Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 280: Curse to kill

   Chapter 280 Curse Kill

   "Not only the shoes, but also the clothes now."

  Looking at himself, who was three meters tall, Fei Lin's face showed a look of crying and laughing, but at this time, his face was full of hair, and he couldn't see the change in his expression at all.

   In the past, using maddening teeth was a waste of shoes, but now using maddening teeth not only wastes shoes, but also wastes clothes.

  Shoes can also be taken off before battle, but clothes cannot be taken off before battle.

   In that case, I am afraid that I will be considered a lunatic.

   "Obviously I can feel a powerful force in my body."

   Forgetting the waste of clothes for a while, Fei Lin felt the changes in his body, and immediately felt that his body at this moment contained an extremely powerful explosive force.

   He felt that he could destroy anything with one punch.

   This is of course an illusion, not to mention the destructive power of the eleventh ring, even if it is the destructive power of the twelfth ring, I dare not say anything that can destroy it.

   However, this also shows to a certain extent that his current body does possess extremely powerful destructive power.

   "The sense of smell is huge, no, it should be said to be an extremely exaggerated enhancement."

   Fehling sniffed with his nose, and all kinds of smells poured in.

  The residual scent of laundry detergent on the clothes in the room, the scent of shampoo on Lindy downstairs, the scent of various flowers in the garden, and even various scents outside the villa…

   He could even smell the smell of dinner wafting from a family restaurant several kilometers away.

   After reaching the twelve rings, his sense of smell has been strengthened, but this enhanced sense of smell is far from comparable to the extraordinary ability of the eleven-ring werewolf.


   The next day, Fehling had breakfast, left the villa in the carriage that the Security Bureau had assigned to him, and headed for the Security Bureau.

   After driving for a few minutes, the carriage appeared on a street with many carriages and pedestrians.

   At this time, in a house on this street, Konecina Mag was in it.

  A strange blood pattern is drawn on the ground, and in the center of the strange pattern lies a witch doll made of cloth and cotton at the same height as a human being.

   Taking a closer look at this witch doll, the appearance and features are somewhat similar to Fei Lin.

   This is a witch doll made with Fei Lin as the prototype.

   On the head of the witch doll, there are several black hairs inlaid, and these hairs are actually Fei Lin's hair.

  In Lindy's villa, except for Fei Lin and Lindy, everyone else is ordinary people.

  During Felin and Lindy in the capital, Scarlet Blood could easily sneak into Felin’s bedroom and get Felin’s hair.

   "Lord Konecina, Ferrin Sox's carriage has entered this street."

   A male cultist pushed open the door and entered the room and said to Konecina.


  Konechina nodded indifferently, walked into the blood pattern, and came to the witch doll made with Fei Lin as the prototype.

   A strange aura emerged from her body, and under this strange aura, her body revealed an unspeakable coldness.

   In this state, her voice was vicious and authentic.

   "Felyn Sox, I curse you, you will be burned to death by flames."

   With her pronunciation, a **** glow lit up in a weird pattern drawn with blood.

  Under this blood-colored light, blood-colored flames burned on the witch doll representing Fei Lin.

   Just when the witch doll representing Fei Lin was burning **** flames.

  In the carriage on the street in the distance, a blood-colored flame suddenly appeared on Fei Lin's body without warning.

   On Konecina, the price of the curse began to appear.

  A large number of abscesses grew densely from all over her body, burst open, and exuded a foul-smelling yellow liquid.

   "Hey, it hurts, why is the price so serious? It's like cursing a 12-ring Extraordinary?"

The price    paid was like cursing a 12-ring Extraordinary, and Konecina scratched at her hair in pain.

   But with a light scratch, a large amount of hair was pulled off.

   It wasn't just the scratched hair, other hair was falling from her head.

  I saw that there were also a lot of abscesses growing on her head. The abscesses ruptured and eroded, and there was no intact place on the scalp.

  The scalp is festering and the hair naturally falls out.

   "This is... a curse?"

In the    carriage, Fei Lin was startled when he saw blood-colored flames suddenly burning on his body.

   However, he has not yet been injured with **** flames, and the stand-in puppet that reaches Type IV is automatically triggered.

   The immunity to the 12th ring and the curse under the 12th ring is triggered, and the blood-colored flame is immune and disappears from Fehling.

   Not only that, but the ability to counteract the curse was also triggered. A strange power took the avatar as the source, and followed the connection of the curse, leading to the source of the curse.

"Do not-"

  I don't know why the cost of the curse on Ferrin Sox was so high, and it was too late to think about such a problem, Konecina decisively chose to stop the curse.

   However, before she could stop cursing, a blood-colored flame suddenly appeared on her body, and it burned roaringly on her body.

