only thing people knew was:

The Zhang family of Fengxian, with a history of hundreds of years, was left with only Zhang Yong.

The young man who had made a name for himself and was returning home in glory was still on the road, but he no longer had a home to return to.

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