   The flesh and blood were burned, and more severe pain appeared on her body. She rolled on the ground in pain, with a desperate look on her face.

  As someone who is good at curses, she naturally knows that this is a curse backlash. Ferrin Sookes has some kind of extraordinary item that can return the curse to her.

   She is very clear about the power of the curse she casts on herself. Now that this curse falls on her body, she will end up being killed by her own curse.

   "Master Konecina, what's the matter with you?"

   Hearing the screams of Konecina, the male cultist outside the door hurriedly opened the door, and immediately saw Konecina burning with **** flames.

"help me."

  Konechina seemed to grab the last straw, even though she knew that the other party should not be able to save her, she still grabbed the other party subconsciously.


  The blood-colored flames were uploaded from Konecina to the male cultists, and the male cultists also burned with blood-colored flames.

   Painfully tried to break free from Konecina's hand, but Konecina held onto her tightly and would not let go.

   "There was a scream, could it be that the person who cursed me is nearby?"

   Hearing the screams, Fei Lin instantly thought of the possibility.

   Quickly took out the necklace of concealment and put it on, activated the extraordinary ability of invisibility, so that he could not be seen, quickly jumped off the carriage, and rushed in the direction of the sound.

   "In this house!"

   Soon, Fei Lin came to the place where the screams were heard.

The    screams have stopped, but Fei Lin is sure that the screams just now came from this house.

   smashed the door that was locked from the inside with a punch, and Fei Lin entered the house, followed the smell of burning to the second floor, and saw a room with strange patterns drawn with blood.

In the    room, two charred corpses with completely invisible faces hugged each other in a strange posture.

   One of the corpses wanted to escape, while the other corpse hugged the former hard to prevent it from escaping.

   "Contact Mystery, add 5 to Mystery Points."

   "Contact Mystery, add 87 to Mystery Points."

   Two lines of text appeared and disappeared quickly in front of Fehlin.

   "It should be the curse that this high-ring cultist cast on me. As for the other person, he is just a low-ring cultist, who should have been affected by the curse."

   Fehling looked at the two corpses and deduced the whole thing.

  Although he is not good at reasoning, he has a master autopsy and can obtain information from dead bodies.

   "High-Ring cultists with extraordinary abilities to curse are extremely rare even among large cult organizations."

   "I don't know which cult organization actually sent a Gaohuan who is good at curses to assassinate me."

  Felin frowned slightly.

   It was impossible to identify the real identity from the corpse, and naturally it was impossible to judge which cult organization launched the assassination on him.

   "It's also fortunate that the stand-in puppet has been upgraded to Type IV, otherwise, it will definitely suffer a secret loss this time."

   Fehling was a little fortunate that he had upgraded the stand-in puppet to Type IV before.

  Eye of Appraisal reaches the 12th ring, so he can be regarded as a 12th ring mystic.

   Coupled with the mysterious spear that has reached the eighth ring, in terms of life energy level, it even exceeds the ordinary twelve rings.

   It is impossible for this High Ring cultist to curse and kill him, but it is possible to make him suffer a secret loss.

   After all, he didn't know who was the one who cursed him, and where was the person who cursed him, so naturally he couldn't find the enemy who cursed him.

   And the stand-in puppet that reached Type IV, directly backfired and killed the High Ring cultist who cursed him.

   The screams I heard before should be the screams of death from this high-ring cultist who was cursed by the puppet.

   Soon after, Lindy rushed over and asked Fei Lin.

   "Aren't you hurt?"

   In order for her to better protect Fehlin, the Security Bureau gave her an alchemy item.

   This alchemy item can monitor Fehlin’s status and even Fehlin’s location at any time after obtaining Fehlin’s blood and binding to Feilin.

   When Fei Lin was attacked, this alchemy item reacted immediately, and she immediately rushed over with the help of the induction between this alchemy item and Fei Lin.

   "No, the other party wants to kill me with a curse, but with my current level, it is obviously impossible for the other party to do it."

  Felin shook his head and said.

   "To be burned to death, is it because you can't bear the price of the curse, and died because of the price of the curse?"

  Lindy looked at the two corpses and guessed.

   "It should be like this. When I came, the two of them were already dead."

   Fehlin did not explain that he was killed by the backlash of the avatar puppet, and it was not convenient to disclose to Lindy the fact that the level of Beyonder items such as the avatar puppet had been upgraded.

   Even if you can use the eye of appraisal to know the "advanced method" of these extraordinary items, it still takes time to satisfy these "advanced conditions".

   After waiting for a while, you can push the upgrade of their level to the advanced method seen by the eye of the twelve-ring appraisal, and then tell Lindy.

   (end of this chapter)

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